OCX's/windows regsvr32

来源:互联网 发布:汽车之家的团购 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 07:24
I am new to writing OCX's/windows programming but have managed to    modify an existing OCX with new functionality. But when I build the OCX    in release mode and try to add this OCX with a simple visual basic    project, it crashes upon exiting the project. But if I build the OCX in    debug mode and do the same, it does not crash. Do you have any idea,    why??    Also the debug version of the OCX is having problem registering on a    machine other than it was built on with an error "Debug Assertion    Failed. File: oletyplb.cpp line 32". But if we build the OCX on that    machine and then register it, then it's okay. I don't know if both the    above problems are related or different.    Any help will be appreciated.    Thanks,    kshah

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6/8/2006 8:59:32 AM    Re: Error in OCX
<mail2kinashah@yahoo.com> wrote in message    news:1149772543.120727.198670@j55g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...    Debug mode will automatically zero uninitialized variables for you. Release    mode won't. This is one of the common reasons Release mode will crash when    Debug mode won't. The bottom line is, you have a bug that you need to track    down.    It's probably not related, but you need to get rid of your bugs first.    Before moving your OCX to a target machine, make sure that any dependent    DLL's are also moved. See http://www.dependencywalker.com for a tool to help    identify dependent DLL's.    Brian