
来源:互联网 发布:入店来源 我的淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 04:14
 刚刚学习C语言 ,就做了三道简单的试题,主要是练习英文阅读能力。


Exercise 1
Write a program to compute the area and perimeter of a rectangle with a

width of 3 inches and a height of 5 inches.

Exercise 2
Write a program that deliberately makes the following mistakes:
Prints a floating-point number using the %d conversion.
Prints an integer using the %f conversion.
Prints a character using the %d conversion

Exercise 3


#include <stdio.h>

/*int main(void){

 double a;
 double b;


 return 0;

/*int main(void){

 double i = 123.45;
 int j = 678;
 char k = 'A';


 return 0;

/*int main(void){

 enum city{beijing,shanghai,guangzhou};


 return 0;
