
来源:互联网 发布:东尧seo 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 09:58

下面是我vimchrome 的配置,,,,,,

alias ext TabOpenNew chrome://extensions/
alias option TabOpenNew chrome://settings/browser
alias downloads TabOpenNew chrome://downloads
alias history TabOpenNew chrome://history

# mappings for opening your favorite web page
#nmap <Space>tw :TabOpenNew
#nmap <Space>gr :TabOpenNew
#nmap <Space>m  :TabOpenNew
nmap ,db :TabOpenNew
nmap ,fm :TabOpenNew
nmap ,dn :TabOpenNew

# F for continuous f-Mode
# this is recomended setting but commented out by default.
# if you want to use this setting, use the following

nmap F :GoFMode --newtab --continuous
nmap d :GoFMode --newtab 

nmap j : PageHalfDown
nmap k :PageHalfUp
nmap H :BackHist
nmap L  :ForwardHist
nmap h :TabFocusPrev
nmap l  :TabFocusNext

# if you want to change the key used to escape EmergencyMode mode,
# use emap like the following
#emap <ESC> :Escape

## pagecmd offers you page specific key mapping.
# in this example you can use <C-l>, <C-h> for moving between tabs
# on all web pages regardless of your ignored list setting
# because pagecmd has higher priority than ignored URLs.
#pagecmd * nmap <C-l> :TabFocusNext
#pagecmd * nmap <C-h> :TabFocusPrev

# almost all Vichrome functions don't work properly for pdf contents
# so it's useful to enable default key bindings for pdf file.
pagecmd *.pdf nmap <C-f> <NOP>

# if you want to use twitter web's key binding, write settings like below
#pagecmd http*://* nmap f <NOP>
#pagecmd http*://* nmap r <NOP>
