
来源:互联网 发布:微信开发源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 08:17

找了一下, 暂时发现有两种方案.



created November 3, 2006 · complexity basic · author gosaca · version 6.0

Access MSDN help for a specific keyword from gvim on Windows.

Add following to gvimrc:

nmap <F1> :silent ! start iexplore "http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&btnI=I\%27m+Feeling+Lucky&q=site\%3Amsdn.microsoft.com\%20<cWORD>"<CR>

This accomplishes the following:

  • Starts a new instance of Internet Explorer.
  • Navigates to Google search.
  • Limits the search to site msdn.microsoft.com.
  • Searches for the term under the cursor.
  • Navigates the browser directly to the first page returned from the search.

For example, putting your cursor over WaitForSingleObject and hitting <F1> brings you directly to the documentation for that API on the MSDN site.

Use :set ch=2 to avoid the Hit Enter To Continue message.

The space between "!" and "start" is needed to avoid a "command not found" error. The space causes Vim to send the start command to the cmd.exe shell. Start is a cmd command, not a separate program.


Is there any reason that you don't search msdn directly? Something like:

nmap <F3> :silent !cmd /C start iexplore "http://search.msdn.microsoft.com/search/default.aspx?query=<cWORD>"<CR>;

The msdn search brings you to a search results page, from which you must click on another link to get the desired documentation.

Using Google's I'm Feeling Lucky feature navigates you directly to the first page returned by the search, which more often than not is the page you want (since you have limited your search to the msdn.microsoft.com site).

This closely replicates the function of context sensitive help via F1 when working in MSDEV.

In addition, you can always change the site: filter in the search query string to something other than msdn, if you aren't working on a win32 project.

用gvim 调browse到网上查询, 试了一下,效果很一般,,,,而且当网速不给力的时候就悲剧了,,不过实现就相对简单,





/********callmsdn.c**********   by reaky   2012-02-09 hunter modify the format ******************************/ #include <windows.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { MSG msg; HWND hPaneWnd, hPaneLast, hCtlWnd; HWND hwndHelp; hwndHelp = FindWindow("HH Parent", "Microsoft Platform SDK, August 2001 Edition"); while(!IsWindow(hwndHelp)) { WinExec("D:\\MSDNLITE\\msdn.exe",SW_SHOW); Sleep(2000); //wait for the startup of msdn hwndHelp = FindWindow("HH Parent", "Microsoft Platform SDK, August 2001 Edition"); } ShowWindow(hwndHelp, SW_NORMAL); SetForegroundWindow(hwndHelp); //send ALT+N to the msdn window PostMessage(hwndHelp, WM_SYSKEYDOWN,0x4E,1<<29); hPaneWnd = FindWindowEx(hwndHelp, NULL, "HH Child", NULL); for (;;) // last HH Child { hPaneLast = FindWindowEx(hwndHelp, hPaneWnd, (LPCTSTR)("HH Child"), NULL); // last HH Child if (!hPaneLast) break; hPaneWnd = hPaneLast; } hCtlWnd = FindWindowEx(hPaneWnd, NULL, (LPCTSTR)("Button"), NULL); // skip Tab Control if (hCtlWnd) { hCtlWnd = FindWindowEx(hPaneWnd, NULL, (LPCTSTR)("Edit"), NULL); // skip Tab Control // Set window text SendMessage(hCtlWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)argv[1]);     // fill it by our query SendMessage(hwndHelp, WM_COMMAND, 0x00000bbe, 0); // 0x3f1 -- 'Display' button, it shows first item } else { MessageBox(NULL,"MSDN not found!","ATTENTION",MB_OK); } return 0; } #if 0/*callmsdn.c===>callmsdn.exe   cl /O1 /nologo callmsdn.c /link /subsystem:windows /entry:"mainCRTStartup" /align:32 /MACHINE:x86 /RELEASE user32.lib kernel32.lib //Add this into the _vimrc nmap <C-F1> :silent !start callmsdn <cword><cr> 本人水平一般,望大牛改进。*/ #endif

上面这链接是一个思路,写一个程序,让VIM调用, 把需要查询的字符以参数形式传入这个自己写的程序中去. 



另外,介于本人是一个vim控, 如果最后能把MSDN的输出拦截,放到vim中去就好了.....
