FSBII(七)class CThread

来源:互联网 发布:书生商务软件怎么用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 04:09
/********************************************************************created:2003/02/14file base:Threadfile ext:hauthor:liupengpurpose:*********************************************************************/#ifndef __INCLUDE_THREAD_H__#define __INCLUDE_THREAD_H__#if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)#pragma once#endif#ifndef _WINDOWS_#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN#include <windows.h>#undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN#endif/* * namespace OnlineGameLib::Win32 */namespace OnlineGameLib {namespace Win32 {/* * CThread */class CThread {public:   CThread();      virtual ~CThread();HANDLE GetHandle() const;void Wait() const;bool Wait(DWORD timeoutMillis) const;void Start();void Terminate( DWORD exitCode = 0 );private:virtual int Run() = 0;static unsigned int __stdcall ThreadFunction( void *pV );HANDLE m_hThread;/* * No copies do not implement */CThread( const CThread &rhs );CThread &operator=( const CThread &rhs );};} // End of namespace OnlineGameLib} // End of namespace Win32#endif //__INCLUDE_THREAD_H__
#include "stdafx.h"#include "KWin32.h"#include "Thread.h"#include "Macro.h"#include <process.h>//Thread define#include "Win32Exception.h"/* * namespace OnlineGameLib::Win32 */namespace OnlineGameLib {namespace Win32 {CThread::CThread(): m_hThread( NULL ){}      CThread::~CThread(){SAFE_CLOSEHANDLE( m_hThread );}HANDLE CThread::GetHandle() const{return m_hThread;}void CThread::Start(){if ( m_hThread == NULL ){unsigned int threadID = 0;m_hThread = (HANDLE)::_beginthreadex(0, 0, ThreadFunction,( void * )this, 0, &threadID );if ( m_hThread == NULL ){throw CWin32Exception(_T("CThread::Start() - _beginthreadex"), GetLastError());}}else{throw CException(_T("CThread::Start()"), _T("Thread already running - you can only call Start() once!"));}}void CThread::Wait() const{if ( !Wait( INFINITE ) ){throw CException(_T("CThread::Wait()"), _T("Unexpected timeout on infinite wait"));}}bool CThread::Wait(DWORD timeoutMillis) const{bool ok;if ( !m_hThread ){return true;}DWORD result = ::WaitForSingleObject( m_hThread, timeoutMillis );if ( result == WAIT_TIMEOUT ){ok = false;}else if ( result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ){ok = true;}else{throw CWin32Exception( _T( "CThread::Wait() - WaitForSingleObject" ), ::GetLastError() );}    return ok;}unsigned int __stdcall CThread::ThreadFunction( void *pV ){int result = 0;CThread* pThis = ( CThread * )pV;   if ( pThis ){try{result = pThis->Run();}catch( ... ){TRACE( "CThread::ThreadFunction exception!" );}}return result;}void CThread::Terminate( DWORD exitCode /* = 0 */ ){if ( m_hThread && !::TerminateThread( m_hThread, exitCode ) ){TRACE( "CThread::Terminate error!" );}SAFE_CLOSEHANDLE( m_hThread );}} // End of namespace OnlineGameLib} // End of namespace Win32
