
来源:互联网 发布:织梦网站数据采集器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 07:50





应当注意的是,一般情况不要修改框架系统的原始文件,如果要更改默认的配置项,可以采用覆盖的方式。struts.xml是struts2的基本配置文件之一。该文件内可以配置多个常量,以覆盖默认的常量配置,例如<constant name="struts.action.extension" value="do,," />表示action的可用扩展名为do或者不用扩展名。





### This can be used to set your default locale and encoding scheme# struts.locale=en_USstruts.i18n.encoding=UTF-8//指定默认编码

# uses javax.servlet.context.tempdir by defaultstruts.multipart.saveDir=struts.multipart.maxSize=2097152//上传文件大小限制

### Used by the DefaultActionMapper### You may provide a comma separated list, e.g. struts.action.extension=action,jnlp,do### The blank extension allows you to match directory listings as well as pure action names### without interfering with static resources.struts.action.extension=action,,//指定处理请求的后缀

### Used by FilterDispatcher### This is good for development where one wants changes to the static content be### fetch on each request.### NOTE: This will only have effect if struts.serve.static=true### If true -> Struts will write out header for static contents such that they will###             be cached by web browsers (using Date, Cache-Content, Pragma, Expires)###             headers).### If false -> Struts will write out header for static contents such that they are###            NOT to be cached by web browser (using Cache-Content, Pragma, Expires###            headers)struts.serve.static.browserCache=true//指定是否缓存静态资源,开发的时候最好关闭

### when set to true, Struts will act much more friendly for developers. This### includes:### - struts.i18n.reload = true### - struts.configuration.xml.reload = true### - raising various debug or ignorable problems to errors###   For example: normally a request to foo.action?someUnknownField=true should###                be ignored (given that any value can come from the web and it###                should not be trusted). However, during development, it may be###                useful to know when these errors are happening and be told of###                them right away.struts.devMode = false//开发时候设置为trus可以开发出更加详细的信息

### Standard UI theme### Change this to reflect which path should be used for JSP control tag templates by defaultstruts.ui.theme=xhtml//设置默认视图,最好为simple

### Configuration reloading### This will cause the configuration to reload struts.xml when it is changedstruts.configuration.xml.reload=false//设置为True一旦Struts.xml文件修改就自动加载
