
来源:互联网 发布:js 去除换行符 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 15:27

Mixin types:

  • mix:lockable

  • mix:referenceable

  • mix:versionable

Primary types:

  • nt:base (the base type of all other node types)

  • nt:unstructured

  • nt:hierarchyNode

    • nt:file

    • nt:linkedFile

    • nt:folder

  • nt:resource

  • nt:nodeType

  • nt:propertyDefinition

  • nt:childNodeDefinition

  • nt:versionHistory

  • nt:versionLabels

  • nt:version

  • nt:frozenNode

  • nt:versionedChild

  • nt:query

    There are two categories of node types, primary and mixin. Every node has a primary node type assigned to it upon creation (see Node.addNode in the JCR API). In addition, a mixin node type may be added to a node later in its lifecycle (see Node.addMixin).

    The primary node type of a node usually defines node structure (i.e., allowed and required child nodes and properties) related to the problem domain being modeled. For example, a node used in storing content about business contacts might have the primary type myapp:Contact which defines properties such as myapp:givenNamemyapp:familyName and so forth.

    Mixin node types usually specify additional properties or child nodes related to a capability being added to the node. These capabilities may include generic repository-level functions as in the case of the built-in mixins mix:versionable and mix:lockable, for example, or domain-level capabilities such as a (hypothetical) myapp:Emailable mixin type that adds the propertymyapp:emailAddress to a node.

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