简单说说Android G-sensor 的优化

来源:互联网 发布:子平算命软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 15:38


近期在2.2中解决某个G-sensor的Bug的时候,意外的发现2.3其实已经对这类问题进行了优化,借鉴于2.3的源码,给了我不少帮助。 2.3中主要是扩展了对旋屏180°的扩展,这个也许对手机来说没什么实际作用,但是对于平板电脑,却意味深长喽!!!


首先是 int getCurrentRotation() ,不仅仅只针对mRotation ,还增加了对lastRotation的考究,单单就是这点,就方便了我们做很多事情,可以很方便的增加很多判断和条件,来达到我们想要实现的目的。代码如下:

       int getCurrentRotation(int lastRotation) {
            if (mTiltDistrust >0) {
                // we really don't know the current orientation, so trust what's currently displayed
                mRotation = SURFACE_TO_INTERNAL_ROTATION[lastRotation];


        // Mapping our internal aliases into actual Surface rotation values
        privatestaticfinal int[]INTERNAL_TO_SURFACE_ROTATION =new int[] {

        // Mapping Surface rotation values to internal aliases.
        privatestaticfinal int[]SURFACE_TO_INTERNAL_ROTATION =new int[] {
            ROTATION_0, ROTATION_90, ROTATION_180, ROTATION_270};

        // Threshold ranges of orientation angle to transition into other orientation states.
        // The first list is for transitions from ROTATION_0, ROTATION_90, ROTATION_270,
        // and then ROTATION_180.
        // ROTATE_TO defines the orientation each threshold range transitions to, and must be kept
        // in sync with this.
        // We generally transition about the halfway point between two states with a swing of 30
        // degrees for hysteresis.
        privatestaticfinal int[][][]THRESHOLDS =newint[][][] {
                {{60,180}, {180,300}},
                {{0,30}, {195,315}, {315,360}},
                {{0,45}, {45,165}, {330,360}},

                // Handle situation where we are currently doing 180 rotation
                // but that is no longer allowed.
                {{0,45}, {45,135}, {135,225}, {225,315}, {315,360}},
        // See THRESHOLDS
        privatestaticfinal int[][]ROTATE_TO =newint[][] {

        // Thresholds that allow all 4 orientations.
        privatestaticfinal int[][][]THRESHOLDS_WITH_180 =newint[][][] {
            {{60,165}, {165,195}, {195,300}},
            {{0,30}, {165,195}, {195,315}, {315,360}},
            {{0,45}, {45,165}, {165,195}, {330,360}},
            {{0,45}, {45,135}, {225,315}, {315,360}},
        // See THRESHOLDS_WITH_180
        privatestaticfinal int[][]ROTATE_TO_WITH_180 =newint[][] {
            {ROTATION_90, ROTATION_180, ROTATION_270},
            {ROTATION_0, ROTATION_180, ROTATION_90, ROTATION_0},
            {ROTATION_0, ROTATION_270, ROTATION_180, ROTATION_0},
            {ROTATION_0, ROTATION_90, ROTATION_270, ROTATION_0},

       注释写的清晰明了,我把它加入到2.2中,稍作修实现了我所想实现的目标,让G-sensor在某种特殊情况x,y,z 重定义N次得情况下,稳定工作。这还是要归功于,GOOGLE在x,y,z三维检测对0,90,180,270,4方向的支持。


