c语言实现一个单元测试框架(Unit Test Framework)代码

来源:互联网 发布:怎么看淘宝旗舰店真假 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 03:26

csdn lidp  转载注明出处

此单元测试框架为我在google code上的开源项目spider-tool的一部分,

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/* * Spider -- An open source C language toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 2011 , Inc. * * lidp <openser@yeah.net> * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. *//*!   * \brief  Unit Test Framework  *  */#ifndef _TEST_ENGINE_H#define _TEST_ENGINE_H#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)extern "C" {#endif#define SPD_TEST_FRAMEWORK#ifdef SPD_TEST_FRAMEWORK#define SPD_TEST_INIT(name) static enum spd_test_result name(struct spd_test_record *record, enum spd_test_cmd type, struct spd_test *test)#define SPD_TEST_REGISTER(name) spd_test_register(name)#define SPD_TEST_UNREGISTER(name) spd_test_unregister(name)#define SPD_TEST_REPORT(name, category,file) spd_test_report(name, category,file)#define SPD_TEST_RUN(name, category) spd_test_run(name, category)#else #define SPD_TEST_INIT(name)#define SPD_TEST_REGISTER(name)#define SPD_TEST_UNREGISTER(name)#define SPD_TEST_REPORT(name, category,file)#define SPD_TEST_RUN(name, category)#endifenum spd_test_result {TEST_RESULT_NOT_RUN,TEST_RESULT_PASS,TEST_RESULT_FAILED,};enum spd_test_cmd {SPD_TEST_CMD_INIT,SPD_TEST_CMD_RUN,};struct spd_test_record {const char *name; /* unique name of this  test */const char *category; /*  test in this category can be run */const char *description; /*  a description of test  */};struct spd_test;typedef enum spd_test_result (spd_test_cb_t)(struct spd_test_record *record, enum spd_test_cmd type, struct spd_test* test);/* register a test record */int spd_test_register(spd_test_cb_t *cb);/* unresigster a test record  */int spd_test_unregister(spd_test_cb_t *cb);/*   * run test framework  in three mode :  * name : run given name test case, may be NULL   * category : run a class of test of given category , may be NULL  * if both name and category is NULL , will run all test case.  *  */int spd_test_run(const char *name, const char *category);/*!  *\brief report test result in three mode ,by name, by category or all. may write result to textfile.  */int spd_test_report(const char *name, const char *category, const char *textfile);int __spd_test_update_state(const char *file, const char *func, int line , struct spd_test *test, const char *fmt, ...);#define spd_test_update_state(test, fmt,...)  __spd_test_update_state(__FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, (test), (fmt), ## __VA_ARGS__)#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)}#endif#endif


/* * Spider -- An open source C language toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 2011 , Inc. * * lidp <openser@yeah.net> * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */#include "test_engine.h"#include "logger.h"#include "str.h"#include "linkedlist.h"#include "times.h" /* stand for a  single test record */struct spd_test {struct spd_test_record info;   /* store test info */enum spd_test_result result;   /* test result */struct spd_str *status_str;    /* test status in string */unsigned int howlong;     /* time this test cost */spd_test_cb_t *callback;       /* real func perform test work */SPD_LIST_ENTRY(spd_test)  list;};struct test_resultstr{enum spd_test_result result;const char* state;} ;static const struct test_resultstr test_result2str [] = {{TEST_RESULT_NOT_RUN, "NOT RUN"},{TEST_RESULT_PASS, "PASS"},{TEST_RESULT_FAILED, "FAILED"},};/* time mode */enum test_type {TEST_NAME = 0,TEST_CATEGORY,TEST_ALL,};/*! global structure containing both total and last test execution results */static struct spd_test_execute_results {unsigned int total_tests;  /*!< total number of tests, regardless if they have been executed or not */unsigned int total_passed; /*!< total number of executed tests passed */unsigned int total_failed; /*!< total number of executed tests failed */unsigned int total_time;   /*!< total time of all executed tests */unsigned int last_passed;  /*!< number of passed tests during last execution */unsigned int last_failed;  /*!< number of failed tests during last execution */unsigned int last_time;    /*!< total time of the last test execution */} last_results;static SPD_LIST_HEAD_STATIC(spd_test_list, spd_test);static struct spd_test* spd_test_create(spd_test_cb_t*callback);static struct spd_test* spd_test_free(struct spd_test *test);static int spd_test_insert(struct spd_test *test);static struct spd_test* spd_test_remove(spd_test_cb_t* cb);static int spd_test_category_cmp(const char *cat1, const char *cat2);int __spd_test_update_state(const char * file, const char * func, int line, struct spd_test * test, const char * fmt,...){struct spd_str *buf = NULL;va_list ap;if(!(buf = spd_str_create(128))) {return -1;}va_start(ap, fmt);spd_str_set_va(&buf, 0, fmt, ap);va_end(ap);spd_str_append(&test->status_str,0, "[%s:%s:%d]: %s",file, func, line,spd_str_buffer(buf));spd_safe_free(buf);return 0;}int spd_test_register(spd_test_cb_t *cb){struct spd_test *test;if(!cb) {spd_log(LOG_WARNING, "No callback be specified\n");return -1;}if(!(test = spd_test_create(cb))) {spd_log(LOG_WARNING, "failed to create test case\n");return -1;}if(spd_test_insert(test)) {spd_log(LOG_WARNING, "failed to insert test \n");spd_test_free(test);return -1;}return -1;}int spd_test_unregister(spd_test_cb_t *cb){struct spd_test *test;if(!cb)  {spd_log(LOG_WARNING, "No callback be specified\n");return -1;}if(!(test = spd_test_remove(cb))) {return -1;}spd_test_free(test);return 0;}static struct spd_test *spd_test_free(struct spd_test* test){if(!test) {return NULL;}spd_safe_free(test->status_str);spd_safe_free(test);return NULL;}static struct spd_test *spd_test_create(spd_test_cb_t * callback){struct spd_test *test = NULL;if(!callback || !(test = spd_calloc(1, sizeof(struct spd_test)))) {return NULL;}test->callback = callback;test->callback(&test->info, SPD_TEST_CMD_INIT, test);if(spd_strlen_zero(test->info.category)) {spd_log(LOG_WARNING, "No category set, cannot register. \n");return spd_test_free(test);}if(spd_strlen_zero(test->info.name)) {spd_log(LOG_WARNING, "No name set , cannot register. \n");return spd_test_free(test);}if(test->info.category[0] != '/' || test->info.category[strlen(test->info.category) - 1] != '/') {spd_log(LOG_WARNING, "category %s must start with / and end whith /.\n", test->info.category);}if(spd_strlen_zero(test->info.description)) {spd_log(LOG_WARNING, "NO desc set , cannot register.\n");return spd_test_free(test);}if(!(test->status_str = spd_str_create(128))) {return spd_test_free(test);}return test;}static int spd_test_insert(struct spd_test *test){SPD_LIST_LOCK(&spd_test_list);SPD_LIST_INSERT_SORTALPHA(&spd_test_list, test,list,info.category);SPD_LIST_UNLOCK(&spd_test_list);return 0;}static struct spd_test* spd_test_remove(spd_test_cb_t *cb){struct spd_test *cur = NULL;SPD_LIST_LOCK(&spd_test_list);SPD_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&spd_test_list, cur, list) {if(cur->callback == cb) {SPD_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT(&spd_test_list, list);break;}}SPD_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END;SPD_LIST_UNLOCK(&spd_test_list);return cur;}static int spd_test_category_cmp(const char *cat1, const char *cat2){int len1 = 0;int len2 = 0;if (!cat1 || !cat2) {return -1;}len1 = strlen(cat1);len2 = strlen(cat2);if (len2 > len1) {return -1;}return strncmp(cat1, cat2, len2) ? 1 : 0;}static int run_one(struct spd_test *test){struct timeval start =  spd_tvnow();spd_str_reset(test->status_str);test->result = test->callback(&test->info, SPD_TEST_CMD_RUN, test);test->howlong = spd_tvdiff_ms(spd_tvnow(), start);return 0;}int spd_test_run(const char * name, const char * category){enum test_type mode = TEST_ALL;struct spd_test *test = NULL;int ret = 0;int run = 0;if(!spd_strlen_zero(category)) {if(spd_strlen_zero(name)) {mode = TEST_NAME;} else {mode = TEST_CATEGORY;}}SPD_LIST_LOCK(&spd_test_list);memset(&last_results, 0, sizeof(last_results));SPD_LIST_TRAVERSE(&spd_test_list, test, list) {run = 0;switch(mode) {case TEST_CATEGORY:if(!spd_test_category_cmp(test->info.category, category)) {run = 1;}break;case TEST_NAME:if(!spd_test_category_cmp(test->info.category, category) && !strcmp(test->info.name, name)) {run = 1;}break;case TEST_ALL:run = 1;break;}if(run) {spd_log(LOG_DEBUG, "START Unite Test  %s - %s \n",test->info.category, test->info.name);run_one(test);last_results.last_time += test->howlong;if(test->result == TEST_RESULT_PASS) {last_results.last_passed++;} else if(test->result = TEST_RESULT_FAILED) {last_results.last_failed++;}}last_results.total_time += test->howlong;last_results.total_tests++;if(test->result != TEST_RESULT_NOT_RUN) {if(test->result == TEST_RESULT_PASS) {last_results.total_passed++;} else {last_results.total_failed++;}}}ret = last_results.total_passed + last_results.total_failed;if(!(last_results.last_passed + last_results.last_failed)) {spd_log(LOG_WARNING, "No Test Found.\n ");return ret;} else {spd_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Number of Tests:            %d\n", (last_results.last_passed + last_results.last_failed));spd_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Number of Tests Executed:   %d\n",last_results.total_tests);spd_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Passed Tests:               %d\n", last_results.last_passed);spd_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Failed Tests:               %d\n",last_results.last_failed);spd_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Total Execution Time:       %d\n", last_results.total_time);}SPD_LIST_UNLOCK(&spd_test_list);return ret;}static void test_report_one(FILE *txtfile, const struct spd_test *test){if(!txtfile || !test) {return;}fprintf(txtfile, "\nName:           %s\n", test->info.name);fprintf(txtfile, "Category:         %s\n", test->info.category);fprintf(txtfile, "Description:      %s\n", test->info.description);fprintf(txtfile, "Result:           %s\n", test_result2str[test->result].state);if(test->result != TEST_RESULT_NOT_RUN) {fprintf(txtfile, "Time:          %d\n",test->howlong);}if(test->result == TEST_RESULT_FAILED) {fprintf(txtfile, "Error Description:  %s\n", spd_str_buffer(test->status_str));}}int spd_test_report(const char * name, const char * category, const char * textfile){enum test_type mode = TEST_ALL;FILE *ftext;struct spd_test *test = NULL;if(!spd_strlen_zero(category)) {if(spd_strlen_zero(name)) {mode = TEST_NAME;} else {mode = TEST_CATEGORY;}}if(!spd_strlen_zero(textfile)) {if(!(ftext = fopen(textfile, "w"))) {spd_log(LOG_ERROR, "cannot open textfile : %s\n", textfile);return -1;}}SPD_LIST_LOCK(&spd_test_list);if(ftext) {fprintf(ftext,"Number of Tests:            %d\n", last_results.total_tests);fprintf(ftext,"Number of Tests Executed:   %d\n",(last_results.total_passed + last_results.total_failed));fprintf(ftext,"Passed Tests:               %d\n", last_results.total_passed);fprintf(ftext,"Failed Tests:               %d\n", last_results.total_failed);fprintf(ftext,"Total Execution Time:       %d\n", last_results.total_time);}SPD_LIST_TRAVERSE(&spd_test_list, test, list) {switch(mode) {case TEST_CATEGORY:if(!spd_test_category_cmp(test->info.category, category)) {test_report_one(ftext, test);}break;case TEST_NAME:if(!spd_test_category_cmp(test->info.category, category) && !strcmp(test->info.name, name)) {test_report_one(ftext, test);}break;case TEST_ALL:test_report_one(ftext, test);break;}}SPD_LIST_UNLOCK(&spd_test_list);if(ftext)fclose(ftext);return 0;}

测试 代码:

enum {FAMILY = 0,KEY = 1,VALUE = 2,};SPD_TEST_INIT(test_db){int res = TEST_RESULT_PASS;int i;char buf[sizeof(large_name)] = {0,};const char *inputs[][3] = {{"family", "key", "value"},{"dbtest", "a", "b"},{"dbtest", "a", "a"},{"dbtest", "b", "a"},{"dbtest", "b", "b"},}; switch(type) {case SPD_TEST_CMD_INIT:record->name = "test_db";record->category = "/spider/db/";record->description = "spd db get|put|del unit test";return TEST_RESULT_NOT_RUN;case SPD_TEST_CMD_RUN:break;}for(i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(inputs); i++) {if(spd_db_put(inputs[i][FAMILY], inputs[i][KEY], inputs[i][VALUE])) {spd_log(LOG_ERROR, "test failed in db put %s : %s : %s : \n", inputs[i][FAMILY], inputs[i][KEY], inputs[i][VALUE]);spd_test_update_state(test, "test failed in db put %s : %s : %s : \n", inputs[i][FAMILY], inputs[i][KEY], inputs[i][VALUE]);res = TEST_RESULT_FAILED;} if(spd_db_get(inputs[i][FAMILY], inputs[i][KEY], buf, sizeof(buf))) {spd_log(LOG_ERROR, "test failed in db put %s : %s : %s : \n", inputs[i][FAMILY], inputs[i][KEY], inputs[i][VALUE]);spd_test_update_state(test, "test failed in db put %s : %s : %s : \n", inputs[i][FAMILY], inputs[i][KEY], inputs[i][VALUE]);res = TEST_RESULT_FAILED;} else if (strcasecmp(inputs[i][VALUE], buf)) {spd_log(LOG_ERROR, "test failed in db get , this is not match value,expect %s but %s \n", buf,inputs[i][VALUE]);spd_test_update_state(test, "test failed in db get , this is not match value,expect %s but %s \n", buf,inputs[i][VALUE]);res = TEST_RESULT_FAILED;} else {//spd_log(LOG_NOTICE, "get success %s %s %s \n", inputs[i][FAMILY], inputs[i][KEY], buf);}if(spd_db_del(inputs[i][FAMILY], inputs[i][KEY])) {spd_log(LOG_ERROR, "test failed in db del %s : %s : \n", inputs[i][FAMILY], inputs[i][KEY]);spd_test_update_state(test, "test failed in db get , this is not match value,expect %s but %s \n", buf,inputs[i][VALUE]);res = TEST_RESULT_FAILED;}}return res;}int test_spddb(){SPD_TEST_REGISTER(test_db);SPD_TEST_RUN("test_db",NULL);SPD_TEST_REPORT("test_db", NULL, "/tmp/spddb_test");SPD_TEST_UNREGISTER(test_db);return 0;}