Sicily 4835. Numbersrebmun

来源:互联网 发布:探测鬼魂的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 08:12



Run Time: 0sec

Run Memory: 304KB

Code Length: 1081Bytes

Submit Time: 2012-02-26 00:06:33

// Problem#: 4835// Submission#: 1220223// The source code is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License// URI: All Copyright reserved by Informatic Lab of Sun Yat-sen University#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <map>using namespace std;void upper( char s[] ) {    for ( int i = 0; s[ i ] != '\0'; i++ ) {        if ( s[ i ] >= 'a' && s[ i ] <= 'z' )            s[ i ] -= 32;    }}int main(){    int n;    char s[ 21 ];    map<char, int> keypad;    int i, j;    keypad[ 'A' ] = keypad[ 'B' ] = keypad[ 'C' ] = 2;    keypad[ 'D' ] = keypad[ 'E' ] = keypad[ 'F' ] = 3;    keypad[ 'G' ] = keypad[ 'H' ] = keypad[ 'I' ] = 4;    keypad[ 'J' ] = keypad[ 'K' ] = keypad[ 'L' ] = 5;    keypad[ 'M' ] = keypad[ 'N' ] = keypad[ 'O' ] = 6;    keypad[ 'P' ] = keypad[ 'Q' ] = keypad[ 'R' ] = keypad[ 'S' ] = 7;    keypad[ 'T' ] = keypad[ 'U' ] = keypad[ 'V' ] = 8;    keypad[ 'W' ] = keypad[ 'X' ] = keypad[ 'Y' ] = keypad[ 'Z' ] = 9;    scanf( "%d", &n );    while ( n-- ) {       scanf( "%s", s );       upper( s );       for ( i = 0, j = strlen( s ) - 1; i < j; i++, j-- ) {           if ( keypad[ s[ i ] ] != keypad[ s[ j ] ] )               break;       }       printf( i < j ? "NO\n": "YES\n" );    }    return 0;}                                 

