
来源:互联网 发布:wifi监控摄像头软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 12:35

/** File: operate the INI file.* * Notice: One variable only can read one file, if you want to read more files,*         please use more variable to read them.*         If the variable has read one file, then it can't read another file.*/package ... ...import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;import java.io.PrintWriter;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.LinkedHashMap;import java.util.Properties;import android.util.Log;public class INIReader {protected HashMap sections = new LinkedHashMap();private String currentSecion;private Properties current;private String fileName = null;public INIReader() {}/** Description: read the data from file.* Parameter: the file name.* Return: the read line number. return zero if file not found or empty. */public int read(String argFileName) {   int read_line = 0;   if (fileName != null) {     return read_line;   }   fileName = argFileName;   try {     BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(    new FileInputStream(argFileName), "UTF-8"));     String line;     while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {       read_line++;       parseLine(line);     }     reader.close();   } catch (Exception e) {           e.printStackTrace();           Log.e("EncryptBox", "INIReader: read error.");      }    return read_line;}/** Description: parse one line which read from file.* Parameter: the line.* Return: NONE. */protected void parseLine(String line) {   line = line.trim();   if (line.matches("\\[.*\\]")) {    currentSecion = line.replaceFirst("\\[(.*)\\]", "$1");    current = new Properties();   } else    if (line.matches(".*=.*")) {     int i = line.indexOf('=');     String name = line.substring(0, i);     String value = line.substring(i + 1);     current.setProperty(name.trim(), value.trim());     sections.put(currentSecion, current);   }}/** Description: get value by section and key.* Parameter: section and key.* Return: the value. return null if not found.*/public String getValue(String section, String key) {   if (fileName == null) {   return null;   }   Properties p = (Properties) sections.get(section);   if (p == null) {     return null;   }   String value = p.getProperty(key);   //Log.d("EncryptBox", "get value="+value);   return value;}/** Description: update value.* Parameter: section, key and value.*            flagAdd: true: add it if the data not exist; *                     false: return false if the data not exist.* Return: true: change success, *         false: change fail.* Notice: we don't write data into file in this function.*/public boolean changeProperty(String sectionName,String key,String value) {   return changeProperty(sectionName, key, value, true);}public boolean changeProperty(String sectionName,String key,String value,boolean flagAdd) {   if (key.length() == 0){     return false;   }   sectionName = sectionName.trim();   Properties p = (Properties)sections.get(sectionName);   if (null == p) {   if (flagAdd == true) {       // not find the section, we should create it.    current = new Properties();    current.setProperty(key.trim(), value.trim());    sections.put(sectionName, current);    return true;   } else {    Log.e("EncryptBox", "INIReader: not find section.");    return false;   }     //throw new IllegalArgumentException("sectionName参数出错");   }   p.setProperty(key, value);   return true;}/** Description: write the data to file.* Parameter: NONE.* Return: true: success.*/public boolean write() {   return write(fileName);}public boolean write(String argFileName) {   if (argFileName == null) {   return false;   }   PrintWriter writer = null;   try {   File f = new File(argFileName);   if (!f.exists()) {    // create file.    f.createNewFile();   }     writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(f)));     StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();     Iterator<String> iterator = sections.keySet().iterator();     while (iterator.hasNext()) {       String sectionName = iterator.next();       Properties p = (Properties)sections.get(sectionName);       builder.append("\n").append("\n").append("[").append(sectionName).append("]");       builder.append(getPropertiesString(p));     }     writer.write(builder.toString().trim());     writer.flush();     writer.close();     return true;   } catch (Exception e) {    e.printStackTrace();   Log.e("EncryptBox", "INIReader: write error(" + argFileName + ").");   }    if (writer != null) {     writer.close();   }   return false;}/** Description: get the string of Properties.* Parameter: Properties.* Return: string.*/private String getPropertiesString(Properties p) {   StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();   Iterator iterator = p.keySet().iterator();   while (iterator.hasNext()) {     String key = iterator.next().toString();     builder.append("\n").append(key).append("=").append(p.get(key));   }   return builder.toString();}}

