
来源:互联网 发布:网络暴力的社会危害 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 20:12


program h8oj1208;type link=^node; node=record value,size:longint; pre:link; ch:array[0..1] of link; end;var root:link;    now,n,a,b,ans:longint;    pl,pr:link;procedure updata(x:link);begin x^.size:=1;      if x^.ch[0]<>nil then inc(x^.size,x^.ch[0]^.size);      if x^.ch[1]<>nil then inc(x^.size,x^.ch[1]^.size);end;procedure rotate(x:link;k:longint);var f:link;begin f:=x^.pre;      f^.ch[1-k]:=x^.ch[k];if x^.ch[k]<>nil then x^.ch[k]^.pre:=f;      x^.pre:=f^.pre; if f^.pre<>nil then if f^.pre^.ch[0]=f then f^.pre^.ch[0]:=x else f^.pre^.ch[1]:=x;      x^.ch[k]:=f; f^.pre:=x; if f=root then root:=x;      updata(f); updata(x);end;procedure splay(x,goal:link);var y,z:link;begin while x^.pre<>goal do       if x^.pre^.pre=goal then          if x^.pre^.ch[0]=x then rotate(x,1) else rotate(x,0)          else begin               y:=x^.pre; z:=y^.pre;               if z^.ch[0]=y then                  if y^.ch[0]=x then begin rotate(y,1); rotate(x,1); end                  else begin rotate(x,0); rotate(x,1); end               else if y^.ch[1]=x then begin rotate(y,0); rotate(x,0); end                    else begin rotate(x,1); rotate(x,0); end;          end;end;procedure insert(x:longint);var p:link; procedure find(var r:link); begin      if r=nil then begin         new(r); with r^ do begin                 size:=1; value:=x;                 ch[0]:=nil; ch[1]:=nil;         end;         p:=r;      end else begin          inc(r^.size);          if x>r^.value then begin find(r^.ch[1]); r^.ch[1]^.pre:=r; end          else begin find(r^.ch[0]); r^.ch[0]^.pre:=r; end;      end; end;begin find(root); root^.pre:=nil; splay(p,nil);end;function pre(x:longint):link; procedure find(r:link); begin      if r=nil then exit;      if r^.value<=x then begin         pre:=r; find(r^.ch[1]);      end else find(r^.ch[0]); end;begin pre:=nil;find(root);Splay(pre,nil);end;function succ(x:longint):link; procedure find(r:link); begin      if r=nil then exit;      if r^.value>=x then begin         succ:=r; find(r^.ch[0]);      end else find(r^.ch[1]); end;begin succ:=nil; find(root); splay(succ,nil);end;procedure delete(r:link);var p:link;begin     splay(r,nil);     if root^.ch[0]=nil then begin        root:=root^.ch[1];        root^.pre:=nil;     end else begin         p:=root^.ch[0];         while p^.ch[1]<>nil do p:=p^.ch[1];         splay(p,root);         p^.pre:=nil;         p^.ch[1]:=root^.ch[1];         root^.ch[1]^.pre:=p;         root:=p;         updata(root);     end;end;begin     assign(input,''); reset(input);     assign(output,'h8oj1208.out'); rewrite(output);     ans:=0;     root:=nil;insert(-(1 shl 29));insert(1 shl 29);     readln(n); while n>0 do begin dec(n);                readln(a,b);                //writeln(root^.size);                if (root^.size=2)or(a=now) then begin                   insert(b); now:=a;                end else begin                     pl:=pre(b); pr:=succ(b);                     writeln(pl^.value,'<=',b,'<=',pr^.value);                     if pr^.value-b<b-pl^.value then begin                        inc(ans,pr^.value-b);                        delete(pr)                     end else begin                         inc(ans,b-pl^.value);                         delete(pl);                     end;                     ans:=ans mod 1000000;                end;     end;     write(ans);     close(input); close(output);end.