
来源:互联网 发布:网络教育信息 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 05:51

1.基本数据类型 Basic Data Types

2.消息结构 Message Structure

3.消息头格式 Message Header Format

Definition of the Message between SP and ISMG


SP and ISMG act as client/server for each other. But it is required that SP first requests to be connected to ISMG as the client before data transmission begins between SP and ISMG.

Operation of SP Requesting to Be Connected to ISMG (CMPP?_CONNECT)

The objective of the CMPP?_CONNECT operation is that SP registers to ISMG to acquire a legal SP identity. Once the register succeeds an application layer connection is established so that SP can receive and send messages via this ISMG.

Operation of SP or ISMG Requesting to Terminate A Connection (CMPP?_TERMINATE)

A CMPP?_TERMINATE operation is caused when, for some reason, SP or ISMG decides to terminate the current application-layer connection. After the operation is completed, the application-layer connection between SP and ISMG is released. Later, if SP wants to communicate with ISMG again, it shall initiate a CMPP_CONNECT operation.

ISMG or SP responds to a request with a CMPP_TERMINATE_RESP message.
4.2.1 CMPP?_TERMINATE Message Definition(SP?ISMG or ISMG ? SP)

No message body.
4.2.2 CMPP?_TERMINATE_RESP Message Definition(SP?ISMG or ISMG ? SP)
No message body.

Operation of SP Submitting A Message to ISMG (CMPP?_SUBMIT)

The objective of a CMPP?_SUBMIT operation is that after SP has established an application-layer connection to ISMG it submits messages to ISMG.

注意: 关于短信群发的问题,若SP对于群发消息不要求状态报告的回送时,才可以考虑群发,否则必须逐条发送。
Note: Message group sending can only be considered when SP does not require a return of status report for the group-sent message, otherwise the message must be sent to users one by one.

4.4 SP向ISMG查询发送短信状态(CMPP?_QUERY)操作
Operation of SP Making A Query to ISMG for the Status of the Message Sent

CMPP_QUERY操作的目的是SP向ISMG查询某时间的业务统计情况,可以按总数或按业务代码查询。 ISMG以CMPP_QUERY_RESP应答。
A CMPP_QUERY operation is that SP inquires ISMG about the service statistics within a specific time frame. The query can be made according to the total number or the service code.

Operation of ISMG Delivering Messages to SP

A CMPP_DELIVER operation is that ISMG delivers a message forwarded from SMSC or another ISMG to SP, which responds with a CMPP_DELIVER_RESP message.

4.6 SP向ISMG发起删除短信(CMPP?_CANCEL)操作
Operation of SP Initiating A Message Cancellation to ISMG (CMPP?_CANCEL)

Via a CMPP?_CANCEL operation, SP can cancel a message that has already been submitted to ISMG. ISMG will respond to the result of the cancellation operation with a CMPP_CANCEL_RESP.

4.7 链路检测(CMPP?_ACTIVE_TEST)操作
Operation of A Link Test

The operation is only used to maintain a long connection between two communication parties.

Definition of the Message between ISMGs

The gateways act as client/server for each other. Either party may establish a connection for data transmission when necessary.

Operation of the Source ISMG Requesting to be Connected to the Destination ISMG (CMPP?_CONNECT)

Message defined as in and, of which the Source_Addr is the source gateway code.

5.2 源ISMG请求拆除到目的ISMG的连接(CMPP?_TERMINATE)操作
Operation of the Source ISMG Requesting to Terminate the Connection to the Destination ISMG (CMPP?_TERMINATE)

Message defined as in and

Operation of A Link Test (CMPP?_ACTIVE_TEST)

The operation is only used to maintain a long connection between two communication parties. Message defined as in and

5.4 源ISMG向目的ISMG转发短信(CMPP?_FWD)操作
Operation of the Source ISMG Forwarding A Message to the Destination ISMG (CMPP?_FWD)

In a CMPP?_FWD operation, the source ISMG can, according to a specific route strategy, forward to the destination ISMG messages submitted by SP, MO status reports, status reports generated by SMSC as well as messages submitted by users. The destination ISMG responds with a CMPP_FWD_RESP.

1. 对于包月的SMC消息,应由ISMG向SP返回成功与否的状态报告,格式同7.4.5.1定义,若成功回送Stat值为“DELIVRD”,失败则回送Stat值“UNDELIV”。
For a monthly payment SMC message, SIMG shall return to SP a status report, the format of which being as defined in If the message is delivered successfully, a Stat value of “DELIVRD” shall be returned, otherwise a Stat value of “UNDELIV” shall be returned.

2. 当转发消息为MO状态报告(MO状态报告的产生见附录1)时,信息内容字段(Msg_Content)格式定义如下:
When the forwarded message is a MO status report (see Appendix 1 for the generation of a MO status report), the format of the message content field is defined as follows:

在MO流程中,若短信经ISMG2转发给与SP相连的ISMG1,ISMG1在给SP发送消息时可能存在四种情况: ①发送消息前连接断开;②多次发送消息后没有接收到响应消息;③发送消息后接收到错误的响应消息;④发送消息后接收到正确的应答消息。对这四种情况的处理描述如下:
In a MO flow, if a message is forwarded to ISMG 1 connected to SP via ISMG2, there can be four different situations when ISMG1 sends the message to SP: ① The connection terminates before the message is sent; ② After the message is sent for multiple times no responsive messages are received; ③ After the message is sent a wrong responsive message is received; ④ A correct responsive message is received after the message is sent. The four situations are dealt with in the following ways:
①②③: ISMG1在处理这三种情况的时候,向ISMG2发送MO状态报告,状态报告中的stat字段取值为“REJECTD”。
When ISMG1 handles these three situations, it sends to ISMG2 a MO status report, in which the value of stat field is “REJECTD”.
④: ISMG1在处理这种情况时,向ISMG2发送MO状态报告,其中stat字段取值“DELIVRD”。
When ISMG1 handles the situation, it sends to ISMG2 a MO status report, in which the value of stat field is “DELIVRD”.
3. 在MT流程中,MT状态报告格式同7.4.5.1定义,若SP发送的短信经由ISMG1转发给ISMG2,ISMG1给ISMG2发送消息时可能存在四种情况: ①发送消息前连接断开;②多次发送消息后没有接收到响应消息;③发送消息后接收到错误的响应消息;④发送消息后接收到正确的应答消息。对这四种情况的处理描述如下:

In a MT flow, the format of a MT status report being as defined in, if a message sent by SP is forwarded via ISMG1 to ISMG2, there can be four different situations when ISMG1 sends the message to ISMG2: ① The connection terminates before the message is sent; ② After the message is sent for multiple times no responsive messages are received; ③ After the message is sent a wrong responsive message is received; ④ A correct responsive message is received after the message is sent. The four situations are dealt with in the following ways:
①②③: ISMG1在处理这三种情况的时候,向SP发送MT状态报告(如果SP要求状态报告),状态报告中的stat字段取值为“REJECTD”。
When ISMG1 handles these three situations, it sends to SP a MT status report (if SP requires it), in which the value of stat field is “REJECTD”.
④: ISMG1在处理这种情况时,继续等待ISMG2返回状态报告。
In this case, ISMG1 continues to wait for a status report from ISMG2.

随后,ISMG2给SMC发送消息时可能存在四种情况: ①发送消息前连接断开;②多次发送消息后没有接收到响应消息;③发送消息后接收到错误的响应消息;④发送消息后接收到正确的应答消息。对这四种情况的处理描述如下:
Later, there can be four different situations when ISMG2 sends the message to SMC: ① The connection terminates before the message is sent; ② After the message is sent for multiple times no responsive messages are received; ③ After the message is sent a wrong responsive message is received; ④ A correct responsive message is received after the message is sent. The four situations are dealt with in the following ways:
①②③: ISMG2在处理这三种情况的时候,向SP发送MT状态报告(如果SP要求状态报告),状态报告中的stat字段取值为“REJECTD”。When ISMG2 handles these three situations, it sends to SP a MT status report (if SP requires it), in which the value of stat field is “REJECTD”.
④: ISMG2在处理这种情况时,继续等待SMC返回状态报告。In this case, ISMG2 continues to wait for a status report from SMC.

Definition of the Message between ISMG and A Tandem Gateway (GNS)

It is required that the short connection communication mode is used for message interactions between ISMG and GNS. ISMG and GNS act as client/server for each other.

Operation of ISMG Requesting to be Connected to GNS or of GNS Requesting to be Connected to ISMG (CMPP_CONNECT)
消息定义同7.4.1.1和7.4.1.2所述,其中Source_Addr填源网关代码,可能是ISMG代码或GNS代码。Message defined as in and The Source_Addr is the source gateway code, being either the ISMG code or the GNS code.

6.2 ISMG请求拆除到GNS的连接或GNS请求拆除到ISMG的连接(CMPP?_TERMINATE)操作
Operation of ISMG Requesting to Terminate the Connection to GNS or of GNS Requesting to Terminate the Connection to ISMG (CMPP?_TERMINATE)

Message defined as in and

6.3 ISMG向汇接网关查询MT路由(CMPP_MT_ROUTE)操作
Operation of ISMG Inquiring the Tandem Gateway about MT Route (CMPP_MT_ROUTE)

GNS以CMPP_MT_ROUTE_RESP应答。A CMPP_MT_ROUTE operation is used to inquire GNS when ISMG does not know the route of the MT message to be forwarded. GNS responds with CMPP_MT_ROUTE_RESP.

6.4 ISMG向汇接网关查询MO路由(CMPP_MO_ROUTE)操作
Operation of ISMG Inquiring the Tandem Gateway about MO Route (CMPP_MO_ROUTE)
A CMPP_MO_ROUTE operation is used to inquire GNS when ISMG does not know the route of the MO message to be forwarded. GNS responds with CMPP_MO_ROUTE_RESP.

6.5 ISMG向汇接网关获取路由(CMPP_GET_ROUTE)操作
Operation of ISMG Getting A Route from the Tandem Gateway (CMPP_GET_ROUTE)
GNS以CMPP_GET_ROUTE_RESP消息回应。In a CMPP_GET_ROUTE operation, ISMG inquires GNS about a MO or MT routing message. GNS responds with a CMPP_GET_ROUTE_RESP message.

Operation of ISMG Updating A MT Route to the Tandem Gateway (CMPP_MT_ROUTE_UPDATE)

In a CMPP_MT_ROUTE_UPDATE operation, ISMG updates a MT route message to GNS, which responds with a CMPP_MT_ROUTE_UPDATE _RESP message.

Operation of ISMG Updating A MO Route to the Tandem Gateway (CMPP_MO_ROUTE_UPDATE)

GNS以CMPP_MO_ROUTE_UPDATE _RESP消息回应。In a CMPP_MO_ROUTE_UPDATE operation, ISMG updates a MO route message to GNS, which responds with a CMPP_MO_ROUTE_UPDATE _RESP message.

Operation of the Tandem Gateway Pushing ISMG to Update A MT Route (CMPP_PUSH_MT_ROUTE_UPDATE)

In a CMPP_PUSH_MT_ROUTE_UPDATE operation, GNS pushes ISMG to update a MT route message. ISMG responds with a CMPP_PUSH_MT_ROUTE_UPDATE_RESP message.

Operation of the Tandem Gateway Pushing ISMG to Update A MO Route (CMPP_PUSH_MO_ROUTE_UPDATE)

In a CMPP_PUSH_MO_ROUTE_UPDATE operation, GNS pushes ISMG to update a MO route message. ISMG responds with a CMPP_PUSH_MO_ROUTE_UPDATE_RESP message.
