
来源:互联网 发布:ff14猫男捏脸数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 16:12





// =========== Public Constructors ===================================// ===================================================================/*** Calls super constructor.*/public ConfigProperties() { super(); }// -------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Constructs a ConfigProperty object from a parameter list.* The algorithm is as follows: first <code>resource</code> is used to attempt* loading default values from the given system resource.* Then all Strings in <code>pars</code> are processed in the order they* appear in the array. For <code>pars[i]</code>, first a property file* with the name <code>pars[i]</code> is attempted to be loaded. If the file* does not exist or loading produces any other IOException, <code>pars[i]</code>* is interpreted as a property definition, and it is set.* <p>* A little inconvenience is that if <code>pars[i]</code> is supposed to be * a command line argument, but it is a valid filename at the same time by* accident, the algorithm will process it as a file instead of a command line* argument. The caller must take care of that.* <p>* No exceptions are thrown, instead error messages are written to the* standard error. Users who want a finer control should use* the public methods of this class.** @param pars The (probably command line) parameter list.* @param resource The name of the system resource that contains the* defaults. null if there isn't any.* */publicConfigProperties( String[] pars, String resource ) {try{if( resource != null ){loadSystemResource(resource);System.err.println("ConfigProperties: System resource "+resource+" loaded.");}}catch( Exception e ){System.err.println("ConfigProperties: " + e );}if( pars == null || pars.length == 0 ) return;for (int i=0; i < pars.length; i++){try{load( pars[i] );System.err.println("ConfigProperties: File "+pars[i]+" loaded.");pars[i] = "";}catch( IOException e ){try{loadPropertyString( pars[i] );System.err.println("ConfigProperties: Property '" +pars[i] + "' set.");}catch( Exception e2 ){System.err.println("ConfigProperties: " + e2 );}}catch( Exception e ){System.err.println("ConfigProperties: " + e );}}}// -------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Constructs a ConfigProperty object by loading a file by calling* {@link #load}.* @param fileName The name of the configuration file.*/public ConfigProperties( String fileName ) throws IOException {//重写了Properties的load方法load( fileName );}// -------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Calls super constructor.*/publicConfigProperties( Properties props ) {super( props );}// -------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Calls {@link #ConfigProperties(String[],String)} with resource set to null.*/publicConfigProperties( String[] pars ) {this( pars, null );}

可以通过四种方式处理配置文件。并且重写了父类中的load(String fileName )方法,其代码如下:

/*** Loads given file. Calls <code>Properties.load</code> with a file* input stream to the given file.*/public void load( String fileName ) throws IOException {//读取配置文件从fileName的路径下读取FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( fileName );//load配置文件,把配置文件一行一行的读出来,并且存储在hashtable中//load属于Properties下的一个方法,而Properties其实就是对于一个Hashtable的封装load( fis );//注意关闭IOfis.close();}


// ================= initialization =================================// ==================================================================/*** Calls super constructor.* @see ConfigProperties#ConfigProperties(String[])*/publicParsedProperties( String[] pars ) {super( pars );}// ------------------------------------------------------------------/*** Calls super constructor.* @see ConfigProperties#ConfigProperties(String)*///解析配置文件publicParsedProperties( String filename ) throws IOException {//由于ParseProperties重写了ConfigProperties中的load方法,而ConfigProperties又重写了Properties的load方法,//所以以下执行的是ParseProperties中的load方法。super( filename );}


/* This set is used to store prefixes that have been associated
* to brackets blocks. If a prefix is inserted twice, this means
* that there are two blocks referring to the same prefix - 
* which may be caused by a commented prefix in the config
* file, something like this:

*  prefix1
*  {
*    property 1
*  }
*  #prefix2
*  {
*    property 2
*  }



// =================== initialization ================================// ===================================================================public ConfigContainer(Properties config, boolean check){this.config = config;this.check = check;//此处设置迭代的次数,假如配置文件中没有相应的参数设置默认设置为100maxdepth = getInt(Configuration.PAR_MAXDEPTH, Configuration.DEFAULT_MAXDEPTH);// initialize protocol id-sprotocols = new HashMap<String, Integer>();String[] prots = getNames(Configuration.PAR_PROT);// they're returned in correct orderfor (int i = 0; i < prots.length; ++i) {protocols.put(prots[i].substring(Configuration.PAR_PROT.length() + 1), Integer.valueOf(i));}String debug = config.getProperty(Configuration.PAR_DEBUG);if (Configuration.DEBUG_EXTENDED.equals(debug))debugLevel = DEBUG_CONTEXT;else if (Configuration.DEBUG_FULL.equals(debug)) {Map<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>();Enumeration e = config.propertyNames();while (e.hasMoreElements()) {String name = (String) e.nextElement();String value = config.getProperty(name);map.put(name, value);}Iterator i = map.keySet().iterator();while (i.hasNext()) {String name = (String) i.next();System.err.println("DEBUG " + name+ ("".equals(map.get(name)) ? "" : " = " + map.get(name)));}} else if (debug != null) {debugLevel = DEBUG_REG;} else {debugLevel = DEBUG_NO;}}


Warning: Property expressions.maxdepth = 100 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property include.protocol = null (DEFAULT)Warning: Property order.protocol = null (DEFAULT)Warning: Property include.range = null (DEFAULT)Warning: Property order.range = null (DEFAULT)Warning: Property network.initialCapacity = 50000 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property include.protocol = null (DEFAULT)Warning: Property order.protocol = null (DEFAULT)Warning: Property include.control = null (DEFAULT)Warning: Property order.control = null (DEFAULT)Warning: Property include.protocol = null (DEFAULT)Warning: Property order.protocol = null (DEFAULT)Warning: Property protocol.avg.step = 1 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property protocol.avg.from = 0 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property protocol.avg.until = 9223372036854775807 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property protocol.lnk.step = 1 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property protocol.lnk.from = 0 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property protocol.lnk.until = 9223372036854775807 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property  .step = 1 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property  .from = 0 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property  .until = 9223372036854775807 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property control.ao.accuracy = -1.0 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property control.ao.step = 1 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property control.ao.from = 0 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property control.ao.until = 9223372036854775807 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property include.control.dnet.init = null (DEFAULT)Warning: Property order.control.dnet.init = null (DEFAULT)Warning: Property control.dnet.maxsize = 2147483647 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property control.dnet.minsize = 0 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property control.dnet.step = 1 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property control.shf.step = 1 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property control.shf.from = 0 (DEFAULT)Warning: Property control.shf.until = 9223372036854775807 (DEFAULT)