
来源:互联网 发布:红米note3手机壳淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 00:40

 4000 Application Download & Management Methodology

four methods to transfer an application to the vehicle. from an in-vehicle application?

2. remote GM website

3. usb

4. private app obtains and stores in its data folder. It then calls addApp JavaScript function?


4110 InternetApplication Application manager shall:

Initiate a new download/transfer

Delete an existing application

Maintain an up-to-data list of all applications stored within the vehicle.

open a new rendering window(with a specified URL)

Move a rendering window to the system background or back to the foreground.


4120 JavaScript Functions

These functions allow code not native to the module tomanagethe applications stored in the module.

1. Delete 2. Close 3. Add 4.Synchronize with the GM Back Office

5. Switch to an application 6. Show an alert window

See GIS-384 for all JavaScript function definitions.


4130 Security Credential Verification

valid digital signature


4140 JSON/XML Configuration Infomation

The first file in the payload of a gmpkg for USB installation of apps is an XML file that contains theattributes necessary to download and configure the application


4150 Remote Resource Transfer

Application Manager 支持访问远处服务器和远处设备.

支持Linux package management system to retrieve application packages from a remote repository.


4200 Resource Manager shall:

1. Store resources in persistent local storage

2. Delete resources

3. Play stored audio and video resource


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