
来源:互联网 发布:软件编程职业培训 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 16:53









    2.cprintf函数,这是国外的一个叫Yair M. Altman的人写的程序,它的博客地址为:





    语法:   count = cprintf(style,format,...)

    描述:   CPRINTF 用指定格式(style)来处理指定的文档


            'Text'                 -- 默认:黑色black

            'Keywords'            -- 默认:蓝色 blue

            'Comments'           -- 默认:绿色green

            'Strings'              -- 默认:紫色 purple

            'UnterminatedStrings'   -- 默认:暗红 dark red

            'SystemCommands'     -- 默认:橘色 orange

            'Errors'               -- 默认:淡红 lightred

            'Hyperlinks'           -- 默认:带下划线的蓝色underlined blue



    注意: 以'-'开始的是下划线,例如:

          '-Blue' 是蓝色的下划线,与'Hyperlinks'相似

   STYLE 也接受通用的RGB向量做为参数,在它前面加负号,表示下划线,例如:


   STYLE 不区分大小写 (case-insensitive),接受唯一的部分字符串





% CPRINTF displays styledformatted text in the Command Window


% Syntax:

%    count = cprintf(style,format,...)


% Description:

%    CPRINTF processes the specified text usingthe exact same FORMAT

%    arguments accepted by the built-in SPRINTFand FPRINTF functions.


%    CPRINTF then displays the text in theCommand Window using the

%    specified STYLE argument. The acceptedstyles are those used for

%    Matlab's syntax highlighting (see: File /Preferences / Colors /

%    M-file Syntax Highlighting Colors), andalso user-defined colors.


%    The possible pre-defined STYLE names are:


%       'Text'                 - default: black

%       'Keywords'             - default: blue

%       'Comments'             - default: green

%       'Strings'              - default: purple

%       'UnterminatedStrings'  - default: dark red

%       'SystemCommands'       - default: orange

%       'Errors'               - default: light red

%       'Hyperlinks'           - default: underlined blue


%      'Black','Cyan','Magenta','Blue','Green','Red','Yellow','White'


%    Note: styles beginning with '-' will beunderlined. For example:

%          '-Blue' is underlined blue, like'Hyperlinks';

%          '-Comments' is underlined green etc.


%    STYLE also accepts a regular Matlab RGBvector, that can be negated

%    for underlining. For example: -[0,1,1]means underlined cyan.


%    STYLE is case-insensitive and acceptsunique partial strings just

%    like handle property names.


%    CPRINTF by itself, without any inputparameters, displays a demo


% Example:

%    cprintf;  % displays the demo

%    cprintf('text',   'regular black text');

%    cprintf('hyper',  'followed %s','by');

%    cprintf('k',      '%d colored', 4);

%    cprintf('-comment','& underlined');

%    cprintf('err',    'elements\n');

%    cprintf('cyan',   'cyan');

%    cprintf('-green', 'underlined green');

%    cprintf(-[1,0,1], 'underlined magenta');

%    cprintf([1,0.5,0],'and multi-\nlineorange\n');

%    cprintf('string');  % same as fprintf('string') andcprintf('text','string')