AXI Slave VIP that control the delay between the AREADY and AVALID

来源:互联网 发布:影响算法设计的因素 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:19

There are two variables in AXI Slave VIP that control the delay between the AREADY and AVALID: 

MAX:     dw_vip_axi_port_configuration :: m_nMaxDelay   = 5000 

MIN:      m_nAvalidAreadyDelay  = 0;   

You can set your own Maximum delay in VMM env as below (using configuration):  

class axiEnv extends vmm_env;     virtual function void gen_cfg() ;        super.gen_cfg();        vip_axi_slave_cfg.m_oPortCfg.m_nMaxDelay=3000;   endfunction : gen_cfg endclass

 also you can specify the minimum delay in Slave Responseras below (using object member):  

task axiSlaveXactor::recv_write();      $display("###################################################");     $display($time,,"SLAVE receives a WRITE transaction");     $display("##################################################");     resp_trans.display("SLAVE RECV ::\t");     $display("\n");      /* Put the response object into the VIP slave input channel. */     resp_trans.m_nAvalidAreadyDelay =3;    o_input_chan.put(resp_trans);  endtask