来源:互联网 发布:淘宝淘金币半币抢购 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 05:36


static void fromYCbCrToRGB(unsigned char Y,                             unsigned char Cb,                             unsigned char Cr,                             unsigned char& R,                             unsigned char& G,                             unsigned char& B)  {    int r = Y + ((1436 * (Cr - 128)) >> 10),        g = Y - ((354 * (Cb - 128) + 732 * (Cr - 128)) >> 10),        b = Y + ((1814 * (Cb - 128)) >> 10);    if(r < 0) r = 0;    else if(r > 255) r = 255;    if(g < 0) g = 0;    else if(g > 255) g = 255;    if(b < 0) b = 0;    else if(b > 255) b = 255;    R = (unsigned char) r;    G = (unsigned char) g;    B = (unsigned char) b;  }  /** Converts an RGB pixel into an YCbCr pixel.   *  @param R The R channel of the source pixel.   *  @param G The G channel of the source pixel.   *  @param B The B channel of the source pixel.   *  @param Y The Y channel of the target pixel.   *  @param Cb The Cb channel of the target pixel.   *  @param Cr The Cr channel of the target pixel.   */  static void fromRGBToYCbCr(unsigned char R,                             unsigned char G,                             unsigned char B,                             unsigned char& Y,                             unsigned char& Cb,                             unsigned char& Cr)  {    int y = (int)(0.2990 * R + 0.5870 * G + 0.1140 * B),        cr = 127 + (int)(-0.1687 * R - 0.3313 * G + 0.5000 * B),        cb = 127 + (int)(0.5000 * R - 0.4187 * G - 0.0813 * B);    if(y < 0) y = 0;    else if(y > 255) y = 255;    if(cb < 0) cb = 0;    else if(cb > 255) cb = 255;    if(cr < 0) cr = 0;    else if(cr > 255) cr = 255;    Y = (unsigned char) y;    Cb = (unsigned char) cb;    Cr = (unsigned char) cr;  }  /** Converts an YCbCr pixel into an HSI pixel.   *  @param Y The Y channel of the source pixel.   *  @param Cb The Cb channel of the source pixel.   *  @param Cr The Cr channel of the source pixel.   *  @param H The H channel of the target pixel.   *  @param S The S channel of the target pixel.   *  @param I The I channel of the target pixel.   */  static void fromYCbCrToHSI(unsigned char Y,                             unsigned char Cb,                             unsigned char Cr,                             unsigned char& H,                             unsigned char& S,                             unsigned char& I)  {    const float sqrt3 = 1.732050808f;    unsigned char R,                  G,                  B;    fromYCbCrToRGB(Y, Cb, Cr, R, G, B);    I = R;    if(G > I) I = G;    if(B > I) I = B;    if(I)    {      S = R;      if(G < S) S = G;      if(B < S) S = B;      S = (unsigned char)(255 - 255 * S / I);      if(S)      {        int h = int(atan2(sqrt3 * (G - B), float(2 * R - G - B)) / pi2 * 256.0f);        if(h > 255) h -= 256;        else if(h < 0) h += 256;        H = (unsigned char) h;      }      else        H = 0;    }    else      S = H = 0;  }  /** Converts an HSI pixel into an YCbCr pixel.   *  @param H The H channel of the source pixel.   *  @param S The S channel of the source pixel.   *  @param I The I channel of the source pixel.   *  @param Y The Y channel of the target pixel.   *  @param Cb The Cb channel of the target pixel.   *  @param Cr The Cr channel of the target pixel.   */  static void fromHSIToYCbCr(unsigned char H,                             unsigned char S,                             unsigned char I,                             unsigned char& Y,                             unsigned char& Cb,                             unsigned char& Cr)  {    float h = 1.0f - H / 255.0f,          s = S / 255.0f,          r,          g,          b;    if(h < 1.0f / 3.0f)    {      g = (1 - s) / 3;      b = (1 + s * cos(pi2 * h) / cos(pi2 * (1.0f / 6.0f - h))) / 3.0f;      r = 1 - (g + b);    }    else if(h < 2.0f / 3.0f)    {      h -= 1.0f / 3.0f;      b = (1 - s) / 3;      r = (1 + s * cos(pi2 * h) / cos(pi2 * (1.0f / 6.0f - h))) / 3.0f;      g = 1 - (b + r);    }    else    {      h -= 2.0f / 3.0f;      r = (1 - s) / 3;      g = (1 + s * cos(pi2 * h) / cos(pi2 * (1.0f / 6.0f - h))) / 3.0f;      b = 1 - (r + g);    }    r *= I * 3;    g *= I * 3;    b *= I * 3;    if(r > 255)      r = 255;    if(g > 255)      g = 255;    if(b > 255)      b = 255;    fromRGBToYCbCr((unsigned char) r,                   (unsigned char) g,                   (unsigned char) b,                   Y, Cb, Cr);  }  /** Converts an YCbCr pixel into a TSL pixel.   *  @param Y The Y channel of the source pixel.   *  @param Cb The Cb channel of the source pixel.   *  @param Cr The Cr channel of the source pixel.   *  @param T The T channel of the target pixel.   *  @param S The S channel of the target pixel.   *  @param L The L channel of the target pixel.   */  static void fromYCbCrToTSL(unsigned char Y,                             unsigned char Cb,                             unsigned char Cr,                             unsigned char& T,                             unsigned char& S,                             unsigned char& L)  {    const float pi2_div = 0.15915494309189533576888376337251f;  /* 1.0f / (PI * 2.0f) */    float cb = Cb - 128.0f,          cr = Cr - 128.0f,          tmp = 1.0f / (4.3403f * Y + 2.0f * cr + cb),          tmp_r = (-0.6697f * cr + 1.6959f * cb) * tmp,          tmp_g = (-1.168f  * cr - 1.3626f * cb) * tmp,          tmp_b = (1.8613f * cr - 0.331f  * cb) * tmp;    float t_out;    if(tmp_g > 0.0f)      t_out = (atan2(tmp_r, tmp_g) * pi2_div + 0.25f) * 255.0f;    else if(tmp_g < 0.0f)      t_out = (atan2(-tmp_r, -tmp_g) * pi2_div + 0.75f) * 255.0f;    else      t_out = 0.0f;    float s_out = sqrt(1.8f * (tmp_r * tmp_r + tmp_g * tmp_g + tmp_b * tmp_b)) * 255.0f;    if(t_out < 0.0f)      t_out = 0.0f;    else if(t_out > 255.0f)      t_out = 255.0f;    if(s_out < 0.0f)      s_out = 0.0f;    else if(s_out > 255.0f)      s_out = 255.0f;    T = (unsigned char) t_out;    S = (unsigned char) s_out;    L = Y;  }  /** Converts a TSL pixel into an YCbCr pixel.   *  @param T The T channel of the source pixel.   *  @param S The S channel of the source pixel.   *  @param L The L channel of the source pixel.   *  @param Y The Y channel of the target pixel.   *  @param Cb The Cr channel of the target pixel.   *  @param Cr The Cr channel of the target pixel.   */  static void fromTSLToYCbCr(unsigned char T,                             unsigned char S,                             unsigned char L,                             unsigned char& Y,                             unsigned char& Cb,                             unsigned char& Cr)  {    float rad = S * 0.555f / 255.0f,          phi = (T * 2 / 255.0f + 0.25f) * pi,          cb = 128 + rad * cos(phi) * 255.0f,          cr = 128 - rad * sin(phi) * 255.0f;    Y = L;    if(cb < 0)      cb = 0;    else if(cb > 255)      cb = 255;    if(cr < 0)      cr = 0;    else if(cr > 255)      cr = 255;    Cb = (unsigned char) cb;    Cr = (unsigned char) cr;  }  /** Converts a TSL pixel into an YCbCr pixel.   *  @param t The T channel of the source pixel.   *  @param s The S channel of the source pixel.   *  @param l The L channel of the source pixel.   *  @param r The R channel of the target pixel.   *  @param g The G channel of the target pixel.   *  @param b The B channel of the target pixel.   */  static void fromTSLToRGB(unsigned char t,                           unsigned char s,                           unsigned char l,                           unsigned char& r,                           unsigned char& g,                           unsigned char& b)  {    float y1, u1, v1, r1, g1, b1, rad, phi;    /* Convert TSL to YUV */    rad = (((float) s) * 0.555f) / 255.0f;    phi = (((float) t) * 2.0f * 3.14159f) / 255.0f;    phi += 0.25f * 3.14159f;    y1 = (float) l;    u1 = (rad * cos(phi)) * 255.0f;    v1 = -(rad * sin(phi)) * 255.0f;    /* Crop UV */    if(u1 < -128.0f)    {      u1 = -128.0f;    }    else if(u1 > 127.0f)    {      u1 = 127.0f;    }    if(v1 < -128.0f)    {      v1 = -128.0f;    }    else if(v1 > 127.0f)    {      v1 = 127.0f;    }    /* Convert YUV to RGB */    r1 = y1 + 1.371f * v1;    g1 = y1 - 0.336f * u1 - 0.698f * v1;    b1 = y1 + 1.732f * u1;    /* Crop RGB */    if(r1 < 0.0f)    {      r1 = 0.0f;    }    else if(r1 > 255.0f)    {      r1 = 255.0f;    }    if(g1 < 0.0f)    {      g1 = 0.0f;    }    else if(g1 > 255.0f)    {      g1 = 255.0f;    }    if(b1 < 0.0f)    {      b1 = 0.0f;    }    else if(b1 > 255.0f)    {      b1 = 255.0f;    }    /* Return values */    r = (unsigned char) r1;    g = (unsigned char) g1;    b = (unsigned char) b1;  }
