
来源:互联网 发布:笔记本电池软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/25 18:09

作者:Nagareshwar Talekar





// Create and Start Recorder Thread   record=new RecordSound(this);   record->CreateThread();// Create and Start Player Thread   play=new PlaySound1(this);   play->CreateThread();// Start Recording   record->PostThreadMessage(WM_RECORDSOUND_STARTRECORDING,0,0);// Start Playing   play->PostThreadMessage(WM_PLAYSOUND_STARTPLAYING,0,0);// During audio recording, data will be available in the OnSoundData// callback function of the RecordSound class. Here, you can place// your code to send the data to remote host...// To play the data received from the remote host   play->PostThreadMessage(WM_PLAYSOUND_PLAYBLOCK,size,(LPARAM)data);// Stop Recording   record->PostThreadMessage(WM_RECORDSOUND_STOPRECORDING,0,0);// Stop Playing   play->PostThreadMessage(WM_PLAYSOUND_STOPPLAYING,0,0);// At last, to Stop the Recording Thread   record->PostThreadMessage(WM_RECORDSOUND_ENDTHREAD,0,0);// To stop playing thread...   play->PostThreadMessage(WM_PLAYSOUND_ENDTHREAD,0,0);


使用VFW(Video For Windows)API进行视频捕获,它提供了通过webcam进行视频捕获。 VideoCapture.h 和VideoCapture.cpp包含了处理视频捕获的代码。


// Create instance of Class   vidcap=new VideoCapture();// This is later used to call display function of the main// dialog class when the frame is captured...   vidcap->SetDialog(this);// This does lot of work, including connecting to the driver// and setting the desired video format. Returns TRUE if// successfully connected to videocapture device.   vidcap->Initialize();// If successfully connected, you can get the BITMAPINFO// structure associated with the video format. This is later// used to display the captured frame...   this->m_bmpinfo=&vidcap->m_bmpinfo;// Now you can start the capture....   vidcap->StartCapture();// Once capture is started, frames will arrive in the "OnCaptureVideo"// callback function of the VideoCapture class. Here you call the// display function to display the frame.// To stop the capture   vidcap->StopCapture();// If your job is over....just destroy it..   vidcap->Destroy();
#pragma comment(lib,"vfw32")#pragma comment(lib,"winmm")


有许多方法和API可以显示捕获的视频。你可以使用SetDIBitsToDevice()方法直接显示,但给予GDI的函数非常的慢。更好的方法是使用DrawDib API 显示。DrawDib函数为设备无关位图(DIBs)提供了高性能的图形绘制能力。DrawDib函数直接写入视频内存,因此性能更好。

以下代码摘要演示了使用DrawDib API显示视频帧。

// Initialize DIB for drawing...   HDRAWDIB hdib=::DrawDibOpen();// Then call this function with suitable parameters....   ::DrawDibBegin(hdib,...);// Now, if you are ready with the frame data, just invoke this// function to display the frame   ::DrawDibDraw(hdib,...);// Finally, termination...   ::DrawDibEnd(hdib);   ::DrawDibClose(hdib);

我使用快速h.263编码库进行编码。该库是使其实时编码更快的 Tmndecoder 修改版。我已经将该库从C转换到C++,这样可以很容易用于任何Windows应用程序。我移除了快速h263编码库中一些不必要的代码与文件,并在.h和.cpp文件中移除了一些定义与申明。
// Initialize the compressor   CParam cparams;   cparams.format = CPARAM_QCIF;   InitH263Encoder(&cparams);//If you need conversion from RGB24 to YUV420, call this   InitLookupTable();// Set up the callback function// OwnWriteFunction is the global function called during// encoding to return the encoded data...   WriteByteFunction = OwnWriteFunction;// For compression, data must be in the YUV420 format...// Hence, before compression, invoke this method   ConvertRGB2YUV(IMAGE_WIDTH,IMAGE_HEIGHT,data,yuv);// Compress the frame.....   cparams.format  = CPARAM_QCIF;   cparams.inter   = CPARAM_INTRA;   cparams.Q_intra = 8;   cparams.data=yuv;    //  Data in YUV format...   CompressFrame(&cparams, &bits);// You can get the compressed data from the callback function// that you have registerd at the begining...// Finally, terminate the encoder// ExitH263Encoder();

这是tmndecoder(H.263解码器)的修改版。使用ANSI C编写,我将它转换到C++使其方便在Windows应用程序中使用。我移除了一些用于显示和文件处理的文件,移除了不必要的代码并增加了一些新文件。


//Initialize the decoder   InitH263Decoder();// Decompress the frame....// > rgbdata must be large enough to hold the output data...// > decoder produces the image data in YUV420 format. After//   decoding, it is converted into RGB24 format...   DecompressFrame(data,size,rgbdata,buffersize);// Finaly, terminate the decoder   ExitH263Decoder();

That''''s it....Enjoy......!!!


我感谢 Paul Cheffers 提供了他的音频录制播放类。因为有了开源人士奉献的开源库才有你所看到的videonet程序,我感激Tmndecoder的开发者Karl Lillevold和h.263快速编码库的开发者Roalt Aalmoes 免费提供这些开发库。

如果你有任何问题或建议,可以发邮件给我 nsry2002@yahoo.co.in
热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 路虎发现cd卡死怎么办 苹果手机帐号被锁定怎么办 苹果手机帐号锁定了怎么办 微博帐号被锁定怎么办 微博显示帐号被锁定怎么办 uc屏蔽了一个网站怎么办 uu跑腿送货遇到不方便收货怎么办 雷神加速器忘记暂停怎么办 obs直播开摄像头吃鸡掉帧怎么办 陌陌收到的礼物怎么办 吃了油腻的东西恶心怎么办 主播工资不发怎么办 主播工资被欠怎么办 直播平台不发工资坑主播怎么办 主播公司不发工资怎么办 梦幻月卡用完了怎么办 网易星球实名认证通过不了怎么办 认证过荔枝主播怎么办 苹果手机相机不对焦怎么办 苹果手机摄像头不能对焦了怎么办 闪电邮里面邮件太多怎么办 苹果手机和助理打不开怎么办 苹果我的世界打不开怎么办 ps试用7天到期了怎么办 皮肤锁不住水份怎么办 硫酸弄到皮肤上怎么办 直播时图像反看怎么办 快手直播权限被收回怎么办 快手直播权限被收回了怎么办 腾讯手游助手玩游戏卡怎么办 电脑直播视频打不开了怎么办 平板进水开不了机怎么办 苹果平板进水开不了机怎么办 苹果平板电脑进水了怎么办 电脑换主机以前的文件怎么办 货车卖了没过户怎么办 微交易出金不了怎么办 直播时出现央视影音客户端怎么办 qq账号暂时无法登录怎么办 饿了吃东西胃疼怎么办 早上不吃饭胃疼怎么办