
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺金牌卖家 退货 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 12:09



// PtrManager.h

#ifndef __PTR_MANAGER_H__
#define __PTR_MANAGER_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{

#ifndef MAX_PATH
#define MAX_PATH 260

#ifndef MAX_FUNC
#define MAX_FUNC 255

// 定义指针的信息结构
typedef struct _ptr_body
void* ptr; // 指针地址
char type[8]; // 指针类型
char func[MAX_FUNC]; // 所在函数
long line; // 所在行
char file[MAX_PATH]; // 所在文件

// 定义链表的节点
typedef struct _ptr_node
struct _ptr_node* prev; // 前一个节点
struct _ptr_node* next; // 后一个节点
struct _ptr_body* body; // 指针信息节点

// 定义链表的结构
typedef struct _ptr_list
ptr_node* begin; // 链表头
ptr_node* end; // 链表尾
int size; // 链表大小

// 创建一个指针链表
ptr_list* create_ptr_list();
// 删除一个指针链表
void destory_ptr_list(ptr_list** list);

// 添加一个指针信息
ptr_node* add_ptr_body(void* ptr, char* type, char* func, long line, char* file, ptr_list* list);
// 删除一个指针信息
bool remove_ptr_body(void* ptr, ptr_list* list);

// 打印链表信息
void print_ptr_list(ptr_list* list);

// 新增一个指针
#define PTR_MANAGER_NEW(_PTR, list) add_ptr_body(_PTR, "new", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ - 1, __FILE__, list);
#define PTR_MANAGER_MALLOC(_PTR, list) add_ptr_body(_PTR, "malloc", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ - 1, __FILE__, list);
#define PTR_MANAGER_REALLOC(_PTR, list) add_ptr_body(_PTR, "realloc", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__ - 1, __FILE__, list);

// 删除一个指针
#define PTR_MANAGER_FREE(_PTR, list) remove_ptr_body(_PTR, list);
#define PTR_MANAGER_DELETE(_PTR, list) remove_ptr_body(_PTR, list);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /*__PTR_MANAGER_H__*/

// PtrManager.cpp
// Author:lvan100 Date:2012/5/15
// Email:lvan100@yeah.net

#include "PtrManager.h"
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// 创建一个指针信息结构
static ptr_body* create_ptr_body()
ptr_body* body = (ptr_body*)malloc(sizeof(ptr_body));

if (body != NULL)
memset(body, 0, sizeof(ptr_body));

return body;

// 删除一个指针信息结构
static void destory_ptr_body(ptr_body** body)
if (body != NULL && *body != NULL)
*body = NULL;

// 创建一个节点
static ptr_node* create_ptr_node()
ptr_node* node = (ptr_node*)malloc(sizeof(ptr_node));

if (node != NULL)
memset(node, 0, sizeof(ptr_node));

return node;

// 删除一个节点
static void destory_ptr_node(ptr_node** node)
if (node != NULL && *node != NULL)
*node = NULL;

// 创建一个指针链表
ptr_list* create_ptr_list()
ptr_list* list = (ptr_list*)malloc(sizeof(ptr_list));

if (list != NULL)
memset(list, 0, sizeof(ptr_list));

return list;

// 删除一个指针链表
void destory_ptr_list(ptr_list** list)
if (list != NULL && *list != NULL)
*list = NULL;

// 添加一个指针信息
static ptr_node* add_ptr_body(ptr_body* body, ptr_list* list)
if (body == NULL || list == NULL)
return NULL;

ptr_node* node = create_ptr_node();
if (node == NULL)
return NULL;

node->next = NULL; // 空节点
node->body = body; // 指向指针信息

if (list->begin == NULL)
list->begin = node;
node->prev = NULL;
list->end->next = node;
node->prev = list->end; // 链表的尾节点

list->end = node; // 尾节点指向新增节点
list->size += 1; // 链表大小增1

return list->end;

// 添加一个指针信息
ptr_node* add_ptr_body(void* ptr, char* type, char* func, long line, char* file, ptr_list* list)
if (ptr == NULL)
return NULL;

ptr_body* body = create_ptr_body();
if (body != NULL)
body->ptr = ptr;
strncpy_s(body->type, 8, type, strlen(type));
strncpy_s(body->func, MAX_FUNC, func, strlen(func));
body->line = line;
strncpy_s(body->file, MAX_PATH, file, strlen(file));

return add_ptr_body(body, list);

// 删除一个指针信息
bool remove_ptr_body(void* ptr, ptr_list* list)
if (ptr == NULL || list == NULL)
return false;

ptr_body* body = NULL;
ptr_node* node = list->begin;

while (node != NULL)
body = node->body;
if ((body != NULL) && (body->ptr == ptr))
// 如果找到相同的指针信息

if (node->prev == NULL)
// 如果是首节点
list->begin = node->next;
list->end = node->next;

if (node->next != NULL)
node->next->prev = NULL;
// 如果不是首节点

if (node->prev != NULL)
node->prev->next = node->next;

if (node->next != NULL)
node->next->prev = node->prev;

if (list->end == node)
list->end = node->prev;


list->size -= 1; // 链表大小自减1


node = node->next;

if (list->size == 0)
list->begin = list->end = NULL;

return true;

// 打印链表信息
void print_ptr_list(ptr_list* list)
printf("A detailed list of the memory not released:\n");

ptr_body* body = NULL;
ptr_node* node = list->begin;

while(node != NULL)
body = node->body;
if (body != NULL)
body->ptr, body->type, body->line, body->func, body->file);

node = node->next;

// int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
// {
// ptr_list* list = create_ptr_list();
// if (list != NULL)
// {
// char* pnew = new char[10];
// PTR_MANAGER_NEW(pnew, list);
// char* pnew2 = new char[10];
// PTR_MANAGER_NEW(pnew2, list);
// char* pmalloc = (char*)malloc(10);
// PTR_MANAGER_MALLOC(pmalloc, list);
// char* prealloc = (char*)realloc(pmalloc, 10);
// PTR_MANAGER_REALLOC(prealloc, list);
// print_ptr_list(list);
// // test sample.
// // 1.remove header.
// // 2.remove tail.
// // 3.remove middle.
// delete []pnew;
// PTR_MANAGER_DELETE(pnew, list);
// delete []pnew2;
// PTR_MANAGER_DELETE(pnew2, list);
// free(pmalloc);
// PTR_MANAGER_FREE(pmalloc, list);
// // free(prealloc);
// //PTR_MANAGER_FREE(prealloc, list);
// print_ptr_list(list);
// }
// destory_ptr_list(&list);
// return 0;
// }
