wifi test

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝哪里卖二手东西 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 09:15




wifi-test is fully automated test script for linux wireless drivers. It's an open-source project.


  1. Wifi-test
  2. Git tree
  3. Mailing list and posting patches
  4. Wifi test 1.0
  5. Testing environment setup
  6. Bugs

Git tree


Mailing list and posting patches

This project has its own mailing list.

Wifi test 1.0

wifi-test 1.0 covers following wireless features:

  • BSS: BSS association, fragmentation/RTS/CTS, BSS channels etc
  • IBSS: IBSS association, IBSS fragmentation/RTS/CTS, IBSS channels.
  • Security: WEP (BSS/IBSS), WPA/WPA2, 802.1X.
  • Power management: S3/S4, RFKILL
  • Performance: upload/download speed for different combinations.
  • Others: Wext mode, nl80211 mode
  • 802.11 a/b/g/n: Above features in a/b/g/n band.

Testing environment setup

The minimum testing system requirements are listed below.

  • Two test machines: One as test machine, the other as peer machine in IBSS network testing. If only BSS is tested, one test machine is enough.
  • One server machine: The server machine needs two Ethernet cards, one connects to the Test machine network and the other to the AP network.
  • One AP: Support Cisco AP, Dlink and ASUS AP with CLI (Command Line Interface). For example, Dlink DWL-8200 AP and Cisco1200 series AP.

Here is an example of our test environment:

  -------------- | Test Machine |  --------------\                 \ ---------                    --------                  | Test    |     -------      |  AP    |   ---                  | machine |----| Server |----| network|--| AP |                  | network |     -------      |        |   ---                 / ---------                    --------  ------------- / | Peer Machine |  --------------


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