Create Module for Joomla!1.5 - Investigation on JS Match Result

来源:互联网 发布:晨风软件官方论坛 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 13:03

The XML of JoomSport Match Result is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><extensiontype="module"version="1.6.0"client="site"method="upgrade"><name>JoomSport match results</name><author>BearDev</author><creationDate>April 2011</creationDate><copyright>Copyright (C)2010 BearDev. All rights reserved.</copyright><license> GNU/GPL</license><authorEmail></authorEmail><authorUrl></authorUrl><version>1.6</version><description>Match Results</description><languages folder="language"><language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.mod_js_results.ini</language><language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.mod_js_results.sys.ini</language></languages><files><filename module="mod_js_results">mod_js_results.php</filename><filename module="mod_js_results">helper.php</filename><filename module="mod_js_results">tmpl/default.php</filename><filename module="mod_js_results">css/mod_js_results.css</filename><folder>language</folder></files><config><fields name="params"><fieldset name="basic" addfieldpath="/administrator/components/com_joomsport/fields"><field name="season_id" type="modseas" default="0" label="Select Season" description="Season" /><field name="team_id" type="modteam" default="0" label="Set team" description="If you set wrong team id module will display nothing" /><field name="match_count" type="text" default="5" label="Match count" description="Match count" /><field name="moduleclass_sfx" type="text" default="" label="COM_MODULES_FIELD_MODULECLASS_SFX_LABEL" description="COM_MODULES_FIELD_MODULECLASS_SFX_DESC" /><field name="embl_is" type="radio" default="0" label="Emblems" description="Display emblems?"><option value="0">No</option><option value="1">Yes</option></field><field name="customitemid" type="text" default="0" label="Set Itemid" description="Set custom Itemid, if set 0 used current Itemid" /></fieldset></fields></config><params addpath="/administrator/components/com_joomsport/elements"><param name="season_id" type="modseas" default="0" label="Select Season" description="Season" /><param name="team_id" type="modteam" default="0" label="Set team" description="If you set wrong team id module will display nothing" /><param name="match_count" type="text" default="5" label="Match count" description="Match count" /><param name="moduleclass_sfx" type="text" default="" label="Module Class Suffix" description="PARAMMODULECLASSSUFFIX" /><param name="customitemid" type="text" default="0" label="Set Itemid" description="Set custom Itemid, if set 0 used current Itemid" /></params></extension>

According to the chapter 5 of <Learning Joomla!1.5 Extension Development> and<Mastering Joomla!1.5 Extension and Framework Development>, there is nofield node in the description XML about parameter. It should be applied in Joomla!1.6, and that node here is for compatibility.

The parameter values are stored in table jos_modules:


So, now we do is to remove the useless para from both XML file and database.

Since this topic is so simple, I just directly put on my final code, with a little bit explanation.

The module core PHP: /modules/mod_js_results/mod_js_results.php:

<?php// no direct accessdefined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );// Include the syndicate functions only oncerequire_once (dirname(__FILE__).DS.'helper.php');$tourMatches = modBlResHelper::getResults($params);require(JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_js_results'));

It is the main entrance of the module, when this module be loaded, this file run firstly, and it generally only has control logic, not logic of handling data, that is helper's job. And its the linkage between the helper class and the layout PHP script, they can not pass data directly without this linkage. So my /modules/mod_js_results/helper.php is:

<?php// no direct accessdefined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );class modBlResHelper{function &getResults(&$params){// global var, used later for grouping$current_season_id = $params->get( 'season_id' );$match_count = $params->get( 'match_count' );//get all the tourments$db =& JFactory::getDBO();$query = "SELECT id, name as tname, t_type FROM #__bl_tournament WHERE published ='1'";$db->setQuery($query);$tours = $db->loadObjectList();foreach($tours as $t){//get current seasons of all these tourments$query = "SELECT MAX(s_id) from #__bl_seasons WHERE published ='1' AND t_id = ".$t->id;$db->setQuery($query);$sea_id = $db->loadResult();if(!empty($sea_id)){$t->sea_id = $sea_id;}else{// there may be no published current season for the tourment yet$t->sea_id = '0';}}$matchResultsByTour = array();foreach($tours as $tx){if($tx->sea_id != '0'){//if this tourment has current seasonif($tx->t_type == '1'){//$current_season_id = $tx->sea_id;//聯賽盃, should classify the matches into different groups$query = "SELECT id, group_name FROM #__bl_groups WHERE s_id = ".$tx->sea_id;$db->setQuery($query);$groups = $db->loadObjectList();$query = "SELECT id FROM #__bl_matchday WHERE s_id = ".$tx->sea_id;$db->setQuery($query);$md_ids = $db->loadResultArray();if(!empty($md_ids)){$mdid_str = implode(",", $md_ids);foreach($groups as $g){// get the 4 latest matches infomation$query = "SELECT STR_TO_DATE( m.m_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS d, m.score1, m.score2, m.bonus1, m.bonus2, t1.t_name AS name1, t2.t_name AS name2 "."FROM #__bl_match AS m, #__bl_grteams AS gt, #__bl_teams AS t1, #__bl_teams AS t2WHERE m.m_played = '1' AND m.team1_id = gt.t_id AND AND m.team2_id = AND gt.g_id = ". $g->id ."  AND m.m_id IN ( ". $mdid_str ." )"." ORDER BY d DESC LIMIT 0 , ".$match_count;$db->setQuery($query);$matches = $db->loadObjectList();if(!empty($matches)){$gr_matches['name'] = $g->group_name . $tx->tname;// combine group name and tourment name$gr_matches['matchres'] = $matches;$matchResultsByTour[] = $gr_matches;}}}}else{//淘汰盃主席盃碟盾$query = "SELECT id FROM #__bl_matchday WHERE s_id = ".$tx->sea_id;$db->setQuery($query);$md_ids = $db->loadResultArray();if(!empty($md_ids)){$mdid_str = implode(",", $md_ids);$query = "SELECT STR_TO_DATE( m.m_date, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS d, m.score1, m.score2, m.bonus1, m.bonus2, " ."t1.t_name AS name1, t2.t_name AS name2, g1.group_name AS gname1, g2.group_name AS gname2 "."FROM #__bl_match AS m, #__bl_teams AS t1, #__bl_teams AS t2, #__bl_grteams AS gt1, #__bl_groups AS g1, #__bl_groups AS g2, #__bl_grteams AS gt2 "."WHERE m.m_played='1' AND AND m.team2_id = "."AND m.team1_id=gt1.t_id AND AND g1.s_id = ".$current_season_id." AND m.team2_id=gt2.t_id AND AND g2.s_id = ".$current_season_id." AND m.m_id IN (". $mdid_str .") ORDER BY d DESC LIMIT 0 , ".$match_count;$db->setQuery($query);$matches = $db->loadObjectList();if(!empty($matches)){$gr_matches['name'] = $tx->tname;$gr_matches['matchres'] = $matches;$matchResultsByTour[] = $gr_matches;}}}}}//dump($matchResultsByTour, 'matchesarray');return $matchResultsByTour;}}

and the default layout file, /modules/mod_js_results/tmpl/default.phpdefault.php:

<?php // no direct accessdefined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');$document =& JFactory::getDocument();$document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root() . 'modules/mod_js_results/css/mod_js_results.css');$cItemId = $params->get('customitemid');global $Itemid;if(!$cItemId){$cItemId = $Itemid;}$old_date = '';?><table align="center" cellpadding="3" border="0" class="jsm_restable"><?phpif(count($tourMatches)){?><tr><td><marquee direction="left" id="cool" scrollamount="3" onMouseOver="cool.stop()" OnMouseOut="cool.start()"><?phpforeach($tourMatches as $tou){echo '<font color="#009">'.$tou['name'].'</font>  ';foreach($tou['matchres'] as $mat){if($mat->gname1){echo '('. mb_substr($mat->gname1, 0, 1, "UTF-8").')'.$mat->name1.' vs '.'('.mb_substr($mat->gname2, 0, 1, "UTF-8").')'.$mat->name2 . ' ' .$mat->score1 . ':' . $mat->score2.'   ';}else{echo $mat->name1.' vs '.$mat->name2 . ' ' .$mat->score1 . ':' . $mat->score2.'   ';}}}?></marquee><td></tr><?php}?></table>

Please note that the function to add style script to the front end page:

$document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root() . 'modules/mod_js_results/css/mod_js_results.css')


By the way, the HTML element marquee is used to create a rolling text content, but is may be a dated solution, because I found that if I include a span tag inside it, I would get error saying that HTML collection had no method start() or stop(). What it can do is limited.

And without specifying its width, it works fine now, in a small table.