
来源:互联网 发布:福建师范大学网络教育 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 07:49


program poj3468;type link=^node; node=record value,delt,sum,size:int64; pre:link; ch:array[0..1] of link; end;var root:link;    n,i,q,a,b,c:longint;    ch:char;    arr:array[1..100002] of longint;procedure updata(x:link);begin with x^ do begin  size:=1; sum:=value;  if ch[0]<>nil then begin inc(size,ch[0]^.size); inc(sum,ch[0]^.sum); end;  if ch[1]<>nil then begin inc(size,ch[1]^.size); inc(sum,ch[1]^.sum); end;  inc(sum,size*delt); end;end;procedure pushdown(x:link);begin with x^ do begin  if delt=0 then exit;  inc(value,delt);  if ch[0]<>nil then begin inc(ch[0]^.delt,delt); inc(ch[0]^.sum,delt*ch[0]^.size); end;  if ch[1]<>nil then begin inc(ch[1]^.delt,delt); inc(ch[1]^.sum,delt*ch[1]^.size); end;  delt:=0; end;end;procedure rotate(x:link;k:longint);var f:link;begin f:=x^.pre; pushdown(f); pushdown(x); f^.ch[1-k]:=x^.ch[k]; if x^.ch[k]<>nil then x^.ch[k]^.pre:=f; x^.pre:=f^.pre; if f^.pre<>nil then if f^.pre^.ch[0]=f then f^.pre^.ch[0]:=x else f^.pre^.ch[1]:=x; x^.ch[k]:=f; f^.pre:=x; if f=root then root:=x; updata(f); updata(x);end;procedure splay(x,goal:link);var y,z:link;begin while x^.pre<>goal do       if x^.pre^.pre=goal then          if x^.pre^.ch[0]=x then rotate(x,1)          else rotate(x,0)       else begin            y:=x^.pre; z:=y^.pre;            if z^.ch[0]=y then               if y^.ch[0]=x then begin rotate(y,1); rotate(x,1); end               else begin rotate(x,0); rotate(x,1); end            else if y^.ch[1]=x then begin rotate(y,0); rotate(x,0); end                 else begin rotate(x,1); rotate(x,0); end;       end;end;procedure select(k:longint;goal:link);var r:link; tmp:longint;begin r:=root; while r<>nil do begin       tmp:=1; if r^.ch[0]<>nil then inc(tmp,r^.ch[0]^.size);       if k=tmp then break;       if k<tmp then r:=r^.ch[0]       else begin            dec(k,tmp); r:=r^.ch[1];       end; end; splay(r,goal);end;procedure build(father:link;var r:link;low,high:longint);var mid:longint;begin if low<=high then begin    mid:=(low+high)shr 1;    new(r); with r^ do begin value:=arr[mid]; delt:=0; pre:=father; end;    build(r,r^.ch[0],low,mid-1);    build(r,r^.ch[1],mid+1,high);    updata(r); end else r:=nil;end;begin assign(input,'poj3468.in'); reset(input); assign(output,'poj3468.out'); rewrite(output);  readln(n,q);  for i:=2 to n+1 do read(arr[i]);readln;  build(nil,root,1,n+2);  for i:=1 to q do begin   read(ch);   if ch='Q' then begin      readln(a,b);      select(a+1-1,nil);      select(b+1+1,root);      writeln(root^.ch[1]^.ch[0]^.sum);   end;   if ch='C' then begin      readln(a,b,c);      select(a+1-1,nil);      select(b+1+1,root);      inc(root^.ch[1]^.ch[0]^.delt,c);      updata(root^.ch[1]^.ch[0]);      updata(root^.ch[1]);      updata(root);   end;  end; close(input); close(output);end.
