
来源:互联网 发布:原版超级玛丽 for mac 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 09:03



In an effort to make sure that the websites load as quickly as possible, please keep the following image optimization guidelines in mind during programming and development: compress all images as small as possible while still maintaining an acceptable level of quality.

  • Images should be saved with transparency only when absolutely necessary. Otherwise please save with a solid background color. Transparency makes for a larger file size. 
  • Any non-promotional graphic that is larger than 30K should be looked at carefully. 
  • All files that must be saved as a PNG file should be saved as a PNG-8, as opposed to a PNG-24 unless there's a significant image quality issue.
  • All files saved as a JPG should be run through Adobe Fireworks (or another tool) to maximize file size compression.
  • Sprites* should contain only current images that are necessary for a specific site. 
  • Use appropriate filename since as it is extremely important for SEO. Files are being indexed by Search Engines and it is highly recommended to choose filenames that are related to the site.


为了能够确保网页以最快的速度加载,网站图片优化处理方是必须考虑的事情。在做Web UI开发时,应时刻记住以下几个图片优化处理的指南:


  • 只在必须时以透明度的方式保存图片。透明度使得图片变得更大;
  • 所有的不是用于促销广告的图片如果大于30K,都应当谨慎对待;
  • 所有必须被保存为PNG格式的图片都应当以PNG-8的格式保存而不是PNG-24,除非出现了严重的图片质量问题;
  • 所有JPG格式的图片都应通过Adobe Fireworks(或其他工具)来最大化的压缩;
  • 样式表应只包含站点需要的图片;
  • 为图片合适地命名,因为这对SEO非常重要。