
来源:互联网 发布:什么是巴丁算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 04:49
#include <iostream>#include <cstdlib>using namespace std;int my_compare( const int *first, const int *second ){    return (*first - *second);}int main( void ){    const int buf[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1500, 1700, 2002};    const size_t size = sizeof (buf) / sizeof (*buf);        cout << "size = " << size << endl;        int cpp = 2002;        void *pTest = bsearch( &cpp, buf, size, sizeof (int),                            (int(*)(const void *,const void *))my_compare );        if (NULL == pTest)    {             cout << "not find" << endl;    }        else    {        cout << "find" << endl;    }     system( "PAUSE" ); return EXIT_SUCCESS;}/*-------------------  #include <cstdlib>  /////////////////函数原型:  void *bsearch( const void *key,   const void *buf,  size_t num,  size_t size,   int (*compare)(const void *, const void *) );/////////////////文档说明: The bsearch() function searches buf[0] to buf[num-1] for an item that matches key, using a binary search.   bsearch()函数在buf[0]到buf[num-1]之间使用二分查找的方法查找与关键字key相匹配的item,    The function compare should return negative if  its first argument is less than its second, zero if equal,  and positive if greater.  比较函数有三种返回值:当比较函数的第一个参数小于第二个参数时,返回负数;当第一个参数等于第二个参数时每回零;当第一个参数大于第二个参数时返回正数; The items in the array buf should be in ascending order.  要求数组buf中的item是升序排列好的。    The return value of bsearch() is a pointer to the matching item,  or NULL if none is found. 如果找到了与关键字key匹配的item,bsearch()函数返回指向这个item的指针。如果没有找到,bsearch()函数返回NULL。 /////////////////////程序运行结果: size = 12find请按任意键继续. . .---------------------------------*/
