来源:互联网 发布:窥孔优化 课程设计 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:06
/** 文件名: WSHOUT.C*//* MSC Include files: */#include <stdio.h>#include <io.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>#include "wshout.h"#define MAJOR_VERSION 1#define MINOR_VERSION 2#define WSA_MAKEWORD(x,y) ((y) * 256 + (x)) /* HI:Minor, LO:Major */HANDLE hInst; /* 进程实例句柄 */HWND hOurWnd; /* 主窗口句柄 */HWND hMainDlg; /* 主对话框句柄 */int ret; /* 工作变量 */char prbuf[PRBUF_LEN]; /* 用于显示文本的工作缓冲区 */SOCKET sd; /* 用于监听连接的套接口描述字 */long temporary_option = 0L; /* 缺省为阻塞模式 */long blocking_option = 0L; /* 阻塞模式的全局标识 */int run_cancelled = 0; /* 指示何时按下了取消按钮 */int len = 1024; /* 一次写的字节数 */BOOL running = FALSE; /* 程序的运行状态 */const int iTCP = 1; /* 指定为 TCP Shout */const int iUDP = 2; /* 指定为 UDP Shout */int iProto = 1; /* 缺省为 TCP Shout */int iPortNo = SOCK_SHOUT;int temporary_protocol = 1; /* 在 Settings()中使用 */int iShout = 1;. 38 .int iListen = 2;int iClientOrServer = 1; /* 缺省为 Shout (客户机)*/int tClientOrServer = 1; /* 在 Settings()中使用 */char HostModeBuf[20];/* 保存模式字符串 */WORD VersionReqd;LPWSADATA lpmyWSAData;int PASCALWinMain (HANDLE hInstance,HANDLE hPrevInstance,LPSTR lpCmdLine,int nCmdShow){HWND hWnd;MSG msg;BOOL InitApp(HANDLE);if (!hPrevInstance)if (!InitApp(hInstance))return (NULL);hInst = hInstance;hWnd = CreateWindow("MainMenu","Windows Shout",WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,NULL,NULL,hInstance,NULL);if (!hWnd)return (NULL);hOurWnd = hWnd;while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {TranslateMessage(&msg); /* 翻译虚拟键码 */DispatchMessage(&msg);}return (msg.wParam);}BOOL InitApp(HANDLE hInstance){HANDLE hMemory;PWNDCLASS pWndClass;BOOL bSuccess;hMemory = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WNDCLASS));pWndClass = (PWNDCLASS) LocalLock(hMemory);pWndClass->hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);pWndClass->hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, (LPSTR) "SHOUT");pWndClass->lpszMenuName = (LPSTR) "MainMenu";pWndClass->lpszClassName = (LPSTR) "MainMenu";pWndClass->hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);pWndClass->hInstance = hInstance;pWndClass->style = NULL;pWndClass->lpfnWndProc = ShoutWndProc;bSuccess = RegisterClass(pWndClass);LocalUnlock(hMemory);LocalFree(hMemory);return (bSuccess);}long FAR PASCAL ShoutWndProc(HWND hWnd, WORD message,WORD wParam, LONG lParam){FARPROC lpDialogBoxProc;switch (message){case WM_CREATE:/* Put up the dialog box */lpDialogBoxProc = MakeProcInstance(DialogProc, hInst);DialogBox (hInst, (LPSTR) "MainDialog", hWnd, lpDialogBoxProc) ;FreeProcInstance(lpDialogBoxProc);PostMessage(hWnd, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0L);. 40 .break;case WM_DESTROY:PostQuitMessage(0);break;default:return(DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam));}return NULL;}BOOL FAR PASCAL DialogProc(HWND hOurDlg, WORD message, WORD wParam, LONGlParam){FARPROC lpProcAbout;FARPROC lpProcSettings;long lret;WORD wMajorVersion, wMinorVersion;char hostnm[64]; /* 包含主机名的工作缓冲区 */switch (message) {case WM_INITDIALOG:/* 选择缺省主机 */SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_HNAME, "");SendDlgItemMessage(hOurDlg, /* 对话框句柄 */IDD_HNAME, /* 向何处发送 msg */EM_SETSEL, /* 选择字符 */NULL, /* 附加信息 */MAKELONG(0, 0x7fff)); /* 全部内容 */SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hOurDlg, IDD_HNAME));/* 初始化 */hMainDlg = hOurDlg; /* 保存自己的窗口句柄 */SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COHOST,"Shout to:");wMajorVersion = MAJOR_VERSION;wMinorVersion = MINOR_VERSION;VersionReqd=WSA_MAKEWORD(wMajorVersion, wMinorVersion);lpmyWSAData = (LPWSADATA)_calloc(1, sizeof(WSADATA));ret = WSAStartup(VersionReqd, lpmyWSAData);if (ret != 0){wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "WSAStartup()");}return (TRUE);case WM_CLOSE:PostMessage(hOurDlg, WM_COMMAND, IDM_EXIT, 0L);break;case WM_SYSCOMMAND:SendMessage(hOurWnd, message, wParam, lParam);break;case WM_COMMAND:switch (wParam) {case IDD_CONNECT: /* 按下连接按钮 */case IDM_START: /* 选择了 Start 菜单项 */run_cancelled = FALSE;/* 不能重入 */if (running){MessageBox(hOurWnd,"Shout is already running !","Shout", MB_OK | MB_APPLMODAL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);return FALSE;}ClearBoxes(hOurDlg);running = TRUE;if (iClientOrServer == iShout) {/* 确保有主机名 */if (GetDlgItemText (hOurDlg, IDD_HNAME, hostnm, 80) < 2) {MessageBeep(0);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg,IDD_COMMENT,"No hostname specified");running = FALSE;break;}. 42 .sd = ResolveAndConnectHost((char FAR *)hostnm,hOurDlg,iProto,iPortNo);if (sd == SOCKET_ERROR) {/* 无法创建套接口 */running = FALSE;break;}}else {sd = GetSocketAndBind(hOurDlg, iProto, iPortNo);if (sd == SOCKET_ERROR) {running = FALSE;break;}}/* Set the I/O mode of the socket */if (blocking_option) {lret = 1L; /* 非阻塞模式 */ioctlsocket(sd, FIONBIO, (u_long FAR *) &lret);}else {lret = 0L; /* 阻塞模式 */ioctlsocket(sd, FIONBIO, (u_long FAR *) &lret);}if (iClientOrServer == iShout) { /* SHOUT *//* 产生数据并写入套接口 */if (iProto == iTCP)lret = TWriteData(sd, hOurDlg, len);else /* UDP */lret = UWriteData(sd, hOurDlg, len);}else { /* LISTEN */if (iProto == iTCP)lret = TReadData(sd,hOurDlg, len);else /* UDP */lret = UReadData(sd,hOurDlg, len);}closesocket(sd);running = FALSE;. 43 .break;case IDD_CANCEL:if (running) {/* 停止 */ret = WSACancelBlockingCall();run_cancelled = TRUE;if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {/* WSANOTINITIALISED or WSAENETDOWN or WSAEINVAL */if (h_errno == WSAENETDOWN) {/* Watch out for hAcceptSock! *//* close what is left of the connection */closesocket(sd);}}}break;case IDM_EXIT:ret = WSACleanup();if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR && h_errno == WSAEINPROGRESS){MessageBox(hOurWnd,"Data transfer in progress.\nStop transfer first.","WndProc()", MB_OK | MB_APPLMODAL|MB_ICONINFORMATION);break; /* 一个套接口正处于阻塞状态 */}_free((char NEAR *) lpmyWSAData);EndDialog(hOurDlg, TRUE) ; /* 退出 */break;case IDM_ABOUT:lpProcAbout = MakeProcInstance(About, hInst);DialogBox(hInst, "AboutBox", hOurDlg, lpProcAbout);FreeProcInstance(lpProcAbout);break;case IDM_SETTINGS:lpProcSettings = MakeProcInstance(Settings, hInst);DialogBox(hInst, "SettingsDialog", hOurDlg, lpProcSettings);FreeProcInstance(lpProcSettings);. 44 .break;default:break;} /* switch (wParam) */break;} /* switch (message) */return FALSE;}/* 此函数处理 About 对话框 */BOOL FAR PASCAL About(HWND hDlg, WORD message, WORD wParam, LONG lParam){char tempBuf[15];switch (message) {case WM_INITDIALOG:SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDA_COPYRIGHT,(LPSTR)lpmyWSAData->szDescription);wsprintf(tempBuf, "%d.%2d\n",MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION);SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDA_APP_VERSION, (LPSTR) tempBuf);wsprintf(tempBuf, "%d.%2d\n",lpmyWSAData->wVersion%256,lpmyWSAData->wVersion/256);SetDlgItemText (hDlg, IDA_DLL_VERSION, (LPSTR) tempBuf);return (FALSE);case WM_COMMAND:if (wParam == IDOK|| wParam == IDCANCEL) {EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE);return (TRUE);}break;}return (FALSE);}/* 此函数处理 Settings 对话框 */. 45 .BOOL FAR PASCAL Settings(HWND hDlg, WORD message, WORD wParam, LONG lParam){int buffer_len = len;int port_no = iPortNo;switch (message) {case WM_INITDIALOG:/* Select a default send() buffer length */SetDlgItemInt(hDlg, IDS_BUFFLEN, len, 0);/* Select a default port number */SetDlgItemInt(hDlg, IDS_PORTNO, iPortNo, 0);if (iClientOrServer == iShout) /* 程序类型 */CheckThisProgBoxOn(hDlg, IDS_CLIENT);elseCheckThisProgBoxOn(hDlg, IDS_SERVER);if (iProto == iTCP) /* 协议类型 */CheckThisProtoBoxOn(hDlg, IDS_TCP);elseCheckThisProtoBoxOn(hDlg, IDS_UDP);if (!blocking_option) /* 阻塞模式 */CheckThisBoxOn(hDlg, IDS_BLOCK);elseCheckThisBoxOn(hDlg, IDS_NOBLOCK);SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, /* dialog handle */IDS_PORTNO, /* where to send msg */EM_SETSEL, /* select characters */NULL, /* additional info */MAKELONG(0, 0x7fff)); /* entire contents */SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, /* dialog handle */IDS_BUFFLEN, /* where to send msg */EM_SETSEL, /* select characters */NULL, /* additional info */MAKELONG(0, 0x7fff)); /* entire contents */SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDS_BUFFLEN));return (TRUE);. 46 .case WM_COMMAND:switch (wParam){case IDS_CLIENT:/* USer has set to Shout */CheckThisProgBoxOn(hDlg, IDS_CLIENT);tClientOrServer = iShout;SetDlgItemText(hMainDlg, IDD_COHOST,"Foreign host:");SetDlgItemText(hMainDlg, IDD_HNAME,"");break;case IDS_SERVER:/* USer has set to Listen */CheckThisProgBoxOn(hDlg, IDS_SERVER);tClientOrServer = iListen;SetDlgItemText(hMainDlg, IDD_COHOST,"Listening to:");SetDlgItemText(hMainDlg, IDD_HNAME,"[Hit 'Start']");break;case IDS_TCP:/* USer has set to TCP */CheckThisProtoBoxOn(hDlg, IDS_TCP);temporary_protocol = iTCP;break;case IDS_UDP:/* USer has set to UDP */CheckThisProtoBoxOn(hDlg, IDS_UDP);temporary_protocol = iUDP;break;case IDS_BLOCK:/* User has set to blocking mode */CheckThisBoxOn(hDlg, IDS_BLOCK);temporary_option = 0L;break;case IDS_NOBLOCK:/* User has set to nonblocking mode */CheckThisBoxOn(hDlg, IDS_NOBLOCK);temporary_option = 1L;break;case IDOK:/* 用户已完成对设置的修改 */buffer_len = GetDlgItemInt(hDlg, IDS_BUFFLEN, NULL, 0);if (buffer_len == 0 || buffer_len > 8192) {. 47 .MessageBox(hOurWnd, "Buffer length must be between 1 and 8K","Settings()",MB_OK | MB_APPLMODAL | MB_ICONSTOP);return (FALSE);}port_no = GetDlgItemInt(hDlg, IDS_PORTNO, NULL, 0);if (port_no == 0) {MessageBox(hDlg, "Port number must be between 0 and 65,535","Settings()",MB_OK | MB_APPLMODAL | MB_ICONSTOP);return (FALSE);}len = buffer_len;iPortNo = port_no;blocking_option = temporary_option;iProto = temporary_protocol;iClientOrServer = tClientOrServer;case IDCANCEL:/* 用户不想改变设置 */EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE);return (TRUE);default:break;}default:break;}return (FALSE);}voidCheckThisBoxOn(HWND hDlg, int ButtonID){switch (ButtonID) {case IDS_BLOCK:CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDS_BLOCK, 1);CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDS_NOBLOCK, 0);. 48 .break;case IDS_NOBLOCK:CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDS_BLOCK, 0);CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDS_NOBLOCK, 1);break;default:break;}return;}voidCheckThisProtoBoxOn(HWND hDlg, int ButtonID){switch (ButtonID) {case IDS_TCP:CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDS_TCP, 1);CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDS_UDP, 0);break;case IDS_UDP:CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDS_TCP, 0);CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDS_UDP, 1);break;default:break;}return;}voidCheckThisProgBoxOn(HWND hDlg, int ButtonID){switch (ButtonID) {case IDS_CLIENT: /* Shout */CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDS_CLIENT, 1);CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDS_SERVER, 0);break;case IDS_SERVER: /* Listen */CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDS_CLIENT, 0);CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDS_SERVER, 1);break;default:break;}return;}/* 以下就是我们如何处理“模拟阻塞”-本函数检查消息队列,如果发现需要处理的消息,就返回一个正的值。*/intShoutBlockingHook (void){MSG msg; /* lets us pull messages via PeekMessage */int ret = PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE);if (ret) {TranslateMessage(&msg);DispatchMessage(&msg);}return ret;}char *_calloc (nelem, elsize)unsigned nelem, elsize;{HANDLE hMem;PSTR ptr;unsigned size = nelem * elsize;if ((hMem = LocalAlloc(LPTR, size)) == NULL)return (char *) 0;if ((ptr = LocalLock(hMem)) == NULL) {LocalFree(hMem);return (char *) 0;}return (char *) ptr;}void_free (void *cP){. 50 .(void) LocalFree(LocalHandle((WORD) cP));}voidClearBoxes(HWND hOurDlg){wsprintf(prbuf," \n");SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_WRITE, (LPSTR) prbuf);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_SENT, (LPSTR) prbuf);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_TIME, (LPSTR) prbuf);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_WRITES,(LPSTR) prbuf);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_BYTES, (LPSTR) prbuf);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_BITS, (LPSTR) prbuf);return;}/** wshout_err()函数* 描述:** 通过错误代码获取相应的错误描述文本,与用户提供的错误前缀合* 并,并显示在对话框中。*/void wshout_err (HWND hOurDlg, /* 对话框的窗口句柄 */int wsa_err, /* WinSock 错误代码 */char far *err_prefix) /* 错误前缀字符串 */{char errbuf[PRBUF_LEN]; /* 错误描述字符串缓冲区 *//* 获取错误描述字符串 */WSAsperror(hInst, wsa_err, (LPSTR)errbuf, PRBUF_LEN);/* 合并错误描述字符串与用户错误前缀字符串 */wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf, "%s:%s", (LPSTR) err_prefix, (LPSTR)errbuf);/* 在对话框中显示错误文本 */SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, (LPSTR) prbuf);} /* end wshout_err() */. 51 ./* eof */ wshout.h 清单/** 文件名: WSHOUT.H*/#ifndef _WSHOUT_INC_#define _WSHOUT_INC_/* Windows 3.0 头文件 */#include <windows.h>#define _INC_WINDOWS#include <winsock.h>#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endif /* __cplusplus *//* WSHOUT.C 中定义的全局变量 */extern HANDLE hInst; /* Instance handle */extern HWND hOurWnd; /* Main Window Handle */extern int ret; /* work variable */#define PRBUF_LEN 50extern char prbuf[PRBUF_LEN]; /* work buffer *//* 菜单 IDs */#define IDM_START 101#define IDM_ABOUT 102#define IDM_STOP103#define IDM_EXIT 104#define IDM_SETTINGS 105/* 对话框控制 IDs */#define IDD_HNAME 200#define IDD_CONNECT IDOK. 52 .#define IDD_CANCEL IDCANCEL#define IDD_WRITES 208#define IDD_BYTES 210#define IDD_BITS 212#define IDD_HELP 214#define IDD_SENT 230#define IDD_WRITE 232#define IDD_TIME 234#define IDD_COMMENT 236#define IDD_COHOST 240/* “ Settings ”对话框控制 IDs */#define IDS_BUFFLEN 300#define IDS_PORTNO 301#define IDS_BLOCK 302#define IDS_NOBLOCK304#define IDS_TCP 306#define IDS_UDP 308#define IDS_CLIENT 310#define IDS_SERVER 312#define IDS_DEFAULT 314/* “ About ”对话框控制 IDs */#define IDA_COPYRIGHT 400#define IDA_APP_VERSION402#define IDA_DLL_VERSION 404/* 程序控制 IDs */#define WM_SELECT WM_USER+16/* 全局变量*/#define SOCK_DISCARD 9 /* use the UDP ttytst source port for test */#define SOCK_SHOUT 32766 /* TCP port used for SHOUT & LISTEN */#define BUF_SIZE 8192#define WRITE_TIMER 1/* 函数原型 */int PASCAL WinMain(HANDLE, HANDLE, LPSTR, int);long FAR PASCAL ShoutWndProc(HWND, WORD, WORD, LONG);BOOL FAR PASCAL About(HWND, WORD, WORD, LONG);BOOL FAR PASCAL DialogProc(HWND, WORD, WORD, LONG);. 53 .BOOL FAR PASCAL Settings(HWND, WORD, WORD, LONG);BOOL InitApp(HANDLE);void CheckThisBoxOn(HWND, int);void CheckThisProtoBoxOn(HWND, int);void CheckThisProgBoxOn(HWND, int);void ClearBoxes(HWND);SOCKET ResolveAndConnectHost(LPSTR, HWND, int, int);SOCKET GetSocketAndBind(HWND, int, int);long UWriteData(SOCKET, HWND, int);long UReadData(SOCKET, HWND, int);long TWriteData(SOCKET, HWND, int);long TReadData(SOCKET, HWND, int);int ShoutBlockingHook (void);int PASCAL FAR WSAsperror (HANDLE, int, char far *, int);void wshout_err (HWND, int, char far *);#define bcopy(a,b,c) _fmemcpy(b,a,c)char * _calloc (unsigned, unsigned);void _free (void *);#ifdef _cplusplus}#endif /* __cplusplus */#endif /* ifndef _WSHOUT_INC_ *//* eof */ wshout.rc 清单/** 文件名: WSHOUT.RC*/#include <windows.h>#include <winsock.h>#include "wshout.h"MainMenu MENUBEGINPOPUP "&File". 54 .BEGINMENUITEM "&Start", IDM_STARTMENUITEM "Sto&p", IDM_STOPMENUITEM SEPARATORMENUITEM "E&xit", IDM_EXITENDPOPUP "&Options"BEGINMENUITEM "&Settings ...", IDM_SETTINGSMENUITEM SEPARATORMENUITEM "&About Shout...", IDM_ABOUTENDENDABOUTBOX DIALOG 22, 17, 144, 102CAPTION "About Shout for Windows"STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENUBEGINCTEXT "Windows Shout", -1, 29, 5, 85, 8CTEXT "Version", -1, 46, 13, 33, 8, SS_CENTER | WS_GROUPCTEXT "WINSOCK.DLL \n FTP Software, Inc. \nCopyright 1993", IDA_COPYRIGHT, 38, 40,68, 25, SS_CENTER | WS_GROUPCTEXT "Version", -1, 46, 67, 33, 8, SS_CENTER | WS_GROUPCTEXT "num", IDA_DLL_VERSION, 79, 67, 18, 8, SS_CENTER | WS_GROUPCONTROL "OK", 1, "BUTTON", BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP, 56,82, 32, 14ICON "SHOUT", -1, 11, 8, 16, 16CONTROL "num", IDA_APP_VERSION, "STATIC", SS_LEFT | WS_GROUP, 79, 13, 18, 8CONTROL "using", -1, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | WS_GROUP, 55, 26, 30, 8ENDSettingsDialog DIALOG 9, 16, 172, 117CAPTION "Settings"STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENUBEGINCONTROL " send/recv \nBuffer &length", -1, "STATIC", SS_LEFT | WS_GROUP, 84, 8, 48,20CONTROL "&Port number", -1, "STATIC", SS_LEFT | WS_GROUP, 84, 31, 48, 10CONTROL "&Blocking", IDS_BLOCK, "BUTTON", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,. 55 .100, 61, 56, 12CONTROL "&TCP", IDS_TCP, "BUTTON", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP, 20, 60,41, 12CONTROL "&Client", IDS_CLIENT, "BUTTON", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,19, 15, 35, 12CONTROL "&Server", IDS_SERVER, "BUTTON", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,19, 26, 35, 12CONTROL "&UDP", IDS_UDP, "BUTTON", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP, 20, 72,41, 12CONTROL "&Nonblocking", IDS_NOBLOCK, "BUTTON", BS_AUTOCHECKBOX |WS_TABSTOP, 100, 73, 56, 12CONTROL "O.K.", IDOK, "BUTTON", BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, 40, 95, 37, 14CONTROL "Cancel", IDCANCEL, "BUTTON", BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, 90, 95,37, 14CONTROL "", IDS_BUFFLEN, "EDIT", ES_CENTER | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP, 130,11, 36, 12CONTROL "", IDS_PORTNO, "EDIT", ES_CENTER | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP, 130,29, 36, 12CONTROL "Protocol", 237, "button", BS_GROUPBOX, 6, 49, 70, 38CONTROL "I/O Mode", 239, "button", BS_GROUPBOX, 90, 49, 70, 38CONTROL "Program Mode", 241, "button", BS_GROUPBOX, 6, 7, 70, 34ENDMainDialog DIALOG 17, 32, 163, 135CAPTION "Windows Shout"MENU MainMenuSTYLE DS_ABSALIGN | WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU |WS_MINIMIZEBOXBEGINCONTROL "", IDD_HNAME, "EDIT", ES_CENTER | WS_BORDER | WS_GROUP |WS_TABSTOP, 62, 9, 93, 12CONTROL "", IDD_WRITE, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | SS_NOPREFIX | WS_BORDER, 7, 95,45, 11CONTROL "", IDD_SENT, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | WS_BORDER, 59, 95, 45, 11CONTROL "", IDD_TIME, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | WS_BORDER, 111, 95, 45, 11CONTROL "", IDD_WRITES, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | WS_BORDER, 7, 120, 45, 11CONTROL "", IDD_BYTES, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | WS_BORDER, 59, 120, 45, 11CONTROL "", IDD_BITS, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | WS_BORDER, 111, 120, 45, 11CONTROL "writes[reads]", 105, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | WS_GROUP, 3, 85, 52, 9CONTROL "writes[reads]/s", 105, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | WS_GROUP, 3, 111, 55, 9CONTROL "bytes", 105, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | WS_GROUP, 61, 85, 42, 9. 56 .CONTROL "bytes/sec", 105, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | WS_GROUP, 61, 111, 42, 9CONTROL "time (sec)", 105, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | WS_GROUP, 111, 85, 45, 9CONTROL "bits/sec", 105, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | WS_GROUP, 113, 111, 42, 9CONTROL "Host", IDD_COHOST, "STATIC", SS_LEFT, 7, 10, 52, 10CONTROL "", IDD_COMMENT, "STATIC", SS_CENTER | WS_BORDER | WS_GROUP, 9,68, 146, 11CONTROL "&Start", IDOK, "BUTTON", BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, 6, 32, 32, 20CONTROL "Sto&p", IDCANCEL, "BUTTON", BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, 65, 32,32, 20CONTROL "E&xit", IDM_EXIT, "BUTTON", BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, 125, 32,32, 20CONTROL "", -1, "static", SS_BLACKFRAME, 0, 60, 163, 1ENDSHOUT ICON wshout.ico/** 错误描述字符串表* 用于 WSAsperror()函数*/STRINGTABLEBEGINWSABASEERR, "[0] No Error"WSAEINTR, "[10004] Interrupted system call"WSAEBADF, "[10009] Bad file number"WSAEACCES, "[10013] Permission denied"WSAEFAULT, "[10014] Bad address"WSAEINVAL, "[10022] Invalid argument"WSAEMFILE, "[10024] Too many open files"WSAEWOULDBLOCK, "[10035] Operation would block"WSAEINPROGRESS, "[10036] Operation now in progress"WSAEALREADY, "[10037] Operation already in progress"WSAENOTSOCK, "[10038] Socket operation on non-socket"WSAEDESTADDRREQ, "[10039] Destination address required"WSAEMSGSIZE, "[10040] Message too long"WSAEPROTOTYPE, "[10041] Protocol wrong type for socket"WSAENOPROTOOPT, "[10042] Bad protocol option"WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT, "[10043] Protocol not supported"WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT, "[10044] Socket type not supported"WSAEOPNOTSUPP, "[10045] Operation not supported on socket". 57 .WSAEPFNOSUPPORT, "[10046] Protocol family not supported"WSAEAFNOSUPPORT, "[10047] Address family not supported by protocol family"WSAEADDRINUSE, "[10048] Address already in use"WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL, "[10049] Can't assign requested address"WSAENETDOWN, "[10050] Network is down"WSAENETUNREACH, "[10051] Network is unreachable"WSAENETRESET, "[10052] Net dropped connection or reset"WSAECONNABORTED, "[10053] Software caused connection abort"WSAECONNRESET, "[10054] Connection reset by peer"WSAENOBUFS, "[10055] No buffer space available"WSAEISCONN, "[10056] Socket is already connected"WSAENOTCONN, "[10057] Socket is not connected"WSAESHUTDOWN, "[10058] Can't send after socket shutdown"WSAETOOMANYREFS, "[10059] Too many references, can't splice"WSAETIMEDOUT, "[10060] Connection timed out"WSAECONNREFUSED, "[10061] Connection refused"WSAELOOP, "[10062] Too many levels of symbolic links"WSAENAMETOOLONG, "[10063] File name too long"WSAEHOSTDOWN, "[10064] Host is down"WSAEHOSTUNREACH, "[10065] No Route to Host"WSAENOTEMPTY, "[10066] Directory not empty"WSAEPROCLIM, "[10067] Too many processes"WSAEUSERS, "[10068] Too many users"WSAEDQUOT, "[10069] Disc Quota Exceeded"WSAESTALE, "[10070] Stale NFS file handle"WSAEREMOTE, "[10071] Too many levels of remote in path"WSASYSNOTREADY, "[10091] Network SubSystem is unavailable"WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED, "[10092] WINSOCK DLL Version out of range"WSANOTINITIALISED, "[10093] Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed"WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND, "[11001] Host not found"WSATRY_AGAIN, "[11002] Non-Authoritative Host not found"WSANO_RECOVERY, "[11003] Non-Recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED,NOTIMP"WSANO_DATA, "[11004] Valid name, no data record of requestedtype"END/* eof */. 58 . ushout.c 清单/** 文件名: USHOUT.C*/#include "wshout.h"/* MSC Include files: */#include <stdio.h>#include <io.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>/* Returns the number of bytes written */long UWriteData(SOCKET hSock, HWND hOurDlg, int send_len){int counter;static int DataBuffer[BUF_SIZE]; /* Buffer to hold generated data */static char ReplyBuffer[512]; /* Buffer to hold any reply rcvd */long bytes_sent = 0L; /* Counter of bytes on connection */long total_len = 1024L*1024L; /* Total # of bytes to generate */time_t start, end; /* variables to hold read timing */long total_time = 0L; /* variable to hold delta t */long write_count = 0L; /* number of times */long tmp = 0L; /* holds count for bytes written */long ltemp = 0L;int i_temp;extern int run_cancelled;struct sockaddr_in dest; /* Destination machine address structure *//* What makes shout unique is that it generates data** in memory (as opposed to accessing the disk). ** This tests the 'raw' speed of the TCP connection ** as the rate-limiting access time is eliminated. ** First, generate the data and place it into an ** array, data_buffer: */for (counter = 0; counter < BUF_SIZE; counter++). 59 .DataBuffer[counter] = counter;/* Write data on the descriptor like a banshee,* careful to time the writes and count data* transmitted:*/SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, "Sending UDP Data ...");time( &start );while (bytes_sent < total_len){/* while still bytes to send */do {;} while (ShoutBlockingHook()); /* Dispatch messages if any */if (run_cancelled) {WSASetLastError(WSAEINTR);break; /* Non-blocking mode was cancelled */}tmp = send(hSock, (char FAR *) &DataBuffer, send_len, 0);if (tmp == SOCKET_ERROR) {if (h_errno == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) /* if no data, read again */continue;else {wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "send()");}/* Calc. time elapsed & stats about any data sent */time(&end);if (total_time = (long) difftime(end, start)) {/* Print the statistics gathered */wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n",write_count);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_WRITE, (LPSTR) prbuf);wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n",bytes_sent);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_SENT, (LPSTR) prbuf);wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n",total_time);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_TIME, (LPSTR) prbuf);ltemp = write_count/total_time;. 60 .wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n", ltemp);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_WRITES,(LPSTR) prbuf);ltemp = bytes_sent/total_time;wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n", ltemp);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_BYTES, (LPSTR) prbuf);ltemp = 8 * (bytes_sent/total_time);wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n", ltemp);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_BITS, (LPSTR) prbuf);/* exit from the while loop */break;} /* end if (total_time) */write_count++; /* incr. counter of times written */bytes_sent += tmp; /* # of bytes placed on connection */wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n",bytes_sent);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_SENT, (LPSTR) prbuf);} /* end if (tmp == -1) */write_count++; /* incr. counter of times written */bytes_sent += tmp; /* # of bytes placed on connection */wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n",write_count);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_WRITE, (LPSTR) prbuf);wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n",bytes_sent);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_SENT, (LPSTR) prbuf);} /* end while *//* Look for a reply ... NOTE: most hosts won't give* a 'reply', done to illustrate communication between* sockets. Our ulisten example will give a reply though.*/SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, "Waiting for reply from server..\n");while (1) {tmp = sizeof(dest);i_temp = recvfrom(hSock,(char FAR *) &ReplyBuffer,sizeof(ReplyBuffer),0, (struct sockaddr *) &dest, (int FAR *) &tmp);if (i_temp == SOCKET_ERROR) {if (h_errno == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) /* if no data, read again */. 61 .continue;else {/* any error besides these. just punt */wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "recvfrom()");}break;} /* end if (i_temp == SOCKET_ERROR) *//* else got a reply ...*/wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf, "Server: %s\n", (LPSTR) ReplyBuffer);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, prbuf);break;} /* end while(1) *//* All done */return bytes_sent;}/* eof */ ulisten.c 清单/** 文件名: ULISTEN.C*/#include "wshout.h"/* MSC Include files: */#include <stdio.h>#include <io.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>/* Returns the number of bytes written */long UReadData(SOCKET hSock, HWND hOurDlg, int read_len){static char ReadBuf[BUF_SIZE];static char SendBuf[512];. 62 .struct sockaddr_in local; /* Local machine address structure */int i; /* General purpose return code */long total_time = 0L; /* variable to hold delta t */int tmp, len = 0;int num_reads = 0;long bytes_read = 0L;long last_time, now, timeout = 15L;long ltemp;extern int run_cancelled;BOOL bTemp = TRUE;SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, "Awaiting the UDP Data ...");SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_HNAME, " ");time(&now); time(&last_time);while (last_time + timeout > now) {time(&now);tmp = sizeof(local);do {;} while (ShoutBlockingHook()); /* Dispatch messages while available */if (run_cancelled) {WSASetLastError(WSAEINTR);break; /* Non-blocking mode was cancelled */}len = recvfrom(hSock, ReadBuf, read_len, 0,(struct sockaddr *) &local, &tmp);if (len == SOCKET_ERROR) {if (h_errno == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {/* if no data, read again */continue;} /* end: if (errno == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) */else {if (bytes_read) {wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "recvfrom()");}} /* end else */break;} /* end: if (len == SOCKET_ERROR) */. 63 .if (bTemp) { /* To update our main display once *//* Do not use wsprintf() or you will add an extra char */_fmemcpy(prbuf, inet_ntoa(local.sin_addr), 4*sizeof(u_long));SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_HNAME, (LPSTR) prbuf);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, "Reading UDP Data ...");bTemp = FALSE;}num_reads++;if (len != SOCKET_ERROR)bytes_read += len;/* Print the statistics gathered */wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%d\n",num_reads);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_WRITE, (LPSTR) prbuf);wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n",bytes_read);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_SENT, (LPSTR) prbuf);time(&last_time);} /* end: while */total_time = timeout;wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n",total_time);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_TIME, (LPSTR) prbuf);ltemp = num_reads/total_time;wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n", ltemp);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_WRITES,(LPSTR) prbuf);ltemp = bytes_read/total_time;wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n", ltemp);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_BYTES, (LPSTR) prbuf);ltemp = 8 * (bytes_read/total_time);wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n", ltemp);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_BITS, (LPSTR) prbuf);if (bytes_read) {SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, "...UDP Listen Done\n");} /* end: if (bytes_read) */. 64 .else {wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf, "Timed out. No data received.\n");SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, prbuf);goto come_here;} /* end: else *//* send reply to 'client' */wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"Replied to %s\n", inet_ntoa(local.sin_addr));SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, prbuf);for (i=0; i<10; ++i) {sprintf(SendBuf, "Rec'd %ld bytes.\n", bytes_read);if(len = sendto(hSock, SendBuf, sizeof(SendBuf), 0,(struct sockaddr FAR *)&local,sizeof(local))){if (len == SOCKET_ERROR) { /* if could not send bec. */if (h_errno == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)continue;wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "sendto()");break;} /* end: if (len == -1) */} /* end: if (len = sendto()) */} /* end for */come_here:return (bytes_read);}/* eof */ tshout.c 清单/** 文件名: TSHOUT.C*/#include "wshout.h"/* MSC Include files: */#include <stdio.h>. 65 .#include <io.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>/* Returns the number of bytes written */long TWriteData(SOCKET hSock, HWND hOurDlg, int send_len){int counter;static int DataBuffer[BUF_SIZE]; /* Buffer to hold generated data */long total_len = 1024L*1024L; /* Total # of bytes to generate */long bytes_sent = 0L; /* Counter of bytes on connection */int tmp = 0; /* holds count for bytes written */long write_count = 0L; /* number of times */time_t start, end; /* variables to hold read timing */long total_time = 0L; /* variable to hold delta t */long ltemp = 0L;extern int run_cancelled;/* What makes shout unique is that it generates data** in memory (as opposed to accessing the disk). ** This tests the 'raw' speed of the TCP connection ** as the rate-limiting access time is eliminated. ** First, generate the data and place it into an ** array, data_buffer: */for (counter = 0; counter < BUF_SIZE; counter++)DataBuffer[counter] = counter;/* Write data on the descriptor like a banshee,* careful to time the writes and count data* transmitted:*/SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, "...Sending TCP Data");time(&start);while ( bytes_sent < total_len) { /* while still bytes to send... */do {;} while (ShoutBlockingHook()); /* Dispatch messages if any */. 66 .if (run_cancelled) {WSASetLastError(WSAEINTR);break; /* Non-blocking mode was cancelled */}tmp = send(hSock, (char FAR*) &DataBuffer, send_len, 0);if (tmp == SOCKET_ERROR) {if (h_errno == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)continue;else {wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "send()");}/* Calc. time elapsed & stats about any data sent */time(&end);/* exit from the while loop */break;} /* end if (tmp == -1) */write_count++; /* incr. counter of times written */bytes_sent += tmp; /* total # of bytes placed on connection*/wsprintf(prbuf,"%ld\n",write_count);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_WRITE, (LPSTR) prbuf);wsprintf(prbuf,"%ld\n",bytes_sent);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_SENT, (LPSTR) prbuf);} /* end while */time(&end);if (total_time = (long) difftime(end, start)) {/* Print the statistics gathered */wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n",total_time);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_TIME, (LPSTR) prbuf);ltemp = write_count/total_time;wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n", ltemp);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_WRITES,(LPSTR) prbuf);ltemp = bytes_sent/total_time;wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n", ltemp);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_BYTES, (LPSTR) prbuf);ltemp = 8 * (bytes_sent/total_time);wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n", ltemp);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_BITS, (LPSTR) prbuf);} /* end if (total_time) *//* All done */SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, "...TCP Shout Done");return bytes_sent;}/* eof */ tlisten.c 清单/** 文件名: TLISTEN.C*/#include "wshout.h"/* MSC Include files: */#include <stdio.h>#include <io.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>/* Returns the number of bytes written */long TReadData(SOCKET hSock, HWND hOurDlg, int read_len){static char ReadBuf[BUF_SIZE];SOCKET hAcceptSock;struct sockaddr_in local; /* Local machine address structure */long total_time = 0L; /* variable to hold delta t */int tmp, len = 0;int num_reads = 0;long bytes_read = 0L;. 68 .long last_time = 0L;long now = 0L;long ltemp;extern long blocking_option;extern int run_cancelled;struct linger AcceptLinger;BOOL running = FALSE;BOOL bTemp = TRUE;SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, "Awaiting the TCP Data ...");SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_HNAME, " ");tmp = sizeof(local);if (!blocking_option) {hAcceptSock = accept(hSock,(struct sockaddr FAR *)&local,(int FAR *)&tmp);}else {for (;;) {do {;} while (ShoutBlockingHook()); /* Dispatch messages if any */if (run_cancelled) {WSASetLastError(WSAEINTR);break; /* Non-blocking mode was cancelled */}hAcceptSock = accept(hSock,(struct sockaddr FAR *)&local,(int FAR *)&tmp);if (hAcceptSock == INVALID_SOCKET) {if (h_errno == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)/* Try again */;else {/* Fatal error -- pop out. */break;}} /* end if ((hAcceptSock = .. */else {. 69 ./* Success -- pop out. */break;}} /* end for */} /* end else */if (hAcceptSock == INVALID_SOCKET) {wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "accept()");return 0;}/* Now, read the data as fast as we can until no more to read */time(&last_time);do {do {;} while (ShoutBlockingHook()); /* Dispatch messages while available */if (run_cancelled) {WSASetLastError(WSAEINTR);break; /* Non-blocking mode was cancelled */}len = recv(hAcceptSock, ReadBuf, read_len, 0);if (len == SOCKET_ERROR) {if (h_errno == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)continue;elsebreak;}else if (len == 0)break;num_reads++;bytes_read += len;wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%d\n",num_reads);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_WRITE, (LPSTR) prbuf);wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n",bytes_read);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_SENT, (LPSTR) prbuf);. 70 .if (bTemp) { /* To update our main display once *//* Do not use wsprintf() or you will add an extra char */_fmemcpy(prbuf, inet_ntoa(local.sin_addr), 4*sizeof(u_long));SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_HNAME, (LPSTR) prbuf);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, "Reading TCP Data ...");bTemp = FALSE;}} while ((len != 0) || (len != SOCKET_ERROR));time (&now);if (len == SOCKET_ERROR) {if ((h_errno == WSAESHUTDOWN) || (h_errno == WSAENOTCONN)) {/* nothing available for read. */wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"Connection from %s closed.\n",inet_ntoa(local.sin_addr));SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, prbuf);}else { /* Other error */wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "recv()");}}else if (len == 0) {/* Other side shut down the connection */wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"Connection from %s closed.\n",inet_ntoa(local.sin_addr));SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, prbuf);}AcceptLinger.l_onoff = 1;AcceptLinger.l_linger = 0;ret = setsockopt(hAcceptSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER,(char FAR *) &AcceptLinger, sizeof(AcceptLinger));if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "setsockopt()");}ret = closesocket(hAcceptSock);if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "closesocket()");}. 71 .total_time = (long) difftime(now, last_time);if (total_time == 0)total_time = 1L; /* Avoid dividing by zero */wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n",total_time);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_TIME, (LPSTR) prbuf);ltemp = num_reads/total_time;wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n", ltemp);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_WRITES,(LPSTR) prbuf);ltemp = bytes_read/total_time;wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n", ltemp);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_BYTES, (LPSTR) prbuf);ltemp = 8 * (bytes_read/total_time);wsprintf((LPSTR)prbuf,"%ld\n", ltemp);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_BITS, (LPSTR) prbuf);if (bytes_read) {SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, "...TCP Listen Done\n");} /* end: if (bytes_read) */return (bytes_read);}/* eof */ errno.c 清单#include <windows.h>#include <winsock.h>/** 文件名: ERRNO.C*//** Function: WSAsperror(). 72 .** Description:** Copies string corresponding to the error code provided* into buf, maximum length len. Returns length actually* copied to buffer, or zero if error code is unknown.* String resources should be present for each error code* using the value of the code as the string ID (except for* error = 0, which is mapped to WSABASEERR to keep it with* the others). The DLL is free to use any string IDs that* are less than WSABASEERR for its own use.**/int PASCAL FAR WSAsperror (HANDLE hInst, /* Instance Handle */int errorcode, /* WSA Error Number */char far * buf, /* Buffer for error string */int len) /* Length of buffer */{int err_len; /* length of error text */if (errorcode == 0) /* If error passed is 0, use the */errorcode = WSABASEERR; /* base resource file number */if (errorcode < WSABASEERR) /* If invalid Error code */return 0; /* return string length of zero *//* error string from the table in the Resource file into buffer */err_len = LoadString(hInst,errorcode,buf,len);return (err_len); /* return length of error string retrieved */} /* end WSAsperror() *//* eof */ resolve.c 清单/** 文件名: RESOLVE.C*/#include "wshout.h"/* MSC Include files: */#include <stdio.h>#include <io.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>SOCKETResolveAndConnectHost(LPSTR lpHostName,HWND hOurDlg,int iproto, int iSockPort){struct hostent FAR *host_ptr; /* Ptr to the host name */struct sockaddr_in dest; /* Addr of target host */SOCKET hSock; /* The socket to create */int iSockType;extern int iTCP;extern int iUDP;/* Internet family addressing */dest.sin_family = PF_INET;if (iproto == iTCP) {iSockType = SOCK_STREAM;}else if (iproto == iUDP) {iSockType = SOCK_DGRAM;}else {return (SOCKET) -1; /* Unknown protocol */}/* default port to connect to. Must be in network byte order */dest.sin_port = htons((u_int) iSockPort);SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT,"Resolving hostname...");/* Resolve the host name */host_ptr = gethostbyname(lpHostName);if (host_ptr == NULL) {wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "gethostbyname()");. 74 .return (SOCKET) -1;}/* Patch host address into struct describing conn: */bcopy(host_ptr->h_addr,&dest.sin_addr,host_ptr->h_length);/* Allocate a network (socket) descriptor: */hSock = socket(PF_INET, iSockType, 0);if (hSock == INVALID_SOCKET) {wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "socket()");return (SOCKET) -1;}/* Start connection process to host described in 'dest' ** struct.*/SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, "Connecting ...");ret=connect(hSock,(struct sockaddr FAR *)&dest,sizeof(dest));if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) {wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "connect()");closesocket(hSock);return (SOCKET) -1;}SetDlgItemText(hOurDlg, IDD_COMMENT, "...Connected");return hSock;}SOCKET GetSocketAndBind(HWND hOurDlg, int iProto, int iSockPort){SOCKET hSock; /* Connection socket descriptor */struct sockaddr_in local; /* Local machine address structure*/int iSockType;extern int iTCP;extern int iUDP;/* Internet family addressing */if (iProto == iTCP) {iSockType = SOCK_STREAM;}. 75 .else {iSockType = SOCK_DGRAM;}memset(&local, '\0', sizeof (local));local.sin_family = PF_INET;local.sin_port = htons((u_short)iSockPort);/* allocate a socket descriptor */hSock = socket(PF_INET, iSockType, 0);if (hSock == INVALID_SOCKET) { /* socket() failed */wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "socket()");return (SOCKET) -1;}/* bind socket to a local addr */ret = bind(hSock, (struct sockaddr FAR *) &local, sizeof(local));if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR){ /* bind() failed */wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "bind()");return (SOCKET) -1;}if (iProto == iUDP)return (hSock);/* If iProto == iTCP, then must listen() and accept() also */ret = listen(hSock, 0); /* listen on the socket */if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR){ /* listen() failed */wshout_err (hOurDlg, WSAGetLastError(), "listen()");return (SOCKET) -1;}return(hSock);}/* eof */