Simulating class in JavaScript -- 9

来源:互联网 发布:pc蛋蛋预测源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:53

9.7.2 Duck Typing




Duck Typing 在类之间的衔接是特别有用的,可以借用别的类的方法。上一章,一个Rectangle类借用了GenericEquals的equals()方法的安装。因此,你可以认为任何Rectangle的实例也是GenericEquals的实例,instanceof操作符是不会报告这点的,但我们可以也将要定义一个这样的方法。

//Testing whether an object borrows the methods of class//Return true if each of the method properties in c.prototype have been//borrowed by o. If o is a function rather than an object, we//test the prototype of o rather than o itself.//Note that this function requires methods to be copied, not//reimplemented. If a class borrows a method and then overrides it,//this method will return false.function borrows(o, c) {    //If we are an instance of something,then of course we have its methods    if (o instanceof c) return true;    //It is impossible to test whether the methods of a built-in type have     //been borrowed, since the methods of built-in type are not enumerable.    //We return undefined in this case as a kind of "I don't know" answer    //instead of throwing an exception. Undefined behaves much like false,    //but can be distinguished from false if the caller needs to.    if (c == Array || c == Boolean || c == Date || c == Error || c == Function || c == Number || c == RegExp || c == String)        return undefined;    if (typeof o == "function") o = o.prototype;    var proto = c.prototype;    for (var p in proto) {        //Ignore properties that are not functions        if (typeof proto[p] != "function") continue;        if (o[p] != proto[p]) return false;    }    return true;}

上面的borrows()方法是相对地严格,它要求了对象必须要真的有c类的定义的方法的copy.真正的duck typing是更加灵活的。o应该是被认为是c的实例,只要它提供一些跟c的方法很像的方法。在JavaScript里,“看起来很像”意味着“与之有着同样的名字”或者“声明了与之一样个数的参数”。下面将给一个这样的例子

//Return true if o has methods with the same name and arity as all//methods in c.prototype. Otherwise, return false. Throws an exception//if c is a built-in type with nonumerable methods.function provides(o, c) {    //If o actually is an instance of c, it obviously looks like c    if (o instanceof c) return true;    //If a consturctor was passed instead of an object, use its prototype    if (typeof o == "function") o = o.prototype;    //The methods of built-in types are not enumerable, and we return    //undefined. Otherwise, any object would appear to provide any of     //the built-in type.    if (c == Array || c == Boolean || c == Date || c == Error || c == Function || c == Number || c == RegExp || c == String)        return undefined;    var proto = c.prototype;    for (var p in proto) { // Loop through all properties in c.prototype        // Ignore properties that are not functions        if (typeof proto[p] != "function") continue;        // If o does not have a property by the same name, return false        if (!(p in o)) return false;        // If that property is not a function, return false        if (typeof o[p] != "function") return false;        // If the two functions are not declared with th same number        // of arguments, return false        if (o[p].length != proto[p].length) return false;    }    return true;}


 function Comparable() { }    Comparable.prototype.compareTo = function (that) {        throw "Compareble.compareTo() is abastract. Don't inovoke it";     }    


//Check whether objects o and p can be compared//They must be of the same type, and that type must be comparableif (o.constructor == param.constructor && provides(o, Comparable)) {    var order = o.compareTo(p);}

注意了borrows()和 provides()方法两者都表现了如果传给任何的 JavaScript核心的内部类型则返回undefined,例如Array,这是因为内部类型的prototype对象的属性在for/in循环中并不是枚举的,所以这里要特别的区分开来。

Array Like在duck typing中要特别的考虑下:

function isArrayLike(x) {    if (x instanceof Array) return true; // Real arrays are array-like    if (!("length" in x)) return false; // Arrays must have a length property    if (typeof x.length != "number") return false; // Length must be a number    if (x.length < 0) return false;    if (x.length > 0) {        //If the array is nonempty, it must at a minimum        //have a property defined whose name is the number length-1        if(!((x.length-1) in x)) return false;    }    return true;}
