
来源:互联网 发布:网络教育有哪些学校 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 05:26

随着Mac OS X 10.7.4版本的发布,苹果在这个升级版中更正了前文中所述的安全隐患。这是一个好消息,也是苹果比较快地修正bugs的一个好的开端。而且也是它正式承认该隐患的存在,详见:OS X Lion v10.7.3: User account passwords appear in log files for Legacy FileVault, and/or network home directories。



Per Olofsson的方法:

xport TARGET="/System/Library/CoreServices/SecurityAgentPlugins/HomeDirMechanism.bundle/Contents/MacOS/HomeDirMechanism"   sudo cp "$TARGET" "$TARGET.bak"   sudo perl -p -i -e 's/passwordAsUTF8String = %s/passwordAsUTF8String = %p/g' "$TARGET"   sudo perl -p -i -e 's/password = %s/password = %p/g' "$TARGET"

Brian Warsing 的方法:

#!/usr/bin/ruby# This code comes with no guarantees and it is not a "fix", just a workaround.# It would be trivial to replace the patched file and restore these debugging messages.# Also, this script modifies a Mac OS X System file, so...require 'etc'require 'fileutils'require 'syslog'@log          = Syslog.open('patchhomedirmech')@target       = '/System/Library/CoreServices/SecurityAgentPlugins/HomeDirMechanism.bundle/Contents/MacOS/HomeDirMechanism'@backup_file  = '/private/var/root/HomeDirMechanism.backup'@newfile_path = '/private/var/root/HomeDirMechanism.new'def our_rescue(msg)  @log.notice(msg)  @log.close  exit 1end###################################################################### => MAIN###################################################################### Check UID (must be root)unless Process.euid == 0  raise "You must be root to execute this script."endbegin  @log.notice("Backing up file: #{@target}")  FileUtils.cp(@target, @backup_file)rescue => e  our_rescue("Error backing up file: #{e.message}")end @debug_strings = `/usr/bin/strings #{@target} | /usr/bin/grep "password.* = %s" 2> /dev/null`if @debug_strings  @debug_strings = @debug_strings.split("\n")else  our_rescue("Nothing to patch: target does not contain any relevant debugging strings")endbegin  @file    = File.read(@target)  @newfile = File.new(@newfile_path, 'w')rescue => e  our_rescue("Error loading file: #{e.message}")end    begin  @log.notice("Patching file: #{@newfile_path}")  @debug_strings.each do |string|    len = string.length    replacement = ''    len.times { replacement << "\000" }    @file.gsub!(string, replacement)  end  @newfile << @file  @newfile.flush  @newfile.closerescue => e  our_rescue("Error patching file: #{e.message}")endbegin  @log.notice("Replacing file: #{@target}")  FileUtils.rm_rf(@target)  FileUtils.move(@newfile_path, @target)rescue => e  our_rescue("Error replacing file: #{e.message}")endbegin  @log.notice("Nullfying security logs...")  raise unless system("cat /dev/null > /var/log/secure.log")  @log.notice("Removing archived security logs...")  logs = Dir.glob("/private/var/log/secure*.bz2")  logs.each { |log| FileUtils.rm(log) }rescue => e  our_rescue("Error deleting log(s): #{e.message}")end@log.notice("Done.")@log.closeexit 0