SPL之SAS Protocol Layer (SPL)-SAS协议层

来源:互联网 发布:python 写入变量 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 03:07




1:Transport layer overview

      The transport layer defines frame formats and how frames are processed by this layer. Transport layer state machines interface to the application layer and port layer and    

      construct and parse frame contents. For SSP, the transport layer only receives frames from the port layer for which an ACK is going to be transmitted by the link layer.



2:SSP transport layer




   其中重要的有 command data ,task 任务帧,因为在initiator和target进行数据传输不可缺少。


/* * Union of all IUs */typedef union _SAS_IU{    COMMAND_IU          CommandIU;    TASK_IU             TaskIU;    XFER_RDY_IU         XferRdyIU;    DATA_IU             DataIU;    RESPONSE_IU         ResponseIU;} SAS_IU, *PTR_SAS_IU;

  2.1 command帧

   命令帧的定义:A COMMAND frame is sent by an SSP initiator port to request that a command be processed by the device server in a logical unit .


上面帧格式中重要的就是CDB数据段,CDB包含了SPC中定义的命令,如send diagnostic,receivediagnostic等。


typedef struct _SSP_FRAME{    U8                      FrameType;                          /* 0x00 */    HASHED_SAS_ADDRESS      HashedDestinationSASAddress;        /* 0x01 */    U8                      Reserved04;                         /* 0x04 */    HASHED_SAS_ADDRESS      HashedSourceSASAddress;             /* 0x05 */    U8                      Reserved08;                         /* 0x08 */    U8                      Reserved09;                         /* 0x09 */#ifdef PPC         /* PowerPC (SAS1078) */    U8                      Reserved0ABits2to7              :6; /* 0x0A */    U8                      Retransmit                      :1;    U8                      Reserved0ABit0                  :1;    U8                      Reserved0BBits2to7              :6; /* 0x0B */    U8                      NumberOfFillBytes               :2;#else              /* ARM (SAS1064/1068) */    U32                     Reserved0ABit0                  :1; /* 0x0A */    U32                     Retransmit                      :1;    U32                     Reserved0ABits2to7              :6;    U32                     NumberOfFillBytes               :2; /* 0x0B */    U32                     Reserved0BBits2to7              :6;#endif    U32                     Reserved0Cto0F;                     /* 0x0C */    U16                     Tag;                                /* 0x10 */    U16                     TargetPortTransferTag;              /* 0x12 */    U32                     DataOffset;                         /* 0x14 */    SAS_IU                  InformationUnit;                    /* 0x18 */} SSP_FRAME, *PTR_SSP_FRAME; //格式可以参考:SPL中Table 117 — SSP frame format.其中SAS_IU定有如下:typedef union _SAS_IU{    COMMAND_IU          CommandIU;    TASK_IU             TaskIU;    XFER_RDY_IU         XferRdyIU;    DATA_IU             DataIU;    RESPONSE_IU         ResponseIU;} SAS_IU, *PTR_SAS_IU;下载以命令帧为列:COMMAND_IU定有如下:typedef struct _COMMAND_IU{    SAS_LOGICAL_UNIT        LogicalUnitNumber;                  /* 0x00 */    U8                      Reserved08;                         /* 0x08 */#ifdef PPC         /* PowerPC (SAS1078) */    //U8                    Reserved09Bits3to7              :5; /* 0x09 *///Added EFB bit    U8                      EnableFirstBurst                :1; /* 0x09 */    U8                      TaskPriority            :4;    U8                      TaskAttribute                   :3;    U8                      Reserved0A;                         /* 0x0A */    U8                      AdditionalCDBLength             :6; /* 0x0B */    U8                      Reserved0BBits0to1              :2;#else              /* ARM (SAS1064/1068) */    U32                     TaskAttribute                   :3; /* 0x09 */    U8                      TaskPriority        :4;    U8                      EnableFirstBurst                :1;    //U32                   Reserved09Bits3to7              :5;    U8                      Reserved0A;                         /* 0x0A */    U32                     Reserved0BBits0to1              :2; /* 0x0B */    U32                     AdditionalCDBLength             :6;#endif    U8                      CDB[SAS_COMMAND_IU_CDB_LENGTH];     /* 0x0C */    U32                     AdditionalCDBBytes[1];              /* 0x1C */    /* Note: AdditionalCDBBytes is variable and may really be 0 to 0x3F dwords */} COMMAND_IU, *PTR_COMMAND_IU;//格式定义可参考:SPCL中8.2.2.1 COMMAND frameCOMMAND_IU中的CDB格式定义,以SPC中的INQUIRY command和receive diagnostic为例。INQUIRY command 定义如下:typedef struct{    U8  OpCode;    U8  LUN_EVPD;    U8  EVPDPageCode;    U16 AllocationLength;    U8  ControlByte;} SCSI3_InquiryCDB_t;上面定义的EVPDPageCode指的vital product data(VPD).定义及包括的VPD数据内容如下:The vital product data (VPD) page structure and the VPD pages (see table 517) that are applicable to all SCSI devices. The VPD pages are returned by an INQUIRY command with the EVPD bit set toone (see 6.4) and contain vendor specific product information about a logical unit and SCSI target device. The vitalproduct data may include vendor identification, product identification, unit serial numbers, device operating definitions,manufacturing data, field replaceable unit information, and other vendor specific information.receive diagnostic 定义如下:typedef __packed struct _RECEIVE_DIAG_RESLT_COMMAND{    /*Byte0*/    U8 Cmd;    /*Byte1*/    U8 PCV:1;    U8 Rsvd:7;    /*Byte2*/    U8 PageCode;      /*Byte3&4*/    U16 AllocLen;    /*Byte5*/    U8 Cntrl;}RECEIVE_DIAG_RESLT_COMMAND,*PTR_RECEIVE_DIAG_RESLT_COMMAND;RECEIVE_DIAG_RESLT_COMMAND中定义的:PageCode,常用就是SES中的pagecode,如:01h Configuration diagnostic page 就用此page code来获取SES中enclosure的配置信息02h Enclosure Control diagnostic page.控制SES中的elements.如:fan,power。上面的数据包分层机制与TCP/IP的类似,不同的层有不同的数据包头。

2.2  DATA frame 数据帧

During a write command or a bidirectional command (see and, one or more write DATA frames are sent by an SSP initiator port to deliver write data.
During a read command or a bidirectional command (see and, one or more read DATA frames are sent by an SSP target port to deliver read data.


