进程通信之三 消息队列

来源:互联网 发布:qt编程快速入门 pdf 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 14:11


消息队列也是常见的进程通信方式之一,并且加上之后将要介绍的信号量和共享内存,这三种并称为XSI IPC。其特点可以参考这里(http://blog.csdn.net/wzhwho/article/details/3990118),但最终来自于APUE这本书。


/* * ===================================================================================== * *       Filename:  my_msg.h * *    Description:  IPC using msg * *        Version:  1.0 *        Created:  2012年02月20日 11时10分28秒 *       Revision:  none *       Compiler:  gcc * *         Author:  chn89 (), chn89@126.com *   Organization:   * * ===================================================================================== */#ifndef __MY_MSG_H__#define __MY_MSG_H__#include <errno.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/ipc.h>#include <sys/msg.h>#include <unistd.h>#define BUFSZ 256#define MY_PATH "/home/canzhang/we"#define MY_PATH_ID 4struct mymsg_t{    long mtype;    char data[256];};#endif

/* * ===================================================================================== * *       Filename:  msg_ipc.c * *    Description:  IPC using msg * *        Version:  1.0 *        Created:  2012年02月20日 10时53分26秒 *       Revision:  none *       Compiler:  gcc * *         Author:  chn (), chn89@126.com *   Organization:   * * ===================================================================================== */#include "my_msg.h"int main(void){    int msgid;    key_t my_key;    struct mymsg_t my_msg ;    long int rcv_num = 0;        my_key = ftok(MY_PATH, MY_PATH_ID);    msgid = msgget(my_key, 0666|IPC_CREAT);    if(msgid < 0){        printf("msgget error:%s with errno=0x%x",strerror(errno),errno);        exit(-1);    }    while(1){        if((msgrcv(msgid, (void*)&my_msg,BUFSZ,rcv_num,0))==-1){            printf("msgrcv error:%s with errno=0x%x",strerror(errno),errno);            exit(-1);        }        printf("receive data: %s\n",my_msg.data);                if(strncasecmp(my_msg.data,"q",1) == 0){            break;        }    }    if(msgctl(msgid, IPC_RMID,0)==-1){        printf("msgctl error:%s with errno=0x%x",strerror(errno),errno);        exit(-1);    }    return 0;}

/* * ===================================================================================== * *       Filename:  msg_ipc_sender.c * *    Description:  IPC uisng msg sender * *        Version:  1.0 *        Created:  2012年02月20日 11时57分44秒 *       Revision:  none *       Compiler:  gcc * *         Author:  chn (), chn89@126.com *   Organization:   * * ===================================================================================== */#include "my_msg.h"int main(){       int msgid;    key_t my_key;    char buf[BUFSZ] = {0};    struct mymsg_t my_msg ;        my_msg.mtype = 2;    my_key = ftok(MY_PATH, MY_PATH_ID);    msgid = msgget(my_key, 0666|IPC_CREAT);    if(msgid < 0){        printf("msgget error:%s with errno=0x%x",strerror(errno),errno);        exit(-1);    }    while(1){        printf("input msg:\n");        fgets(buf, BUFSZ, stdin);        strncpy(my_msg.data, buf, BUFSZ);        my_msg.data[BUFSZ-1]='\0';        if(msgsnd(msgid, (void*)&my_msg, BUFSZ,0)==-1){            printf("msgsnd error:%s with errno=0x%x",strerror(errno),errno);            exit(-1);        }        if(strncasecmp(my_msg.data,"q",1)==0){            break;        }    }    return 0;    }

