nios ii 之5110液晶屏(6*8、8*16 ASCII字符,16*16 汉字,常用图标,图案,超全字库+函数代码)

来源:互联网 发布:矩阵论 清华版 答案 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/12 00:51



1.全部 6*8 ASCII 码字库

2.22个 6*8 常用符号(sign),包括希腊字母,数学符号,物理单位,移动标志等

3.35个 10*8 常用图标(icon),包括电池电量,时钟,钥匙,火车,乐符,物理符号,播放器按键符号等

4.全部 8*16 ASCII码字库

5.16*16 汉字,其实就提供了几个,但是提供字模提取软件,非常方便



至于显示函数,我提供了多种函数。有显示6*8和8*16 ASCII码的,显示6*8符号,10*8图标,显示16*16汉字,显示高度为8倍数的位图。显示函数提供了需要坐标和不需要坐标的两种,这样可以不需要自己计算要在哪显示(即紧接着显示),对于字符串和汉字句子可以自动换行。代码比较多,不过我都注释了,应该不难理解。废话不多说,下面贴出代码:


#ifndef LCD_5110_SOLUTION_H_#define LCD_5110_SOLUTION_H_#define CMD0x00#define DATA0x01#define LCD_X84#define LCD_Y48#include<system.h>#include<alt_types.h>#include<altera_avalon_pio_regs.h>#include<unistd.h>#include"Font6_8.h"#include"Icon10_8.h"#include"Font8_16.h"#include"Font16_16.h"#include"Bitmap.h"//write a bytevoid LcdWrite(alt_u8 data,alt_u8 d_c);//initial the 5110void InitLcd();//set the position of x axis and y axisvoid SetXY(alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y);//clear screenvoid LcdClearAll();//write a char(6*8),don't need coordinatesvoid WriteChar(alt_u8 value);//write a char(6*8),need coordinatesvoid PutChar(alt_u8 value,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y);//write a string(6*8),don't need coordinatesvoid WriteStr(char * str);//write a string(6*8),need coordinates,auto line breaksvoid PutStr(char * str,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y);//draw a sign(6*8),don't need coordinatesvoid WriteSign(char * sign);//draw a sign(6*8),need coordinatesvoid DrawSign(char * sign,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y);//draw a sign(10*8),don't need coordinatesvoid WriteIcon(char * icon);//draw a sign(10*8),need coordinates,x is between 0 and 74void DrawIcon(char * icon,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y);//write a char(8*16)void WriteChar_8_16(alt_u8 value,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y);//write a string(8*16),auto line breaks,x is between 0 and 76void WriteStr_8_16(char * str,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y);//write a Chinese character(16*16)void WriteHanzi(char * Hanzi,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y);//write a Chinese sentence(16*16),auto line breaks,x is between 0 and 58void WriteHanziStr(char * Hanzi,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y,alt_u8 num);//draw a picture(84*48),don't need coordinatesvoid DrawPicture(char bitmap[]);//draw a picture(width*height(a multiple of 8)),need coordinatesvoid DrawBitmap(char bitmap[],alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y,alt_u8 width,alt_u8 height);#endif /* LCD_5110_SOLUTION_H_ */


#include"lcd_5110_solution.h"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*以下是基本操作和初始化函数*////////write a bytevoid LcdWrite(alt_u8 data,alt_u8 d_c){alt_u8 i;//chose the chipIOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(SCE_BASE, 0x00);//chose data mode or command modeIOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(D_C_BASE, d_c);//sent 8 bitsfor(i = 0;i < 8;i ++){IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(SCLK_BASE, 0x00);IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(SDIN_BASE, data >> (7 - i));IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(SCLK_BASE, 0x01);}//release the chipIOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(SCE_BASE, 0x01);}//initial the 5110void InitLcd(){usleep(1000);//sent a reset pulse(low) to reset all internal registersIOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(REST_BASE, 0x00);usleep(1);IOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(REST_BASE, 0x01);usleep(1);//chose the chipIOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(SCE_BASE, 0x00);usleep(1);//release the chipIOWR_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(SCE_BASE, 0x01);usleep(1);//function set PD = 0 and V = 0, select extended instruction set(H = 1 mode)LcdWrite(0x21,CMD);//set VOP: VOP is set to a + 65 × b [V]LcdWrite(0xbf,CMD);//RECOMMENDED MUX RATE(1:24),you can chose other MUX RATELcdWrite(0x15,CMD);//function set PD = 0 and V = 0, select normal instruction set(H = 0 mode)LcdWrite(0x20,CMD);//display control set normal mode (D=1andE=0)LcdWrite(0x0c,CMD);//clear screenLcdClearAll();}//set the x axis and y axisvoid SetXY(alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y){if(x > 83) x = 0;if(y > 5) y = 0;//set y axisLcdWrite(0x40 | y,CMD);//set y axisLcdWrite(0x80 | x,CMD);}//clear all screenvoid LcdClearAll(){alt_u16 i;SetXY(0,0);//write space continuallyfor(i = 0;i < LCD_X * LCD_Y / 8;i ++){LcdWrite(0,DATA);}}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*以下是高度为8的各种操作函数*////////*包括6*8字符和字符串,6*8符号,10*8图标   *////every row contains 14 characters,there are 6 rows (font = 6 * 8)////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////   x  ///////////0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13//y = 0//0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13//y = 1//0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13//y = 2//0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13//y = 3//0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13//y = 4//0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13//y = 5///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////write a character(6*8),don't need coordinatesvoid WriteChar(alt_u8 value){alt_u8 i;for(i = 0;i < 6;i ++)LcdWrite(ASCII_6_8[value - 0x20][i],DATA);}//write a char(6*8),need coordinatesvoid PutChar(alt_u8 value,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y){if(x > 13) x = 0;SetXY(6 * x,y);WriteChar(value);}//write a string(6*8),don't need coordinatesvoid WriteStr(char * str){while(*str){WriteChar(*str ++);}}//write a string(6*8),need coordinates,auto line breaksvoid PutStr(char * str,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y){if(x > 13) x = 0;SetXY(6 * x,y);WriteStr(str);}//draw a sign(6*8),don't need coordinatesvoid WriteSign(char * sign){alt_u8 i;for(i = 0;i < 6;i ++)LcdWrite(sign[i],DATA);}//draw a sign(6*8),need coordinatesvoid DrawSign(char * sign,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y){SetXY(x,y);WriteSign(sign);}//draw a sign(10*8),don't need coordinatesvoid WriteIcon(char * icon){alt_u8 i;for(i = 0;i < 10;i ++)LcdWrite(icon[i],DATA);}//draw a sign(10*8),need coordinates,x is between 0 and 74void DrawIcon(char * icon,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y){//if need line breaksif(x > 74){x = 0;y += 1;}SetXY(x,y);//draw a sign(10*8)WriteIcon(icon);}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*以下是高度为16的各种操作函数*////////*          包括8*16字符和字符串,16*16汉字           *////every row contains 10 characters,there are 3 rows (font = 8 * 16)//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////       x       /////////////0 1 2 3 ... 81 82 83//y = 0//0 1 2 3 ... 81 82 83////0 1 2 3 ... 81 82 83//y = 1//0 1 2 3 ... 81 82 83////0 1 2 3 ... 81 82 83//y = 2//0 1 2 3 ... 81 82 83///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////write a char(8*16)void WriteChar_8_16(alt_u8 value,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y){alt_u8 i;//draw the first rowSetXY(x,y * 2);for(i = 0;i < 8;i ++)LcdWrite(ASCII_8_16[value - 0x20][i],DATA);//draw the second rowSetXY(x,y * 2 + 1);for(i = 8;i < 16;i ++)LcdWrite(ASCII_8_16[value - 0x20][i],DATA);}//write a string(8*16),auto line breaks,x is between 0 and 76void WriteStr_8_16(char * str,alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y){alt_u8 i = 0;while(*str){//if need line breaksif(x + (8 * i) > 76){x = 0;i = 0;y += 2;}//write a char(8*16)WriteChar_8_16(*str,x + (8 * i),y);str ++;i ++;}}//every row contains 5 characters,there are 3 rows (font = 16 * 16)//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////       x       /////////////0 1 2 3 ... 81 82 83//y = 0//0 1 2 3 ... 81 82 83////0 1 2 3 ... 81 82 83//y = 1//0 1 2 3 ... 81 82 83////0 1 2 3 ... 81 82 83//y = 2//0 1 2 3 ... 81 82 83///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////write a Chinese character(16*16)void WriteHanzi(char Hanzi[],alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y){alt_u8 i;//write the first rowSetXY(x,y * 2);for(i = 0;i < 16;i ++)LcdWrite(Hanzi[i],DATA);//write the second rowSetXY(x,2 * y + 1);for(i = 16;i < 32;i ++)LcdWrite(Hanzi[i],DATA);}//write a Chinese sentence(16*16),auto line breaks,x is between 0 and 58void WriteHanziStr(char Hanzi[],alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y,alt_u8 num){alt_u8 num_i,i = 0;for(num_i = 0;num_i < num;num_i ++){//if need line breaksif(x + (16 * num_i) > 58){x = 0;i = 0;y += 1;}//write a Chinese character(16*16)WriteHanzi(Hanzi + 32 * num_i,x + (16 * i),y);i ++;}}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*以下是画图的各种操作函数*////////*          包括84*48,高度为8的倍数的图片       *////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////   x  ///////////0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13//y = 0//0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13//y = 1//0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13//y = 2//0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13//y = 3//0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13//y = 4//0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13//y = 5///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////draw a picture(84*48),don't need coordinatesvoid DrawPicture(char bitmap[]){alt_u16 i;for(i = 0;i < LCD_X * LCD_Y / 8;i ++)LcdWrite(bitmap[i],DATA);}//draw a picture(width*height(a multiple of 8)),need coordinatesvoid DrawBitmap(char bitmap[],alt_u8 x,alt_u8 y,alt_u8 width,alt_u8 height){alt_u8 width_i,height_i;//draw the height_i rowfor(height_i = 0;height_i < height / 8;height_i ++){SetXY(x,y + height_i);//draw a row(width column)for(width_i = 0;width_i < width;width_i ++){LcdWrite(bitmap[width_i + height_i * width],DATA);}}}
#include"lcd_5110_solution.h"#include<stdio.h>int main(){char i;int readdata;InitLcd();while(1){scanf("%d",&readdata);switch(readdata){case 1:LcdClearAll();PutChar('+',0,1);WriteChar('1');PutStr("023456 {}[]|?`~@",0,2);break;case 2:LcdClearAll();DrawSign(sign[1],1,3);break;case 3:LcdClearAll();for(i = 0;i < 8;i ++){DrawIcon(icon[i],70,0);usleep(250000);}break;case 4:LcdClearAll();WriteHanziStr(Hanzi,10,0,4);WriteStr_8_16("ming1006",10,1);break;case 5: LcdClearAll();DrawBitmap(girl,20,0,45,48);break;case 6: LcdClearAll();DrawBitmap(apple,20,0,45,48);break;case 7:LcdClearAll();for(i = 0;i < 22;i ++){DrawSign(sign[i],15 * (i % 5),i / 5);}break;case 8:LcdClearAll();for(i = 0;i < 35;i ++){DrawIcon(icon[i],15 * (i % 6),i / 6);}break;}}return 0;}


