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 All endings are beginnings, we just don't know it at the time. 所有的结局都是新的开始,只是我们当时不知道。


 I want to be a slut in my mind, a good girl in my life, a tender maiden in my appearance and a transformer in my heart. ------ 我要做个思想上的女流氓,生活上的好姑娘,外型上的柔情少女,心理上的变形金刚!


He sat with his arms folded across his chest.他双臂交叉在胸前地坐在那里。


When he doesn't love you anymore, everything you do is wrong. It's wrong to call him; it's wrong to tell him you love him; it's wrong to miss him and it's even wrong to cry.他不再爱你时,你做什么都是错。 给他打电话是错,告诉他你爱他是错,想他是错,就连哭都是错


1. epic 非常好
The last Harry Potter movie was epic. OMG! It was amazing!

2. cool beans 好吧
- I invited you to my friend's party. It's gunna be really fun.
- Cool beans!

- 跟我一起去我朋友的派对,会很好玩的。
- 好吧!

3. I'm down. 我可以做
I'm down with going shopping if you are.

4. It's a toss up! 不能比!
- Both soccer players are really good!
- Yep, who is better?
- It's a toss up!

- 两个球员都非常棒!
- 谁更出色?
- 不能比啊!

5. facebook you 找你,联系你

It was so nice to meet you! I'll facebook you!

6. My bad! 对不起
Are these your bananas? My bad! I thought they were mine.

7. break the ice 打破僵局
Say something about the weather is the most typical way to break the ice.

8. Let's bounce. 走吧!
This party's boring. Let's bounce!

9. hit me up 跟我联系
Hit me up if you wanna go shopping.


 I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't. 我做,是因为我能。我能,是因为我想。我想,是因为你说我不能。


 I will not change a single thing about myself to please you.我绝不会改变一丝一毫来取悦你。


When I was a kid, I hated going to bed. Now I cherish every hours of sleep.当我还是小孩的时候,我最讨厌睡觉了。现在,我珍惜能睡的每个小时。


Text purgatory 备受煎熬等短信,是指给心仪的人发了邀约短信后,在等待对方回复的那段时间里所经历的那种焦急等待的煎熬,用法:be in text purgatory;2. Singlism 单身歧视,指给单身的成年人贴上某些负面的标签;3. husbeen 过气老公,是指在家中没有地位,惟妻命是从的丈夫。


Youth will fade, but my memories of you will not. 青春都会苍老,但记忆里的你一直都好。


The way ahead is long and has no ending; yet high and low I'll search with my will unbending. 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。


You're just like Monday, nobody likes you! 你丫就像周一,人见人厌。——文明用语,礼貌骂人。


You always have two choices when you wake up: wake up & sleep again & continue dreaming; wake up & stand up & make your dreams come true. 当你每天醒来的时候都有两个选择:1、醒来,再睡,继续未完的美梦;2、醒来,站起来,去实现自己的梦想。