Bug 12539000 Rolling upgrade problem with ASM

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝ios7旧版本下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 03:31

要做数据库跨版本迁移,从11.迁移到11.2.0.3上,去MOS上看下ASM和RAC在最近的11G R2中有哪些相关的bug,发现这个信息记录下来。

This note gives a brief overview of bug 12539000. The content was last updated on: 17-SEP-2011 Click here for details of each of the sections below.Affects:    Product (Component)Oracle Server (Rdbms)    Range of versions believed to be affected Versions BELOW 12.1    Versions confirmed as being affected     Platforms affectedGeneric (all / most platforms affected)Fixed:    This issue is fixed in Patch 10 on Windows Platforms Symptoms:Related To:    Internal Error May Occur (ORA-600)    ORA-600 [ksxpcncl1]     Automatic Storage Management (ASM)    Migration / Upgrade / Downgrade    RAC (Real Application Clusters) / OPS Description    A synchronization problem in the IPC state of some Oracle processes causes a     fatal error during rolling migration.         Rediscovery Notes:     If rolling migration fails with errors in the ASM alert log mentioning      "processes are not on active shared page", you may have hit this bug.         Workaround     None     Please note: The above is a summary description only. Actual symptoms can vary. Matching to any symptoms here does not confirm that you are encountering this problem. For questions about this bug please consult Oracle Support.References    Bug:12539000 (This link will only work for PUBLISHED bugs)    Note:245840.1 Information on the sections in this article 
