
来源:互联网 发布:查看数据库所有用户 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 06:11
/****************************************************************  Copyright notice**  (c) 2007-2008 Timo Michna / www.matikom.de*  All rights reserved**  This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or*  (at your option) any later version.**  The GNU General Public License can be found at*  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.***  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of*  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the*  GNU General Public License for more details.**  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!***************************************************************//****************************************************************  For commercial use, ask the author for permission and different license***************************************************************/Ext.namespace('Ext.ux');Ext.namespace('Ext.ux.Plugin');Ext.ux.Plugin.LiteRemoteComponent = function (config){var defaultType = config.xtype || 'panel';    var callback = function(res){     var mask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.container.bwrap, Ext.apply({msg:'正在加载组件...'}, {}));mask.show();this.container.add(Ext.ComponentMgr.create(Ext.decode(res.responseText), defaultType)).show();this.container.doLayout() ;mask.hide();};    return{init : function (container){this.container = container;Ext.Ajax.request(Ext.apply(config, {success: callback, scope: this}));    }}};/** * @author Timo Michna / matikom * @class Ext.ux.Plugin.RemoteComponent * @extends Ext.util.Observable * @constructor * @param {Object} config * @version 0.3.0 * Plugin for Ext.Container/Ext.Toolbar Elements to dynamically  * add Components from a remote source to the Element�s body.   * Loads configuration as JSON-String from a remote source.  * Creates the Components from configuration. * Adds the Components to the Container body. * Additionally to its own config options the class accepts all the  * configuration options required to configure its internal Ext.Ajax.request(). */Ext.ux.Plugin.RemoteComponent = function (config){   /**    * @cfg {String} breakOn * set to one of the plugins events, to stop any     * further processing of the plugin, when the event fires.    */   /**    * @cfg {mixed} loadOn * Set to one of the Containers events {String}, to defer     * further processing of the plugin to when the event fires.* Set as an object literal {event: 'event', scope: 'scope'}    * to listen for a different components (not the container) event.    * Set to an numeric Array to listen to different events or components.    * Use String or Literal style in numeric Array. Plugin will load by* the first occurence of any of the events.     */   /*** @cfg {String} xtype * Default xtype for loaded toplevel component.* Overwritten by config.xtype or xtype declaration * Defaults to 'panel'* in loaded toplevel component.*/   /*** @cfg {Boolean} purgeSubscribers * set to 'true' to avoid unsubstribing all listeners after successfull process chain * Defaults to false*/   /*** @cfg {Mixed el} mask * The element or DOM node, or its id to mask with loading indicator  */   /*** @cfg {Object} maskConfig * Configuration for LoadMask.* only effective if config option 'mask' is set.    */var defaultType = config.xtype || 'panel';Ext.applyIf(config, {purgeSubscribers:true});this.initialConfig = config;    Ext.apply(this, config);    //this.purgeSubscribers = config.purgeSubscribers || true;    this.addEvents({    /**     * @event beforeload     * Fires before AJAX request. Return false to stop further processing.     * @param {Object} config     * @param {Ext.ux.Plugin.RemoteComponent} this     */        'beforeload' : true,    /**     * @event beforecreate     * Fires before creation of new Components from AJAX response.  * Return false to stop further processing.     * @param {Object} JSON-Object decoded from AJAX response     * @param {Ext.ux.Plugin.RemoteComponent} this     */        'beforecreate' : true,    /**     * @event beforeadd     * Fires before adding the new Components to the Container.  * Return false to stop further processing.     * @param {Object} new Components created from AJAX response.     * @param {Ext.ux.Plugin.RemoteComponent} this     */        'beforeadd' : true,    /**     * @event beforecomponshow     * Fires before show() is called on the new Components.  * Return false to stop further processing.     * @param {Object} new Components created from AJAX response.     * @param {Ext.ux.Plugin.RemoteComponent} this     */        'beforecomponshow': true,    /**     * @event beforecontainshow     * Fires before show() is called on the Container.  * Return false to stop further processing.     * @param {Object} new Components created from AJAX response.     * @param {Ext.ux.Plugin.RemoteComponent} this     */        'beforecontainshow': true,    /**     * @event success     * Fires after full process chain.  * Return false to stop further processing.     * @param {Object} new Components created from AJAX response.     * @param {Ext.ux.Plugin.RemoteComponent} this     */        'success': true    });Ext.ux.Plugin.RemoteComponent.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);// set breakpoint if(config.breakOn){ this.on(config.breakOn, function(){return false;});}   /**    * private    * method adds component to container.    * Creates Components from responseText and      * and populates Components in Container.    * @param {Object} JSON Config for new component.    */var renderComponent = function(JSON){if(this.fireEvent('beforeadd', JSON, this)){//this.container.initComponent();component = this.container.add(JSON);if(this.fireEvent('beforecomponshow', component, this)){return component;} } }.createDelegate(this);   /**    * private    * Callback method for successful Ajax request.    * Creates Components from responseText and      * and populates Components in Container.    * @param {Object} response object from successful AJAX request.    */    var callback = function(res){         var JSON = Ext.decode(res.responseText);if(this.fireEvent('beforecreate', JSON, this)){var component = null;//JSON = JSON instanceof Array ? JSON[0] : JSON;if(JSON instanceof Array){Ext.each(JSON, function(j, i){component = renderComponent(j).show();;});}else{component = renderComponent(JSON).show();}if(this.fireEvent('beforecontainshow', component, this)){var mask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.container.bwrap, Ext.apply({msg:'正在加载组件...'}, {}));mask.show();this.container.doLayout();mask.hide();this.fireEvent('success', component, this);} }   if(this.purgeSubscribers){this.purgeListeners();}}.createDelegate(this);   /**    * public    * Processes the AJAX request.    * Generally only called internal. Can be called external,    * when processing has been stopped or defered by config    * options breakOn or loadOn.    */this.load = function(){if(this.fireEvent('beforeload', config, this)){config.url = this.url;if(config.mask){var mask = new Ext.LoadMask(Ext.getDom(config.mask), Ext.apply({msg:'loading components...'}, config.maskConfig || {}));mask.show();this.on('success', mask.hide, mask);}if (config.baseParams) {Ext.apply(config.baseParams,  {ajax:true});} else {config.baseParams = {ajax:true};}Ext.Ajax.request(Ext.apply(config, {success: callback, scope: this}));} };   /**    * public    * Initialization method called by the Container.    */    this.init = function (container){container.on('beforedestroy', function(){this.purgeListeners();}, this);this.container = container;if(config.loadOn){ if(config.loadOn instanceof Array){Ext.each(config.loadOn, function(l, i, a){var evt = l.event || l.loadOn;var defer = function (){this.load();Ext.each(a, function(lo){(lo.scope || container).un(evt, defer, this);}.createDelegate(this));}.createDelegate(this);(l.scope || container).on(evt, defer, this);}.createDelegate(this));}else{(config.loadOn.scope || container).on((config.loadOn.event || config.loadOn), this.load, this, {single:true});}}else{this.load();}               };};Ext.extend(Ext.ux.Plugin.RemoteComponent, Ext.util.Observable);Ext.preg('remoteComponent',Ext.ux.Plugin.RemoteComponent);
,plugins:[new Ext.ux.Plugin.RemoteComponent({                                                                url: 'callControl/callpolice/110_casetypes_page.cctc'                                                                ,method:'post'                                                                ,params:{}                                                            })]
