
来源:互联网 发布:清华大学网络教育招生 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 10:21











Step 1: Create the library project

First of all you need to create a library project which will be a standard Cocoa Touch static library first of all. So go ahead and create a new project from the “Cocoa Touch Static Library” template as shown in the following two screenshots.


新建项目->IOS->Framework & Library->Cocoa Touch Static Library

Step 2: Adding a copy files phase

In order for the headers from the static library to be picked up by a project which includes it, we need to add a copy files phase to the library to copy the headers to a certain directory. From a bit of trial and error and some other blog posts I found that we need to put these into the “Products Directory” under a subpath of include.

To add the phase you need to go to the build settings of the library project and under the “Build Phases” tab you’ll see a button called “Add Build Phase”. Click that and set it up as per the screenshots below.




选择MyLibrary项目,File->New->New File->Cocoa Touch->UIViewController subclass,名称就叫MyViewController

再选择MyLibrary项目,然后在右边面板选择Build Phases,点下方Add  Build Phases,再点Add Copy Files

Destination选择Products Directory,subpath输入include

Step 3: Adding the resources bundle target

The magic for getting the resources to play nicely is to put all the resources into a bundle which we’ll include from another project. So we need to add a target to the library project of type “Bundle”. From the build settings of your library project click the “Add Target” button and use the screenshot below to help you set it up.

第三步:添加资源Bundle Target

资源必须是单独编译成Bundle才能使用,所以需要为MyLibrary项目生成另一个Bundle Target

选择MyLibrary项目,在右边面板中点Add Target->MAC OS X->FRAMEWORK &LIBRARY->Bundle

需要说明,bundle项目只有MAC OS X里才有,但实际上也是可以用于IOS的,只是需要做些改动

Step 4: Fixing the resources bundle target

When the resources bundle target is added, it will default to being set up with a Mac OS X build target. This is wrong because we want an iOS one so you just need to change the relevant settings to whatever you want your iOS target to be (probably “Latest iOS”). Use the screenshot below to guide you in doing this.

第四步:修改资源bundle target

把bundle target修改成ios能用的,看图

Build Settings设置

1)Architectures为Standard (armv7)

2)Build Active Architecture Only 为指定的IOS版本

Step 5: Adding a XIB to the bundle target

In order to get resources to be put into the bundle all you have to do is add them to the “Copy Bundle Resources” build phase of the target. The following screenshot shows an example ofMyViewController.xib being put into the bundle.

第五步:添加 XIB的输出

设置XIB为输出到BUNDLE,这一步相当于VS c#开发里把某个图片设置编译动作为嵌入资源.

选择Mylibrary项目,targets选择MyLibraryResources,Build Phases面板

Copy Bundle Resources点+选择xib文件

Step 6: Creating the app project

Now we’re ready to create an app which will use the library. So let’s go ahead and do that. Just create an empty application for now. The following screenshots show an example of doing that.



Step 7: Linking with the library

In order to get the static library to be linked with the main app project you just need to drag the library project from Finder into the navigator pane in Xcode and drop it next to the project. It doesn’t really matter if it’s a sub project or a sibling project in a workspace – do whichever you feel most comfortable with.

Then we need to edit the app’s scheme to make it build the library project’s targets first. So edit the scheme and under the “Build” tab click the plus at the bottom and add the library target and library resources target. You should then have something which looks like the following screenshot.


这一步相当于VS C#开发中的项目引用


要说明下:我原本以为编译主程序会自动编译静态库,实际上做的并没有那么好,我改动了静态库的XIB内容,但编译主程序后发现内容还是上次的,所以我每次都是clean build.

编辑Scheme(菜单Product->Edit Scheme)



Step 8: Linking against the library

We now need to tell the app project to link against the static library from the library project. To do this you just need to add it to the list of linked frameworks in the target. The following screenshot shows an example of doing this.



选择MylibraryResources项目在右边Build Phases面板Link Binary WithLibraries点+,选择libMylibrary.a文件

We also need to add the bundle from the library project to the main app project. To do this we just need to drag it across from the navigator pane to the “Copy Bundle Resources” phase of the application project. Once done it should look something like the following screenshot.


还是在Build Phases面板

展开Copy Bundle Resources

要注意,这次不是点+了,需要拖拽Mylibrary项目中的xib文件到Copy Bundle Resources里

Step 9: Final setup of app project

The last bit to do is to set up the header search paths of the app project. Go to the build settings of the app project and look for “User Header Search Paths”. Then set the target setting to$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) so that it looks something like the following screenshot.


选择MyLibraryResource项目在Build Settings面板里

设置User Header Search Paths为$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR),注意建议把Recursive勾上(递归搜索)

Step 10: Coding the example view controller

In my example I created a view controller called MyViewController with a XIB that gets put into the library bundle. The code for this just has to be a bit different to normal to pick up the XIB from our library bundle. So here is the code:


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface MyViewController : UIViewController @end @implementation MyViewController - (id)init {    NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"MyLibraryResources" withExtension:@"bundle"]];    if ((self = [super initWithNibName:@"MyViewController" bundle:bundle])) {    }    return self;} @end
  NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"MyLibraryResources" withExtension:@"bundle"]];

