
来源:互联网 发布:mysql 5.1.63.tar.gz 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/17 19:10
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * *   Copyright 2003 Lars Munch Christensen - All Rights Reserved *   Copyright 1998-2008 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved * *   Based on the Linux installer program for SYSLINUX by H. Peter Anvin * *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330, *   Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or *   (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* * syslinux-mingw.c - Win2k/WinXP installer program for SYSLINUX */#include <windows.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <ctype.h>#include "syslinux.h"#include "libfat.h"#ifdef __GNUC__# define noreturn void __attribute__((noreturn))#else# define noreturn void#endifvoid error(char* msg);/* Begin stuff for MBR code */#include <winioctl.h>#define SECTOR_SIZE 512#define PART_TABLE  0x1be#define PART_SIZE   0x10#define PART_COUNT  4#define PART_ACTIVE 0x80// The following struct should be in the ntddstor.h file, but I didn't have it.// TODO: Make this a conditional compilationtypedef struct _STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER {  DEVICE_TYPE  DeviceType;  ULONG  DeviceNumber;  ULONG  PartitionNumber;} STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER, *PSTORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER;BOOL GetStorageDeviceNumberByHandle( HANDLE handle, const STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER *sdn ) {  BOOL result = FALSE;  DWORD count;  if ( DeviceIoControl( handle, IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER, NULL,0, (LPVOID)sdn, sizeof( *sdn ), &count, NULL ) ) {    result = TRUE;  }  else {    error("GetDriveNumber: DeviceIoControl failed");  }  return( result );}int GetBytesPerSector( HANDLE drive ) {  int result = 0;  DISK_GEOMETRY g;  DWORD count;  if ( DeviceIoControl( drive, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, NULL, 0,&g, sizeof( g ), &count, NULL ) ) {    result = g.BytesPerSector;  }  return( result );}BOOL FixMBR(int driveNum, int partitionNum, int write_mbr, int set_active) {  BOOL result = TRUE;  HANDLE drive;  char driveName[128];  sprintf( driveName, "\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE%d", driveNum );  drive = CreateFile( driveName,      GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,      FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ,      NULL,      OPEN_EXISTING,      0,      NULL );  if( drive == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {    error("Accessing physical drive");    result = FALSE;  }  if( result ) {    unsigned char sector[SECTOR_SIZE];    DWORD howMany;    if( GetBytesPerSector( drive ) != SECTOR_SIZE ) {      fprintf(stderr, "Error: Sector size of this drive is %d; must be %d\n",      GetBytesPerSector( drive ), SECTOR_SIZE );      result = FALSE;    }    if ( result ) {      if ( ReadFile( drive, sector, sizeof( sector ), &howMany, NULL ) == 0 ) {error("Reading raw drive");result = FALSE;      } else if ( howMany != sizeof( sector ) ) {fprintf(stderr, "Error: ReadFile on drive only got %d of %d bytes\n",(int)howMany, sizeof( sector ) );result = FALSE;      }    }    // Copy over the MBR code if specified (-m)    if ( write_mbr ) {      if ( result ) {if ( syslinux_mbr_len >= PART_TABLE ) {  fprintf(stderr, "Error: MBR will not fit; not writing\n" );  result = FALSE;} else {  memcpy( sector, syslinux_mbr, syslinux_mbr_len );}      }    }    // Check that our partition is active if specified (-a)    if ( set_active ) {      if ( sector[ PART_TABLE + ( PART_SIZE * ( partitionNum - 1 ) ) ] != 0x80 ) {int p;for ( p = 0; p < PART_COUNT; p++ )  sector[ PART_TABLE + ( PART_SIZE * p ) ] = ( p == partitionNum - 1 ? 0x80 : 0 );      }    }    if ( result ) {      SetFilePointer( drive, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN );      if ( WriteFile( drive, sector, sizeof( sector ), &howMany, NULL ) == 0 ) {error("Writing MBR");result = FALSE;      } else if ( howMany != sizeof( sector ) ) {fprintf(stderr, "Error: WriteFile on drive only wrote %d of %d bytes\n",(int)howMany, sizeof( sector ) );result = FALSE;      }    }    if( !CloseHandle( drive ) ) {      error("CloseFile on drive");      result = FALSE;    }  }  return( result );}/* End stuff for MBR code */const char *program;/* Name of program */const char *drive;/* Drive to install to *//* * Check Windows version. * * On Windows Me/98/95 you cannot open a directory, physical disk, or * volume using CreateFile. */int checkver(void){  OSVERSIONINFO osvi;  osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);  GetVersionEx(&osvi);  return  (osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) &&          ((osvi.dwMajorVersion > 4) ||          ((osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4) && (osvi.dwMinorVersion == 0)));}/* * Windows error function */void error(char* msg){  LPVOID lpMsgBuf;  /* Format the Windows error message */  FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS,NULL, GetLastError(),MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL );  /* Print it */  fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s", msg, (char*) lpMsgBuf);  /* Free the buffer */  LocalFree(lpMsgBuf);}/* * Wrapper for ReadFile suitable for libfat */int libfat_readfile(intptr_t pp, void *buf, size_t secsize, libfat_sector_t sector){  uint64_t offset = (uint64_t)sector * secsize;  LONG loword = (LONG)offset;  LONG hiword  = (LONG)(offset >> 32);  LONG hiwordx = hiword;  DWORD bytes_read;  if ( SetFilePointer((HANDLE)pp, loword, &hiwordx, FILE_BEGIN) != loword ||       hiword != hiwordx ||       !ReadFile((HANDLE)pp, buf, secsize, &bytes_read, NULL) ||       bytes_read != secsize ) {    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read sector %u\n", sector);    exit(1);  }  return secsize;}noreturn usage(void){  fprintf(stderr, "Usage: syslinux.exe [-sfmar][-d directory] <drive>: [bootsecfile]\n");  exit(1);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){  HANDLE f_handle, d_handle;  DWORD bytes_read;  DWORD bytes_written;  DWORD drives;  UINT drive_type;  static unsigned char sectbuf[512];  char **argp, *opt;  static char drive_name[] = "\\\\.\\?:";  static char drive_root[] = "?:\\";  static char ldlinux_name[] = "?:\\ldlinux.sys" ;  const char *errmsg;  struct libfat_filesystem *fs;  libfat_sector_t s, *secp, sectors[65]; /* 65 is maximum possible */  uint32_t ldlinux_cluster;  int nsectors;  const char *bootsecfile = NULL;  const char *subdir = NULL;  int force = 0;/* -f (force) option */  int mbr = 0;/* -m (MBR) option */  int setactive = 0;/* -a (set partition active) */  int stupid = 0;/* -s (stupid) option */  int raid_mode = 0;/* -r (RAID) option */  (void)argc;  if (!checkver()) {    fprintf(stderr, "You need to be running at least Windows NT; use instead.\n");    exit(1);  }  program = argv[0];  drive = NULL;  for ( argp = argv+1 ; *argp ; argp++ ) {    if ( **argp == '-' ) {      opt = *argp + 1;      if ( !*opt )usage();      while ( *opt ) {switch ( *opt ) {case 's':/* Use "safe, slow and stupid" code */  stupid = 1;  break;case 'r':/* RAID mode */  raid_mode = 1;  break;case 'f':/* Force install */  force = 1;  break;case 'm':/* Install MBR */  mbr = 1;  break;case 'a':/* Mark this partition active */  setactive = 1;  break;case 'd':  if ( argp[1] )    subdir = *++argp;  break;default:  usage();  break;}opt++;      }    } else {      if ( bootsecfile )usage();      else if ( drive )bootsecfile = *argp;      elsedrive = *argp;    }  }  if ( !drive || !isalpha(drive[0]) || drive[1] != ':' || drive[2] )    usage();  /* Test if drive exists */  drives = GetLogicalDrives();  if(!(drives & ( 1 << (tolower(drive[0]) - 'a')))) {    fprintf(stderr, "No such drive %c:\n", drive[0]);    exit(1);  }  /* Determines the drive type */  drive_name[4]   = drive[0];  ldlinux_name[0] = drive[0];  drive_root[0]   = drive[0];  drive_type = GetDriveType(drive_root);  /* Test for removeable media */  if ((drive_type == DRIVE_FIXED) && (force == 0)) {    fprintf(stderr, "Not a removable drive (use -f to override) \n");    exit(1);  }  /* Test for unsupported media */  if ((drive_type != DRIVE_FIXED) && (drive_type != DRIVE_REMOVABLE)) {    fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported media\n");    exit(1);  }  /*   * First open the drive   */  d_handle = CreateFile(drive_name, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL );  if (d_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {    error("Could not open drive");    exit(1);  }  /*   * Make sure we can read the boot sector   */  if ( !ReadFile(d_handle, sectbuf, 512, &bytes_read, NULL) ) {    error("Reading boot sector");    exit(1);  }  if (bytes_read != 512) {    fprintf(stderr, "Could not read the whole boot sector\n");    exit(1);  }  /* Check to see that what we got was indeed an MS-DOS boot sector/superblock */  if( (errmsg = syslinux_check_bootsect(sectbuf)) ) {    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", errmsg);    exit(1);  }  /* Change to normal attributes to enable deletion */  /* Just ignore error if the file do not exists */  SetFileAttributes(ldlinux_name, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);  /* Delete the file */  /* Just ignore error if the file do not exists */  DeleteFile(ldlinux_name);  /* Create ldlinux.sys file */  f_handle = CreateFile(ldlinux_name, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM |FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN,NULL );  if (f_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {    error("Unable to create ldlinux.sys");    exit(1);  }  /* Write ldlinux.sys file */  if (!WriteFile(f_handle, syslinux_ldlinux, syslinux_ldlinux_len, &bytes_written, NULL)) {    error("Could not write ldlinux.sys");    exit(1);  }  if (bytes_written != syslinux_ldlinux_len) {    fprintf(stderr, "Could not write whole ldlinux.sys\n");    exit(1);  }  /* Now flush the media */  if(!FlushFileBuffers(f_handle)) {    error("FlushFileBuffers failed");    exit(1);  }  /* Map the file (is there a better way to do this?) */  fs = libfat_open(libfat_readfile, (intptr_t)d_handle);  ldlinux_cluster = libfat_searchdir(fs, 0, "LDLINUX SYS", NULL);  secp = sectors;  nsectors = 0;  s = libfat_clustertosector(fs, ldlinux_cluster);  while ( s && nsectors < 65 ) {    *secp++ = s;    nsectors++;    s = libfat_nextsector(fs, s);  }  libfat_close(fs);  /*   * Patch ldlinux.sys and the boot sector   */  syslinux_patch(sectors, nsectors, stupid, raid_mode);  /*   * Rewrite the file   */  if ( SetFilePointer(f_handle, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) != 0 ||       !WriteFile(f_handle, syslinux_ldlinux, syslinux_ldlinux_len, &bytes_written, NULL) ||       bytes_written != syslinux_ldlinux_len ) {    error("Could not write ldlinux.sys");    exit(1);  }  /* If desired, fix the MBR */  if( mbr || setactive ) {    STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER sdn;    if( GetStorageDeviceNumberByHandle( d_handle, &sdn ) ) {      if( !FixMBR(sdn.DeviceNumber, sdn.PartitionNumber, mbr, setactive) ) {        fprintf(stderr, "Did not successfully update the MBR; continuing...\n");      }    } else {      fprintf(stderr, "Could not find device number for updating MBR; continuing...\n");    }  }  /* Close file */  CloseHandle(f_handle);  /* Move the file to the desired location */  if (subdir) {    char new_ldlinux_name[strlen(subdir)+16];    char *cp = new_ldlinux_name+3;    const char *sd;    int slash = 1;    new_ldlinux_name[0] = drive[0];    new_ldlinux_name[1] = ':';    new_ldlinux_name[2] = '\\';    for (sd = subdir; *sd; sd++) {      char c = *sd;      if (c == '/' || c == '\\') {if (slash)  continue;c = '\\';slash = 1;      } else {slash = 0;      }      *cp++ = c;    }    /* Skip if subdirectory == root */    if (cp > new_ldlinux_name+3) {      if (!slash)*cp++ = '\\';      memcpy(cp, "ldlinux.sys", 12);      /* Delete any previous file */      SetFileAttributes(new_ldlinux_name, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);      DeleteFile(new_ldlinux_name);      if (!MoveFile(ldlinux_name, new_ldlinux_name))SetFileAttributes(ldlinux_name, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY |  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);      elseSetFileAttributes(new_ldlinux_name, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY |  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);    }  }  /* Make the syslinux boot sector */  syslinux_make_bootsect(sectbuf);  /* Write the syslinux boot sector into the boot sector */  if ( bootsecfile ) {    f_handle = CreateFile(bootsecfile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,  FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,  NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS,  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE,  NULL );    if (f_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {      error("Unable to create bootsector file");      exit(1);    }    if (!WriteFile(f_handle, sectbuf, 512, &bytes_written, NULL)) {      error("Could not write boot sector file");      exit(1);    }    CloseHandle(f_handle);  } else {    SetFilePointer(d_handle, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);    WriteFile( d_handle, sectbuf, 512, &bytes_written, NULL ) ;  }  if(bytes_written != 512) {    fprintf(stderr, "Could not write the whole boot sector\n");    exit(1);  }  /* Close file */  CloseHandle(d_handle);  /* Done! */  return 0;}
