
来源:互联网 发布:s8新赛季符文 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 17:19

在sba 工程中配置好传入的参数命令行参数为cams.txt pts.txt calib.txt,函数
sba_driver 中的几个变量的设置如下:
nconstframes=0;//nconstframe 表示前几幅图像的参数在平差过程中保持不变。这里我们
使所有图像都参与平差,因此设nconstframe 为0。
howto= BA_MOTSTRUCT;//howto 表示平差的方式,只对相机参数(motion)进行平差,只对
expert=1;//sba 过程提供两个接口,一个是专家版(运算过程复杂,时间长,结果更精
prnt = BA_MOTSTRUCT;//打印相机参数的估计值,还是激光点参数的估计值?这里我

计算过程如下:将sba中两个重要的宏SBA_INIT_MU 和SBA_STOP_THRESH置为默认值,或输出的图像点误差仍然不够小,或显示的迭代停止的原因代号为4,则减小SBA_INIT_MU,并将迭代的结果作为初值代入重新平差,直到输出的图像点误差足够小并且迭代停止的原理代号为1或2。以下是一组计算实例:

Starting BA with fixed intrinsic parameters
SBA using 19943 3D pts, 5 frames and 41563 image projections, 59859 variables
Method BA_MOTSTRUCT, expert driver, analytic Jacobian, fixed intrinsics, without covariances
SBA returned 6 in 6 iter, reason 2, error 827.631 [initial 2940.98], 6/6 func/fjac evals, 6 lin. systems
Elapsed time: 1.06 seconds, 1063.00 msecs


Starting BA with fixed intrinsic parameters
LAPACK error: the leading minor of order 27 is not positive definite,
the factorization could not be completed for dpotf2/dpotrf in sba_Axb_Chol()
LAPACK error: the leading minor of order 27 is not positive definite,
the factorization could not be completed for dpotf2/dpotrf in sba_Axb_Chol()
LAPACK error: the leading minor of order 27 is not positive definite,
the factorization could not be completed for dpotf2/dpotrf in sba_Axb_Chol()
LAPACK error: the leading minor of order 27 is not positive definite,
the factorization could not be completed for dpotf2/dpotrf in sba_Axb_Chol()
LAPACK error: the leading minor of order 27 is not positive definite,
the factorization could not be completed for dpotf2/dpotrf in sba_Axb_Chol()
LAPACK error: the leading minor of order 27 is not positive definite,
the factorization could not be completed for dpotf2/dpotrf in sba_Axb_Chol()
LAPACK error: the leading minor of order 27 is not positive definite,
the factorization could not be completed for dpotf2/dpotrf in sba_Axb_Chol()
LAPACK error: the leading minor of order 27 is not positive definite,
the factorization could not be completed for dpotf2/dpotrf in sba_Axb_Chol()
SBA using 19943 3D pts, 5 frames and 41563 image projections, 59859 variables

Method BA_MOTSTRUCT, expert driver, analytic Jacobian, fixed intrinsics, without

SBA returned 1369 in 1369 iter, reason 4, error 0.300721 [initial 827.631], 1381
/1369 func/fjac evals, 1388 lin. systems
Elapsed time: 246.28 seconds, 246282.00 msecs
Starting BA with fixed intrinsic parameters
SBA using 19943 3D pts, 5 frames and 41563 image projections, 59859 variables

Method BA_MOTSTRUCT, expert driver, analytic Jacobian, fixed intrinsics, without

SBA returned 1 in 1 iter, reason 2, error 0.300721 [initial 0.300721], 1/1 func/
fjac evals, 1 lin. systems
Elapsed time: 0.19 seconds, 188.00 msecs
