
来源:互联网 发布:秘鲁域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 03:12


I've just bought some cool/neat stuff.

Good for you. Good to hear.
I'm good/Not very good.
That's great/I'm great.
wonderful/he is incredible.   Terrific/Fabulous/Awesome/Excellent

She's pretty/Beautiful.

suck  /shit/fuck
I am sick and tired of doing homework.

turn on/trun off
I am scared to death.
piss off
pee,take a piss,relieve myself,go to the restroom
shaky/bumpy ride

fraternity brother  sweetheart
sorority sister
I want to renew this book/my tag/my car insurance.
brand new car second-car
take no prisoner/go for kill
which department/field are you in? what's your major?

Charge/Credit or debit(cash back)?
grocery store double coupon
Bring your receipt to the customer service,and they will refund you.
I want to take a rain check for eggs.
on the cash only lane    a clearance sale
We went up/down a quarter receipt/invoice
the lower of curve  cut-off points for A is 80
take 10 points off an extra brownie point  get partial credit/no credit   your score/score high  
 I got an eighty [something/plus]. I got something around/below the average.

fix a plate buffet

Don't look down on people....

tiny little mistake  I will never ever do it again.
parkway driveway   shipment/cargo
your nose run, your feet smile.


have problem/a hard time doing something
That's totally over my head.     my brain doesn't work.
Beats me.     Does that ring a bell.
I am totally lost.  The professor confused a lot of people toady.
Cut the crap  what's the point?
Nature's calling.
We are having worms in blood for dinner tonight.
Party animals dance like animals
walk my dog/walk you out
knock on wood/cross my fingers
stop/drop by/call on
She spends her whole life taking care of her children and running errands.
burn the midnight oil pull an all-nighter
This is bribe. Stop beating around the bush.
The Army/The Navy/The Air Force/The Marine Corps

热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 闲鱼同意买家退货了买家不退怎么办 手机里淘宝钱付了不发货怎么办 百度云下载手机储存空间不足怎么办 苹果8的照片储存空间满了怎么办 为什么下载的软件已停止运行怎么办 苹果手机刷机忘记注册邮箱了怎么办 刺激战场模拟器注册已达上限怎么办 用模拟器玩刺激战场注册上限怎么办 微信解除实名认证后退款怎么办 苹果为什么qq收消息有延迟怎么办 qq忘记密码手机号也换了怎么办 扣扣空间圈人时照片服务错误怎么办 删了qq好友怎么找回来怎么办 苹果5s语音控制打开了怎么办 lv迷你水桶包肩带长了怎么办 在香港买个lv包包过海关怎么办 国际快递手表被海关查应该怎么办 把档案放到人才市场后报到证怎么办 皮表带带久了有异味怎么办 英语中用词不当和拼写错误怎么办 爬楼梯的购物车车轮坏了怎么办? 帮别人买东西不给我钱怎么办 老师念错名字有同学指出来你怎么办 老公婚前买的房子婆婆想霸占怎么办 我想查我的基金收益情况怎么办 儿童票买好了但大人退票了怎么办 没有享受到国家政策的农民怎么办? 股票涨了没抛然后一直跌怎么办 苹果手机放久了开不了机怎么办 部门要辞退你你不想走该怎么办 口头说辞职现在又不想走了怎么办 网上买的理财不给退本金怎么办 买东西遇到态度不好的人你会怎么办 app在下载东西时被停用了怎么办 买东西填错地址 但已签收怎么办 网购手机受骗后电话打不通怎么办 淘宝买的东西发错了怎么办 淘宝上买的东西发错了怎么办 淘宝上买的东西发多了怎么办 淘宝上买的东西出现问题怎么办 淘宝买东西未收到货显示签收怎么办