
来源:互联网 发布:mac 股票行情 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 21:51





1. 在vendor/目录下创建一个公司目录

mkdir vendor/<company_name>

2. 在步骤1中你创建的公司目录下创建一个products目录

mkdir vendor/<company_name>/products/

3. 创建一个特定产品的makefile,叫做vendor/<company_name>/products/<first_product_name>.mk,它至少包含如下代码:

$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/  #  # Overrides  PRODUCT_NAME := <first_product_name>  PRODUCT_DEVICE := <board_name>

4. 为一个特定产品添加变量,可以被添加的变量定义在Product Definition文件中。

5. 在products目录中,创建一个AndroidProducts.mk文件,这个文件指向一个产品的makefiles,它主要负责寻找所有的产品。

  #  # This file should set PRODUCT_MAKEFILES to a list of product makefiles  # to expose to the build system.  LOCAL_DIR will already be set to  # the directory containing this file.   #  # This file may not rely on the value of any variable other than  # LOCAL_DIR; do not use any conditionals, and do not look up the  # value of any variable that isn't set in this file or in a file that  # it includes.  #    PRODUCT_MAKEFILES := \    $(LOCAL_DIR)/ \

6. 在你的公司目录下创建一个特定板子目录,它要匹配PRODUCT_DEVICE变量,<board_name>将会引用上面特定产品的makefile。任何使用该板子的产品都将包含一个makefile。

mkdir vendor/<company_name>/<board_name>

7. 在前面一步创建的目录中创建一个BoardConfig.mk文件(vendor/<company_name>/<board_name>)

  # These definitions override the defaults in config/config.make for <board_name>  #  # TARGET_NO_BOOTLOADER := false  # TARGET_HARDWARE_3D := false   #  TARGET_USE_GENERIC_AUDIO := true

8. 如果你希望修改系统属性,在<board_name>目录中创建一个system.prop文件(vendor/<company_name>/<board_name>)。

  # system.prop for   # This overrides settings in the products/generic/system.prop file  #  # rild.libpath=/system/lib/  # rild.libargs=-d /dev/ttyS0

9. 在products/AndroidProducts.mk中添加指向<second_product_name>.mk文件


10. 在vendor/<company_name>/<board_name>的Android.mk文件中至少包含如下代码:

  # make file for new hardware  from   #  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)  #  # this is here to use the pre-built kernel  ifeq ($(TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL),)  TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL := $(LOCAL_PATH)/kernel  endif  #  file := $(INSTALLED_KERNEL_TARGET)  ALL_PREBUILT += $(file)  $(file): $(TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL) | $(ACP)$(transform-prebuilt-to-target)  #  # no boot loader, so we don't need any of that stuff..    #  LOCAL_PATH := vendor/<company_name>/<board_name>  #  include $(CLEAR_VARS)  #  # include more board specific stuff here? Such as Audio parameters.        #

11. 为同种板子创建第二个产品,创建第二个特定的产品的makefile叫做vendor/company_name/products/<second_product_name>.mk,包含如下内容:

  $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/  #  # Overrides  PRODUCT_NAME := <second_product_name>  PRODUCT_DEVICE := <board_name>


  . build/  make PRODUCT-<first_product_name>-user




  • <company_name>
    • <board_name>
      • system.prop
    • products
      • <first_product_name>.mk
      • <second_product_name>.mk




ParameterDescriptionExamplePRODUCT_NAMEEnd-user-visible name for the overall product. Appears in the "About the phone" info. PRODUCT_MODELEnd-user-visible name for the end product PRODUCT_LOCALESA space-separated list of two-letter language code, two-letter country code pairs that describe several settings for the user, such as the UI language and time, date and currency formatting. The first locale listed in PRODUCT_LOCALES is is used if the locale has never been set before.en_GB de_DE es_ES fr_CAPRODUCT_PACKAGESLists the APKs to install.Calendar ContactsPRODUCT_DEVICEName of the industrial designdreamPRODUCT_MANUFACTURERName of the manufactureracmePRODUCT_BRANDThe brand (e.g., carrier) the software is customized for, if any PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDESList of property assignments in the format "key=value" PRODUCT_COPY_FILESList of words likesource_path:destination_path. The file at the source path should be copied to the destination path when building this product. The rules for the copy steps are defined in config/Makefile PRODUCT_OTA_PUBLIC_KEYSList of OTA public keys for the product PRODUCT_POLICYIndicate which policy this product should use PRODUCT_PACKAGE_OVERLAYSIndicate whether to use default resources or add any product specific overlaysvendor/acme/overlayPRODUCT_CONTRIBUTORS_FILEHTML file containing the contributors to the project. PRODUCT_TAGSlist of space-separated words for a given product


$(call inherit-product, build/target/product/ := MyDevicePRODUCT_MANUFACTURER := acmePRODUCT_BRAND := acme_usPRODUCT_LOCALES := en_GB es_ES fr_FRPRODUCT_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS := vendor/acme/overlay