host application or driver claiming the device on macosx

来源:互联网 发布:网络语言麦麦什么意思 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 09:34

Hi all,

   Thanks for your patients and help so far. I have a solution to the problem that many customers have been seeing. One thing that can prevent Fusion USB support from working is having non-standard permissions on the root partition of your OS X install.


You can check if you have non standard permissions by opening a terminal and running:

"ls -ld /"


You should see output like this:

drwxr-xr-x  53 root  wheel  1870 Aug  4 12:43 /


If the permissions are different than above you can reset them using the following steps (for Fusion 3.1.3):

1) Shutdown Fusion.


In a terminal (/Applications/Utilities/

2) Run "sudo -s"
3) run "chown root:wheel /"
4) run "chmod 755 /"

5) Reboot


6) Start Fusion and try connecting a USB device.


Pleas post if this does or does not work for you.



