oracle 中 start with ...connect by 的用法

来源:互联网 发布:建立销售网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 10:40

 connect by 是结构化查询中用到的,其基本语法是:
select ... from tablename start with 条件1
connect by 条件2
where 条件3;
条件1 是根结点的限定语句,当然可以放宽限定条件,以取得多个根结点,实际就是多棵树。
条件2 是连接条件,其中用PRIOR表示上一条记录,比如 CONNECT BY PRIOR org_id = parent_id就是说上一条记录的org_id 是本条记录的parent_id,即本记录的父亲是上一条记录。
条件3 是过滤条件,用于对返回的所有记录进行过滤。


create table test(superid varchar2(20),id varchar2(20));

insert into test values('0','1');
insert into test values('0','2');

insert into test values('1','11');
insert into test values('1','12');

insert into test values('2','21');
insert into test values('2','22');

insert into test values('11','111');
insert into test values('11','112');

insert into test values('12','121');
insert into test values('12','122');

insert into test values('21','211');
insert into test values('21','212');

insert into test values('22','221');
insert into test values('22','222');


select level||'层',lpad(' ',level*5)||id id
from test
start with superid = '0' connect by prior id=superid;

LEVEL||'层'                                ID
------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1层                                             1
2层                                                  11
3层                                                       111
3层                                                       112
2层                                                  12
3层                                                       121
3层                                                       122
1层                                             2
2层                                                  21
3层                                                       211
3层                                                       212
2层                                                  22
3层                                                       221
3层                                                       222


select level||'层',connect_by_isleaf,lpad(' ',level*5)||id id
from test
start with superid = '0' connect by prior id=superid;

LEVEL||'层'                                CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF ID
------------------------------------------ ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1层                                                        0      1
2层                                                        0           11
3层                                                        1                111
3层                                                        1                112
2层                                                        0           12
3层                                                        1                121
3层                                                        1                122
1层                                                        0      2
2层                                                        0           21
3层                                                        1                211
3层                                                        1                212
2层                                                        0           22
3层                                                        1                221
3层                                                        1                222




--level,是一个虚列。配合connect by ...start with 使用。



lpad(String ,截取长度,添加的字符串)。



select lpad('test',10) from dual;

将返回“    test”

select lpad('test',10,'ee') from dual;


