pdf之四 文本输出形式(2)

来源:互联网 发布:python 死循环写法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/17 00:38

    voidPDF_show(PDF *p, const char *text)
    voidPDF_show2(PDF *p, const char *text, int len)
    voidPDF_show_xy(PDF *p, const char *text, double x, double y)
    voidPDF_show_xy2(PDF *p, const char *text, int len, double x, doubley)

    voidPDF_continue_text(PDF *p, const char *text)
    voidPDF_continue_text2(PDF *p, const char *text, int len)

    voidPDF_fit_textline(PDF*p, const char *text, int len, double x, doubley, const char *optlist)

    intPDF_create_textflow(PDF *p, const char *text, int len, const char*optlist)
    const char*PDF_fit_textflow(PDF *p, int textflow, double llx, double lly,double urx, double ury, const char *optlist)
    lly, llx,ury, urx, 分别是矩形块左下角及右上角的纵横坐标。
    voidPDF_delete_textflow(PDF *p, int textflow)


   1,2, 3组函数简洁,直观,易用。4,5组函数可通过对选择项的控制而输出更灵活的文本格式。尤其是第5组函数,是专门为多行文本设计的,可通过选项控制对齐,字间距,边框显示,旋转等。但4,5组函数有个局限,在字符串是多字节时,它们只能处理Unicode类编码。换而言之,他们不支持cp936编码

   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <stdlib.h>
   #include <string.h>
   #include "pdflib.h"
   int main(void)
   PDF        *p = NULL;
   int        i = 0, j = 0, Left = 50, Top = 800, Right = 545;
   int        Font_E = 0, Font_CS = 0, Font_CS2 = 0, TextFlow =0;
   char       TextUnicode[] ="\x80\x7B\x53\x4F\x2D\x4E\x87\x65";
   char       TextCp936[] = "\xBC\xF2\xCC\xE5\xD6\xD0\xCE\xC4";
   if ((p = PDF_new()) == (PDF *) 0)
   printf("Couldn't create PDFlib object (out ofmemory)!\n");
   PDF_TRY(p) {
   if (PDF_begin_document(p, "pdflib_cs3.pdf", 0, "") ==-1)
   printf("Error: %s\n", PDF_get_errmsg(p));
   PDF_set_info(p, "Creator", "pdflib_cs3.c");
   PDF_set_info(p, "Author", "myi@pdflib.com");
   PDF_set_info(p, "Title", "Different Ways To Output ChineseSimplify");
   PDF_begin_page_ext(p, a4_width, a4_height, "");
   Font_E = PDF_load_font(p, "Helvetica-Bold", 0, "winansi","");
   Font_CS = PDF_load_font(p, "STSong-Light", 0, "UniGB-UCS2-H","");
   Font_CS2 = PDF_load_font(p, "STSong-Light", 0, "GB-EUC-H","");
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20);
   PDF_set_text_pos(p, Left, Top);
   PDF_show(p, "Using PDF_set_text_pos and PDF_show to outputtext:");
   PDF_set_text_pos(p, Left+20, Top);
   PDF_show(p, "UniGB-UCS2-H encoding:");
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS, 24);
   PDF_set_text_pos(p, Left+20, Top);
   PDF_show2(p, TextUnicode, 8);
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20);
   PDF_set_text_pos(p, Left+20, Top);
   PDF_show(p, "GB-EUC-H encoding:");
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS2, 24);
   PDF_set_text_pos(p, Left+20, Top);
   PDF_show2(p, TextCp936, 8);
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20);
   PDF_show_xy(p, "Using PDF_show_xy to output text:" ,Left,  Top);
   PDF_show_xy(p, "UniGB-UCS2-H encoding:" ,Left+20,  Top);
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS, 24);
   PDF_show_xy2(p, TextUnicode, 8, Left+20, Top);
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20);
   PDF_show_xy(p, "GB-EUC-H encoding:", Left+20, Top);
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS2, 24);
   PDF_show_xy2(p, TextCp936, 8, Left+20, Top);
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20);
   PDF_set_text_pos(p, Left, Top);
   PDF_continue_text(p, "Using PDF_continue_text to outputtext:");
   PDF_set_text_pos(p, Left+20, Top);
   PDF_continue_text(p, "UniGB-UCS2-H encoding:");
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS, 24);
   PDF_continue_text2(p, TextUnicode, 8);
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20);
   PDF_continue_text(p, "GB-EUC-H encoding:");
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS2, 24);
   PDF_continue_text2(p, TextCp936, 8);
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20);
   PDF_fit_textline(p, "Using PDF_fit_textline to output text:", 0,Left, Top, "");
   PDF_fit_textline(p, "UniGB-UCS2-H encoding:", 0, Left+20, Top,"");
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS, 24);
   PDF_fit_textline(p, TextUnicode, 8, Left+20, Top,"");
   PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20);
   TextFlow = PDF_create_textflow(p,
   "Using PDF_create_textflow, PDF_fit_textflow andPDF_delete_textflow to output text:",
   0, "fontname=Helvetica-Bold fontsize=20encoding=winansi");
   PDF_fit_textflow(p, TextFlow, Left, Top, Right, Top-60,"");
   TextFlow = PDF_create_textflow(p, "UniGB-UCS2-H encoding:",0,
   "fontname=Helvetica-Bold fontsize=20encoding=winansi");
   PDF_fit_textflow(p, TextFlow, Left+20, Top, Right, Top-30,"");
   TextFlow = PDF_create_textflow(p, TextUnicode, 8,"fontname=STSong-Light
   fontsize=24 encoding=UniGB-UCS2-H textlen=8");
   PDF_fit_textflow(p, TextFlow, Left+20, Top, Right, Top-30,"");
   PDF_delete_textflow(p, TextFlow);
   PDF_end_page_ext(p, "");
   PDF_end_document(p, "");
   PDF_CATCH(p) {
   printf("PDFlib exception occurred in pdflib_cs3sample:\n");
   printf("[%d] %s: %s\n",
   PDF_get_errnum(p), PDF_get_apiname(p),PDF_get_errmsg(p));
   return 0;
