
来源:互联网 发布:模拟城市5 mac 破解 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 19:14






using System;namespace ButtonMenu{/// <summary>/// interface for Command type/// </summary>public interface Command {void Execute();}}


private void commandClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {Command comd = (Command)sender;comd.Execute ();}




using System;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Drawing;using System.Data;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace ButtonMenu{/// <summary>/// Summary description for RedButton./// </summary>public class RedButton : System.Windows.Forms.Button, Command {//A Command button that turns the background redprivate System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;//-----public  void Execute() {Control c = this.Parent;c.BackColor =Color.Red ;this.BackColor =Color.LightGray  ;}public RedButton() {InitializeComponent();}/// <summary> /// Clean up any resources being used./// </summary>protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ){if( disposing ){if(components != null){components.Dispose();}}base.Dispose( disposing );}#region Component Designer generated code/// <summary> /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor./// </summary>private void InitializeComponent(){components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();}#endregion}}




using System;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace ButtonMenu{/// <summary>/// Summary description for FileOpen./// </summary>public class FileOpen : System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem , Command{public FileOpen():base("Open"){}public void Execute() {OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog ();fd.ShowDialog ();}}}


using System;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace ButtonMenu{/// <summary>/// Summary description for FileExit./// </summary>public class FileExit :MenuItem, Command {private Form form;//----------public FileExit(Form frm) :base ("Exit") {form = frm;}//----------public void Execute() {form.Close ();}}}




private ButtonMenu.RedButton btRed;        private System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu mainMenu1;        private IContainer components;public Form1() {InitializeComponent();init();}private void init() {//create a main menu and install itMainMenu main = new MainMenu();this.Menu =main;//create a click-event handlerEventHandler evh = new EventHandler (commandClick);btRed.Click += evh;//add to existing red button//create a "File" top level entryMenuItem file = new MenuItem("File");//create File Open commandFileOpen mnflo = new FileOpen ();mnflo.Click += evh;//add same handlermain.MenuItems.Add ( file );//create a File-Exit commandFileExit fex = new FileExit(this);file.MenuItems.AddRange( new MenuItem[]{ mnflo, fex});fex.Click += evh;//add same handler}







using System;namespace CHolder{/// <summary>/// Summary description for CommandHolder./// </summary>public interface CommandHolder {Command getCommand();void setCommand(Command cmd);}}


using System;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Drawing;using System.Data;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace CHolder{/// <summary>/// Summary description for ComdButton./// </summary>public class ComdButton : Button, CommandHolder {/// <summary> /// Required designer variable./// </summary>private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;private Command command;public ComdButton(){InitializeComponent();}public void setCommand(Command comd) {command = comd;}public Command getCommand() {return command;}/// <summary> /// Clean up any resources being used./// </summary>protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ){if( disposing ){if(components != null){components.Dispose();}}base.Dispose( disposing );}#region Component Designer generated code/// <summary> /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor./// </summary>private void InitializeComponent(){components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();}#endregion}}


using System;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace CHolder{/// <summary>/// Summary description for CommandMenu./// </summary>public class CommandMenu : MenuItem, CommandHolder {private Command command;public CommandMenu(string name):base(name) {}//-----public void setCommand (Command comd) {command = comd;}//----- public Command getCommand () {return command;}}}


using System;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace CHolder{/// <summary>/// Summary description for ExitCommand./// </summary>public class ExitCommand : Command {private Form form;public ExitCommand(Form frm){form = frm;}public void Execute() {form.Close ();}}}
using System;using System.Windows.Forms ;namespace CHolder{/// <summary>/// Summary description for OpenCommand./// </summary>public class OpenCommand :Command {public OpenCommand(){}public void Execute() {OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog ();fd.ShowDialog ();}}}


using System;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Drawing ;namespace CHolder{/// <summary>/// Summary description for cmdRed./// </summary>public class RedCommand : Command {private Control window;//-----public RedCommand(Control win) {window = win;}//-----void Command.Execute () {window.BackColor =Color.Red ;}}}


private ComdButton btRed;/// <summary>/// Required designer variable./// </summary>private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;public Form1() {InitializeComponent();init();}private void init() {//create a main menu and install itMainMenu main = new MainMenu();this.Menu =main;//create a click-event handler//note: btRed was added in the IDEEventHandler evh = new EventHandler (commandClick);btRed.Click += evh;//add to existing red buttonRedCommand cRed = new RedCommand (this);btRed.setCommand (cRed);//create a "File" top level entryMenuItem file = new CommandMenu("File");main.MenuItems.Add ( file );//create File Open commandCommandMenu mnuFlo = new CommandMenu("Open");mnuFlo.setCommand (new OpenCommand ());mnuFlo.Click += evh;//add same handler//create a Red menu item, tooCommandMenu mnuRed = new CommandMenu("Red");mnuRed.setCommand(cRed);mnuRed.Click += evh;//add same handler//create a File-Exit commandCommandMenu mnuFex = new CommandMenu("Exit");mnuFex.setCommand (new ExitCommand(this));file.MenuItems.AddRange( new CommandMenu[]{ mnuFlo, mnuRed, mnuFex});mnuFex.Click += evh;//add same handler}

使用命令模式的另外一个主要原因是,该类模式提供了一种便利的方式来存储和执行撤销功能。我们需要修改Command 接口,包含Undo()函数:

using System;namespace UndoCommand{/// <summary>/// defines Command interface/// </summary>public interface Command {void Execute();void Undo();bool isUndo();}}






using System;using System.Drawing ;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Collections ;namespace UndoCommand{/// <summary>/// Summary description for UndoCommand./// </summary>public class UndoComd:Command {private ArrayList undoList;public UndoComd() {undoList = new ArrayList ();}//-----public void add(Command comd) {if(! comd.isUndo ()) {undoList.Add (comd);}}//-----public bool isUndo() {return true;}//-----public void Undo() {}//-----public void Execute() {int index = undoList.Count - 1;if (index >= 0) {Command cmd = (Command)undoList[index];cmd.Undo();undoList.RemoveAt(index);}}}}



using System;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Drawing;using System.Collections ;namespace UndoCommand{/// <summary>/// Summary description for ColorCommand./// </summary>public class ColorCommand :Command{protected Color color;//line colorprotected PictureBox pbox;//box to draw inprotected ArrayList drawList;//list of linesprotected int x, y, dx, dy;//coordinates//------public ColorCommand(PictureBox pict){pbox = pict;//copy in picture boxdrawList = new ArrayList ();//create list}//------public void Execute() {//create a new line to drawDrawData dl = new DrawData(x, y, dx, dy);drawList.Add(dl);//add it to the listx = x + dx;//increment the positionsy = y + dy;pbox.Refresh();}//-----public bool isUndo() {return false;}//-----public void Undo() {DrawData dl;int index = drawList.Count - 1;if (index >= 0) {dl = (DrawData)drawList[index];drawList.RemoveAt(index);x = dl.getX();y = dl.getY();}pbox.Refresh();}//-----public void draw(Graphics g) {Pen rpen = new Pen(color, 1);int h = pbox.Height;int w = pbox.Width;//draw all the lines in the listfor (int i = 0; i < drawList.Count ; i++) {DrawData dl = (DrawData)drawList[i];g.DrawLine(rpen, dl.getX(), dl.getY(), dl.getX() + dx, dl.getDy() + h);}}}}


using System;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Drawing;using System.Collections ;namespace UndoCommand{/// <summary>/// draws bluelines and caches list for undo/// </summary>public class BlueCommand :ColorCommand {public BlueCommand(PictureBox pict):base(pict) {color = Color.Blue ;x = pbox.Width ;dx = -20;y = 0;dy = 0;}}}


using System;namespace UndoCommand{/// <summary>/// defines Command interface/// </summary>public interface Command {void Execute();void Undo();bool isUndo();}}


using System;namespace UndoCommand{/// <summary>/// Summary description for DrawData./// </summary>public class DrawData{private int x, y, dx, dy;public DrawData(int x_, int y_, int dx_, int dy_) {x = x_;dx = dx_;y = y_;dy = dy_;}public int getX() {return x;}public int getY() {return y;}public int getDx() {return dx;}public int getDy() {return dy;}}}


private BlueCommand blueC;private RedCommand redC;private UndoComd undoC;public Form1() {InitializeComponent();init();}private void init() {btBlue.setCommand (blueC=new BlueCommand (pBox));btRed.setCommand (redC=new RedCommand (pBox));btUndo.setCommand (undoC = new UndoComd ());EventHandler evh = new EventHandler (commandClick);btBlue.Click += evh;btRed.Click += evh;btUndo.Click += evh;pBox.Paint += new PaintEventHandler (paintHandler);}private void commandClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {//get the commandCommand comd = ((CommandHolder)sender).getCommand ();undoC.add (comd);//add to undo listcomd.Execute ();//and execute it}public void paintHandler(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) {Graphics g = e.Graphics ;blueC.draw(g);redC.draw (g);}

