WP7 pin to start 自定义应用程序的Tile

来源:互联网 发布:bedook祛痘怎么样知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 20:53

前边介绍Push Notification时,其实已经谈到了Tile Notification。在Windows Phone 7.1中,Smart Tile得到了极大的提高。我们不但可以控制Tile的动画显示、内容和背景切换,而且还能够为同一个应用提供两个Tile,比如一个天气预报的应用程序,就可以在手机的首页上显示多个Tile,一个是北京的天气,另一个是上海的天气等。

实现Application Tile


            // Application Tile is always the first Tile, even if it is not pinned to Start.            ShellTile TileToFind = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.First();            // Set the properties to update for the Application Tile.            // Empty strings for the text values and URIs will result in the property being cleared.            StandardTileData NewTileData = new StandardTileData            {                Title = "Title",                BackgroundImage = new Uri("Background.png", UriKind.Relative),                Count = 2,                BackTitle = "Back Tilte",                BackBackgroundImage = new Uri("Background2.png", UriKind.Relative),                BackContent = "This is BackContent"            };            // Update the Application Tile            TileToFind.Update(NewTileData);



当我们将程序部署到设备或模拟器上时,首先会在Application List里出现对应的图标。我们长按图标,会出现一个菜单,选择Pin to start,会将应用程序的图标显示到手机首页上。


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实现 Secondary Tile

在完成了Application Tile的显示之后,我们接下来要实现更复杂的Secondary Tile,当然,我们可以添加多个Tile。在实现Secondary Tile时,有两个技术点需要实现,一个是Tile的添加与显示;另一个则是,程序启动时如何区分是由哪个Tile点击启动应用的

首先,我们来看如何添加Secondary Tile的代码:

            // Look to see whether the Tile already exists and if so, don't try to create it again.            ShellTile TileToFind = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.NavigationUri.ToString().Contains("DefaultTitle=FromTile"));            // Create the Tile if we didn't find that it already exists.            if (TileToFind == null)            {                // Create the Tile object and set some initial properties for the Tile.                // The Count value of 12 shows the number 12 on the front of the Tile. Valid values are 1-99.                // A Count value of 0 indicates that the Count should not be displayed.                StandardTileData NewTileData = new StandardTileData                {                    BackgroundImage = new Uri("Background.png", UriKind.Relative),                    Title = "Secondary Tile",                    Count = 12,                    BackTitle = "Back of Tile",                    BackContent = "Welcome to the back of the Tile",                    BackBackgroundImage = new Uri("Background2.png", UriKind.Relative)                };                // Create the Tile and pin it to Start. This will cause a navigation to Start and a deactivation of our application.                ShellTile.Create(new Uri("/MainPage.xaml?DefaultTitle=FromTile", UriKind.Relative), NewTileData);            }            else            {                TileToFind.Delete();            }

首先调用ShellTile.ActiveTiles.FirstOrDefault方法,获取在NavigationUri属性中包含“DefaultTitle=FromTile”字样的ShellTile对象,如果获取到的ShellTile对象为空,则创建Secondary Tile,否则调用ShellTile的Delete方法,删除这个Tile。

创建Secondary Tile的过程,首先创建StandardTileData对象,将显示的各个参数进行赋值,这一步与Application Tile相同;然后,调用ShellTile的Create方法,第一个参数是URI,即点击该Tile后,调用Page的命令行,可以包含参数,第二个参数是StandardTileData对象,用于指定显示式样。


Secondary Tile显示效果如下:

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        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)        {            string value = null;            if (this.NavigationContext.QueryString != null)            {                this.NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("DefaultTitle", out value);                if (value != null)                {                    textBoxTitle.Text = value;                }                else                {                    textBoxTitle.Text = "FromMain";                }            }            base.OnNavigatedTo(e);        }





好了,到这里,我们正式将Windows Phone 7.1中的Tile编程的内容介绍完了。Windows Phone采用的是HUB方式,对于功能进行分类,所以,就要求Tile具备更丰富的显示方式和展现形式。而且,多个应用可以对应于一个Tile,同样一个应用也可以对应多个Tile,这样极大提高了主页与应用之间交互的丰富程度。
