Chapter 1: J2EE Architectures 第一章 J2EE框架 【概述】

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Chapter 1: J2EE Architectures


J2EE provides many architectural choices. J2EE also offers many component types (such as servlets, EJBs, JSP pages, and servlet filters), and J2EE application servers provide many additional services. While this array of options enables us to design the best solution for each problem, it also poses dangers. J2EE developers can be overwhelmed by the choices on offer, or can be tempted to use infrastructure inappropriate to the problem in hand, simply because it's available.

J2EE提供了许多可供选择的框架。J2EE也支持许多类型的部件(例如:servlets,EJBs,JSP pages和servlet过滤器),并且J2EE应用服务器也提供了许多额外的服务。而这些不同的选择能够使我们对于不同的问题设计出最好的解决方案,但同时也会有一定的危险。J2EE开发人员可以选择一些提供的,或者是使用基础架构来规避手上的一些问题,因为它是可用的。

In this book I aim to help professional J2EE developers and architects make the appropriate choices to deliver high-quality solutions on time and within budget. I'll focus on those features of J2EE that have proven most useful for solving the commonest problems in enterprise software development.


In this chapter, we discuss the high-level choices in developing a J2EE architecture, and how to decide which parts of J2EE to use to solve real problems. We'll look at:


  • Distributed and non-distributed applications, and how to choose which model is appropriate

  • 分布式和非分布式的应用 , 如何去选择一种适当的模式。

  • The implications for J2EE design of changes in the EJB 2.0 specification and the emergence of web services

  • J2EE中EJB2.0规范和新的WEB服务

  • When to use EJB

  • 如何使用EJB

  • Data access strategies for J2EE applications

  • J2EE应用程序中数据访问的策略

  • Four J2EE architectures, and how to choose between them

  • 四种J2EE框架和如何在他们当中进行选择

  • Web tier design

  • Web层设计

  • Portability issues 

  • 移植问题

This book reflects my experience and discussions with other enterprise architects. I will attempt to justify the claims made in this chapter in the remainder of the book. However, there are, necessarily, many matters of opinion.


热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 想打羽毛球没人怎么办 对看书没有兴趣怎么办 痴呆老人晚上闹怎么办 高中毕业证没拿怎么办 高考志愿同分怎么办 儿童吃虾过敏怎么办 滑板湿水了怎么办 老员工不听指挥怎么办 手机显示连接itunes怎么办 苹果手机下载不信任怎么办 暗影格斗3进不去怎么办 喝酒第二天头痛怎么办 加油忘记拔枪怎么办 刷机完成后怎么办 苹果8按键音太小怎么办 电脑蓝屏出英文怎么办 win10蓝屏重启怎么办 苹果手机变蓝屏怎么办 nga账号声望不足怎么办 鬃狮蜥胆小咬人怎么办 小狗拉稀脱水了怎么办 泰迪刚到家老叫怎么办 开车遇到拉死人怎么办 斯诺克解不到球怎么办 颈椎和腰椎不好怎么办 车祸肇事者不赔偿怎么办 交强险自赔吃亏怎么办 交通事故保险不结案怎么办 马蚁借呗超出一天还款怎么办 千里追风油太辣怎么办 蛀牙牙肉肿痛怎么办 转转删除的东西怎么办 专票开给了个人怎么办 手机用户密码忘了怎么办 手机用户密码忘记了怎么办 悦借钱账户锁定怎么办 手势密码锁忘了怎么办 农行密码忘了怎么办 小恩爱忘记账号怎么办 乐才忘记密码怎么办 ipad忘记密码停用怎么办