
来源:互联网 发布:链表java 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 12:59
#include <lua.h>#include <lauxlib.h>#include <mysql.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdio.h> #define YO2MYSQL_CONN "YO2MySQL"typedef struct {MYSQL *conn;char *dbname;int num_rows;int found_rows;int per_page;} yo2mysql_connection_type; int luaopen_yo2mysql (lua_State *L); // Create a metatable and leave it on top of the yo2mysql_register (lua_State *L, const char *name, const luaL_reg *methods) {    if (!luaL_newmetatable (L, name))        return 0;     /* define methods */    luaL_register (L, NULL, methods);     /* define metamethods */    lua_pushliteral (L, "__gc");    lua_pushcfunction (L, methods->func);    lua_rawset (L, -3);     lua_pushliteral (L, "__index");    lua_pushvalue (L, -2);    lua_rawset (L, -3);     lua_pushliteral (L, "__metatable");    lua_pushliteral (L, "you're not allowed to get this metatable");    lua_rawset (L, -3);     return 1;} static int yo2mysql_connect (lua_State *L) { // This function init a connection and connect to a real databasechar * sqlarg[3]; // The first 3 arguments for mysql_real_connect: server, user, passwd // Get the first 3 argumentsint i;for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++) {if (!lua_isstring(L, i+1)) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "Wrong type of argument!");return 2;}else {sqlarg[i] = lua_tostring(L, i+1);}} yo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(yo2mysql_connection_type));luaL_getmetatable (L, YO2MYSQL_CONN);lua_setmetatable (L, -2);// Init the connection and connect it to a real databaseyo2mysql_connection->conn = mysql_init(NULL);if (!yo2mysql_connection->conn) {        lua_pushstring(L, "Cannot init connection!");return 2;    }if (!mysql_real_connect(yo2mysql_connection->conn, sqlarg[0], sqlarg[1], sqlarg[2], NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) {lua_pushstring(L, mysql_error(yo2mysql_connection->conn));return 2;} // Push the connection pointer onto the stackreturn 1;} static int yo2mysql_close (lua_State *L) {// This function closes the given connectionyo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);if (!yo2mysql_connection->conn) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "MySQL connection has gone!");return 2;}mysql_close(yo2mysql_connection->conn);yo2mysql_connection->conn = NULL;return 0;} char * yo2mysql_up_add(char *query) {// This function convert the query statement to UPPERCASEchar *new = malloc(strlen(query)+10);char *s;strcpy(new, query); for (s = new; *s; s++){if ((*s>='a') && (*s<='z')) {*s-=32;}} // and add LIMIT 1 if it doesn't have the limitationchar *slimit = " LIMIT";if (strstr(new, slimit) == NULL) {sprintf(new, "%s LIMIT 1", query);} return new;} int yo2mysql_calcperpage(char *query) {// This function returns the number after the comma after 'LIMIT' to the query statement// e.g a query with 'LIMIT 10, 20' will return 20 // First convert the query statement to UPPERCASEchar *new = malloc(strlen(query)+10);char *s;strcpy(new, query); for (s = new; *s; s++){if ((*s>='a') && (*s<='z')) {*s-=32;}} int per_page = 0; // and add LIMIT 1 if it doesn't have the limitationchar *slimit = "LIMIT";if ((s = strstr(new, slimit)) != NULL) {s += 5;while (*s == ' ')s++;while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9')s++;if (*s = ',') {s++;while (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') {per_page = per_page * 10 + *s - '0';s++;}}} free(new); return per_page;} static int yo2mysql_query (lua_State *L) {// This function returns whether the query on a given connection has resultsyo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);if (!yo2mysql_connection->conn) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "MySQL connection has gone!");return 2;} MYSQL_RES *res; // Get the query statementchar *sqlquery;if (!lua_isstring(L, 2)) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "Wrong type of argument");return 2;}else {sqlquery = lua_tostring(L, 2);} // Do the query on the given connectionif (mysql_query(yo2mysql_connection->conn, sqlquery)) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, mysql_error(yo2mysql_connection->conn));return 2;} // Get the results setres = mysql_use_result(yo2mysql_connection->conn);unsigned int field_count = mysql_field_count(yo2mysql_connection->conn);if (res) {lua_pushnumber(L, 1);}else {if (field_count == 0) {lua_pushnumber(L, mysql_affected_rows(yo2mysql_connection->conn));}else {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, mysql_error(yo2mysql_connection->conn));return 2;}}mysql_free_result(res); // Free the results set return 1;} static int yo2mysql_getresults (lua_State *L) {// This function returns a 2d table for a query on a given connectionyo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);if (!yo2mysql_connection->conn) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "MySQL connection has gone!");return 2;} // Get the query statementchar *sqlquery;if (!lua_isstring(L, 2)) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "Wrong type of argument!");return 2;}else {sqlquery = lua_tostring(L, 2);} // Do the query on the given connectionif (mysql_query(yo2mysql_connection->conn, sqlquery)) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, mysql_error(yo2mysql_connection->conn));return 2;} // Get the results setMYSQL_RES *res = mysql_use_result(yo2mysql_connection->conn); // Get the fields for field nameunsigned int num_fields = mysql_num_fields(res);unsigned int i,row_num = 0;MYSQL_FIELD *fields;fields = mysql_fetch_fields(res); // Push the outter table for different rows onto the stacklua_newtable(L); // Get each rowMYSQL_ROW row;while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL) {row_num++;lua_pushnumber(L, row_num);// And push the row numberlua_newtable(L); // Push the inner table for a single row onto the stackfor ( i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {lua_pushstring(L, fields[i].name); // Push the field name as keylua_pushstring(L, row[i]); // Push the actual data in string format as valuelua_rawset(L, -3); // Finish a single key/value record of the inner table}lua_rawset(L, -3); // Finish a single row of records of the outter table}yo2mysql_connection->num_rows = row_num;yo2mysql_connection->per_page = yo2mysql_calcperpage(sqlquery); mysql_free_result(res); // Free the results set if (strstr(sqlquery, " SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ") != NULL) {mysql_query(yo2mysql_connection->conn, "SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");res = mysql_use_result(yo2mysql_connection->conn);row = mysql_fetch_row(res);yo2mysql_connection->found_rows = atoi(row[0]);mysql_free_result(res);} return 1;} static int yo2mysql_numrows (lua_State *L) {// This function just returns the global variable set in yo2mysql_getresults or yo2mysql_setnumrowsyo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);lua_pushnumber(L, yo2mysql_connection->num_rows); return 1;} static int yo2mysql_perpage (lua_State *L) {// This function just returns the global variable set in yo2mysql_getresults or yo2mysql_setperpageyo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);lua_pushnumber(L, yo2mysql_connection->per_page); return 1;} static int yo2mysql_foundrows (lua_State *L) {// This function just returns the global variable set in yo2mysql_getresults or yo2mysql_setfoundrowsyo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);lua_pushnumber(L, yo2mysql_connection->found_rows); return 1;} static int yo2mysql_getrow (lua_State *L) {// This function returns a table contains the data in a single row for a query on a given connectionyo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);if (!yo2mysql_connection->conn) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "MySQL connection has gone!");return 2;} // Get the query statementchar *sqlquery;if (!lua_isstring(L, 2)) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "Wrong type of argument!");return 2;}else {sqlquery = lua_tostring(L, 2);}// Convert the query statement to UPPERCASE and add ' LIMIT 1' if it doesn't have the limitationsqlquery = yo2mysql_up_add(sqlquery); // Do the query on the given connectionif (mysql_query(yo2mysql_connection->conn, sqlquery)) {if(sqlquery) {free(sqlquery);}lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, mysql_error(yo2mysql_connection->conn));return 2;}// Get the results setMYSQL_RES *res = mysql_use_result(yo2mysql_connection->conn);if(sqlquery) {free(sqlquery);}// Get the fields for field nameunsigned int num_fields = mysql_num_fields(res);unsigned int i,row_num = 1;MYSQL_FIELD *fields;fields = mysql_fetch_fields(res); // Get the first (and only) rowMYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(res);if (row == NULL) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "No row found");return 2;}else {lua_newtable(L); // Push a table onto the stackfor ( i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {lua_pushstring(L, fields[i].name); // Push the field name as keylua_pushstring(L, row[i]); // Push the actual data in string format as valuelua_rawset(L, -3);// Finish a single key/value record of the table}} mysql_free_result(res); // Free the results set return 1;} static int yo2mysql_getvar (lua_State *L) {// This function returns only the first data for a query on a given connectionyo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);if (!yo2mysql_connection->conn) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "MySQL connection has gone!");return 2;} // Get the query statementchar *sqlquery;if (!lua_isstring(L, 2)) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "Wrong type of argument!");return 2;}else {sqlquery = lua_tostring(L, 2);} // Convert the query statement to UPPERCASE and add ' LIMIT 1' if it doesn't have the limitationsqlquery = yo2mysql_up_add(sqlquery); // Do the query on the given connectionif (mysql_query(yo2mysql_connection->conn, sqlquery)) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, mysql_error(yo2mysql_connection->conn));return 2;} // Get the results setMYSQL_RES *res = mysql_use_result(yo2mysql_connection->conn); // Get the first (and only) rowMYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(res);if (row == NULL) {if(sqlquery) {free(sqlquery);}lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "No row found!");return 2;}else {lua_pushstring(L, row[0]); // Push the first (and only) data onto the stack} if(sqlquery) {free(sqlquery);}mysql_free_result(res); // Free the results set return 1;} static int yo2mysql_insertid (lua_State *L) {// This function returns the id of the object just been inserted or updated on a given connectionyo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);if (!yo2mysql_connection->conn) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "MySQL connection has gone!");return 2;} lua_pushnumber(L, mysql_insert_id(yo2mysql_connection->conn)); // Push the id onto the stack return 1;} static int yo2mysql_setnumrows (lua_State *L) {// This function directly changes the value of the global gyo2mysql_num_rowsif (lua_isnumber(L, 1)) {yo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);yo2mysql_connection->num_rows = lua_tonumber(L, 1);} return 0;} static int yo2mysql_setperpage (lua_State *L) {// This function directly changes the value of the global gyo2mysql_per_page if (lua_isnumber(L, 1)) {yo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);yo2mysql_connection->per_page = lua_tonumber(L, 1);} return 0;} static int yo2mysql_setfoundrows (lua_State *L) {// This function directly changes the value of the global gyo2mysql_found_rows if (lua_isnumber(L, 1)) {yo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);yo2mysql_connection->found_rows = lua_tonumber(L, 1);} return 0;} static int yo2mysql_selectdb (lua_State *L) {// This function changes the connection's default databaseyo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);if (!yo2mysql_connection->conn) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "MySQL connection has gone!");return 2;} char *sqlquery;if (!lua_isstring(L, 2)) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "Wrong type of argument!");return 2;}else {sqlquery = lua_tostring(L, 2);} mysql_select_db(yo2mysql_connection->conn, sqlquery); return 0;} static int yo2mysql_setcharset (lua_State *L) {// This function changes the connection's default character setyo2mysql_connection_type *yo2mysql_connection = (yo2mysql_connection_type *)luaL_checkudata (L, 1, YO2MYSQL_CONN);if (!yo2mysql_connection->conn) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "MySQL connection has gone!");return 2;} char *sqlquery;if (!lua_isstring(L, 2)) {lua_pushnil(L);lua_pushstring(L, "Wrong type of argument!");return 2;}else {sqlquery = lua_tostring(L, 2);} mysql_set_character_set(yo2mysql_connection->conn, sqlquery); return 0;} static const luaL_reg yo2mysql_connection_lib[] = {{"set_charset", yo2mysql_setcharset},{"select_db", yo2mysql_selectdb},{"query", yo2mysql_query},{"get_results", yo2mysql_getresults},{"get_row", yo2mysql_getrow},{"get_var", yo2mysql_getvar},{"num_rows", yo2mysql_numrows},{"found_rows", yo2mysql_foundrows},{"per_page", yo2mysql_perpage},{"insert_id", yo2mysql_insertid},{"set_num_rows", yo2mysql_setnumrows},{"set_found_rows", yo2mysql_setfoundrows},{"set_per_page", yo2mysql_setperpage},{"close", yo2mysql_close},{NULL, NULL}}; int luaopen_yo2mysql (lua_State *L) {lua_pushcfunction(L, yo2mysql_connect);lua_setglobal(L, "open_mysql");yo2mysql_register (L, YO2MYSQL_CONN, yo2mysql_connection_lib);lua_pop (L, 2);return 1;}