
来源:互联网 发布:erdai cms 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:18

楼主最近研究hadoop,遇到ssh私钥连接linux失败的问题,苦恼了很久,具体做法是通过puttygen.exe生成私钥和公钥文件,将公钥文件拷贝至ubuntu下hadoop用户下的.ssh文件夹下,然后用私钥文件连接,但总是出现“server refused our key“的报错,百撕不得骑姐,哦不,是百思不得其解,然后谷歌百度,找到如下文章,来源http://www.andremolnar.com/how_to_set_up_ssh_keys_with_putty_and_not_get_server_refused_our_key


So you're trying to set up ssh keys on your windows box with putty and you keep getting "Server refused our key". Read on, I've got your solution... but first lets take a look at what you've done so far.

Chances are you have done some/none/all of the following:

  • opened up puttygen.exe

  • generated a key after wiggling your mouse
  • entered a strong passphrase
  • saved the public key to something like
  • saved the private key to something like
  • moved your public key up to the server
  • (maybe even) converted the format of the key from putty to openssh with something like
    ssh-keygen -if pubkey > pubkey_openssh_format
  • changed some permissions like
    chmod 700 .ssh
  • added your pubkey to the authorized_keys file with something like
    cat pubkey >> .ssh/authorized_keys
  • changed some more permissions like
    chmod 600 authorized_keys
  • changed your putty settings under "connection > SSH > auth" to use
  • tried to connect and...

"Server refused our key"

Well - from what I have read that's supposed to work... but it didn't work for you did it?

Your problem has nothing to do with how well you followed these well documented procedures for getting ssh keys to work.
The solution to the problem is...
(brace yourself, its really simple) to try generating the keys on the server (unix, linix, bsd etc.) instead of the client (i.e. in windows).

Try the following:

  • ssh to your server using good old user name and password
  • do check permissions on your ~/.ssh folder and make sure to
    chmod 700 .ssh

    if they are wrong

  • do check permissions on your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file and make sure to
    chmod 600 authorized_keys

    if they are wrong

  • generate the keys on the server with something like
    ssh-keygen -t dsa

    (or rsa - read the man pages if your don't know how to use ssh-keygen

  • accept the file names it wants to use
  • enter a strong passphrase
  • add the pub key to the authorized_keys file with something like
    cat id_dsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys
  • copy the private key (id_dsa) to your local windows machine (use winscp or sftp or some such tool)
  • NOW open puttygen.exe
  • under actions select "load" and load the id_dsa file
  • enter the passphrase you set when you generated the key on the server. Puttygen will now convert the key to something that putty will understand
  • save that file to something like
  • NOW change your putty settings under "connection > SSH > auth" to use
  • NOW try and connect
  • enter the passphrase when prompted
  • pat yourself on the back. You're connected to the server (I hope)

Now all you have to do is figure out a way to not have to always enter that passphrase. Well that will require setting up puttyagent. But, I'll let you figure that out for yourself.

I really hope this helped you out. I wasted too much of my life figuring this out this evening and I hope I saved you hours of aggravation.

Have comments? Want to say thanks? Leave a comment. Or if you feel really generous send me a buck or three ;-)



1:使用linux密码登陆,然后键入命令ssh-keygen -t dsa生成公钥私钥文件,你会在用户目录下的.ssh隐藏文件夹下找到他们2:修改公钥文件的名字cat id_dsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys3:将私钥文件id_dsa拷贝到你的windons下,打开puttygen,然后点击load,对话框中的文件类型选择所有,load 这个id_dsa文件后,save private key文件,以后用这个生成的私钥就可以访问linux了
