eXtremeComponents FAQ

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eXtremeComponents FAQ

eXtremeComponents FAQ(中文版)

Jeff Johnston



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Table of Contents

eXtremeComponents FAQ(中文)
1. 如何使用导出功能
2. 传入中文参数乱码
3. 导出时中文文件名乱码
4. 导出时文件内容乱码
5. 变量命名问题
6. 格式化输出表单中的数据
7. 加入链接
8. 行高亮显示

eXtremeComponents FAQ(中文)

1. 如何使用导出功能

Q: 如何使用导出功能

A: 为了使用导出功能,只需要在web.xml文件中加入eXtremeComponents的导出过滤器的配置,内容如下:


2. 传入中文参数乱码

Q: 传入中文参数乱码,如下页面:

<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="应用eXtremeTable的action或是结果页面名">
<select name="selecttype" size="6">
<option value="第一个">第一个</option>
<option value="第二个">第二个</option>
<option value="第三个">第三个</option>
<input type="text" name="username" />
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="提交" />



  1. 确认服务器的参数是否设置了正确的编码,如果使用Tomcat请确认Server.xml:

     <Connector port="80" URIEncoding="UTF-8" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" enableLookups="false"
    redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />
  2. 添加编码过滤器到你的应用工程:

    * Copyright 1999-2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the License.

    package filters;

    import java.io.IOException;
    import javax.servlet.Filter;
    import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
    import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.UnavailableException;

    * <p>Example filter that sets the character encoding to be used in parsing the
    * incoming request, either unconditionally or only if the client did not
    * specify a character encoding. Configuration of this filter is based on
    * the following initialization parameters:</p>
    * <ul>
    * <li><strong>encoding</strong> - The character encoding to be configured
    * for this request, either conditionally or unconditionally based on
    * the <code>ignore</code> initialization parameter. This parameter
    * is required, so there is no default.</li>
    * <li><strong>ignore</strong> - If set to "true", any character encoding
    * specified by the client is ignored, and the value returned by the
    * <code>selectEncoding()</code> method is set. If set to "false,
    * <code>selectEncoding()</code> is called <strong>only</strong> if the
    * client has not already specified an encoding. By default, this
    * parameter is set to "true".</li>
    * </ul>
    * <p>Although this filter can be used unchanged, it is also easy to
    * subclass it and make the <code>selectEncoding()</code> method more
    * intelligent about what encoding to choose, based on characteristics of
    * the incoming request (such as the values of the <code>Accept-Language</code>
    * and <code>User-Agent</code> headers, or a value stashed in the current
    * user's session.</p>
    * @author Craig McClanahan
    * @version $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2004/02/28 03:35:22 $

    public class SetCharacterEncodingFilter implements Filter {

    // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables

    * The default character encoding to set for requests that pass through
    * this filter.
    protected String encoding = null;

    * The filter configuration object we are associated with. If this value
    * is null, this filter instance is not currently configured.
    protected FilterConfig filterConfig = null;

    * Should a character encoding specified by the client be ignored?
    protected boolean ignore = true;

    // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods

    * Take this filter out of service.
    public void destroy() {

    this.encoding = null;
    this.filterConfig = null;


    * Select and set (if specified) the character encoding to be used to
    * interpret request parameters for this request.
    * @param request The servlet request we are processing
    * @param result The servlet response we are creating
    * @param chain The filter chain we are processing
    * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
    * @exception ServletException if a servlet error occurs
    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
    FilterChain chain)
    throws IOException, ServletException {

    // Conditionally select and set the character encoding to be used
    if (ignore || (request.getCharacterEncoding() == null)) {
    String encoding = selectEncoding(request);
    if (encoding != null)

    // Pass control on to the next filter
    chain.doFilter(request, response);


    * Place this filter into service.
    * @param filterConfig The filter configuration object
    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {

    this.filterConfig = filterConfig;
    this.encoding = filterConfig.getInitParameter("encoding");
    String value = filterConfig.getInitParameter("ignore");
    if (value == null)
    this.ignore = true;
    else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
    this.ignore = true;
    else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))
    this.ignore = true;
    this.ignore = false;


    // ------------------------------------------------------ Protected Methods

    * Select an appropriate character encoding to be used, based on the
    * characteristics of the current request and/or filter initialization
    * parameters. If no character encoding should be set, return
    * <code>null</code>.
    * <p>
    * The default implementation unconditionally returns the value configured
    * by the <strong>encoding</strong> initialization parameter for this
    * filter.
    * @param request The servlet request we are processing
    protected String selectEncoding(ServletRequest request) {

    return (this.encoding);


  3. 在web.xml中添加编码过滤器配置:

    <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name>
    <filter-name>Set Character Encoding</filter-name>

3. 导出时中文文件名乱码


A: 这是个bug,建议使用英文文件名,主要原因还是编码问题。我们现在正在想办法解决。

4. 导出时文件内容乱码



  1. Excle: 导出为Excle的中文问题已经修正,默认的情况下支持导出中文,用户不需要任何改动
  2. PDF : 由于extremecomponents使用了FOP来生成PDF文件,FOP在导出中文内容时会产生乱码。具体的解决方案 大家可以参考最新eXtremeComponents包:支持 PDF中文导出

5. 变量命名问题


A: 内部使用了一些关键字,就目前我所知的为"action"、"submit"。建议大家命名时尽量避免,如果大家必须使用,则可以使用table标签的autoIncludeParameters参数设置为"false":


6. 格式化输出表单中的数据


A: 你可以设置列的cell:

  1. 日期格式化: cell = " date " format = " yyyy-MM-dd "
  2. 数字格式化: cell="currency" format="###,###,##0.00"


7. 加入链接


A: 你可以参考下例:

title="Compact Toolbar View"
tooltip="Export PDF"
tooltip="Export Excel"
<ec:column property="fullName" title="Name">
<a href="http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/">${pres.fullName}</a>
<ec:column property="nickName"/>
<ec:column property="term"/>
<ec:column property="born" cell="date"/>
<ec:column property="died" cell="date"/>
<ec:column property="career"/>

8. 行高亮显示

Q: 我想使用行的高亮显示如何设置

A: 你只需要设置行标签的highlightRow属性: highlightRow="true"。eXtremeComponents提供了很多接口允许用户按照自己的习惯来进行定制,包括:CSS、CELL、View。相关信息请参考指南。
