
来源:互联网 发布:java语言编程手机游戏 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 19:58

select d.name
,a.[type_desc]  ,

when a.is_primary_key=1
ALTER TABLE '+quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)+' ADD  CONSTRAINT '+quotename(a.name)+' PRIMARY KEY '+a.[type_desc]+'
select ','+t2.name+' '+(case when t1.is_descending_key=1 then 'DESC' else 'ASC' end) from sys.index_columns t1
 inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id
 and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal>0
  order by t1.index_column_id
for xml path('')

' collate   Chinese_PRC_CI_AI_WS
when a.is_unique=1
ALTER TABLE '+quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)+' ADD  CONSTRAINT '+quotename(a.name)+' UNIQUE '+
select ','+t2.name+' '+(case when t1.is_descending_key=1 then 'DESC' else 'ASC' end) from sys.index_columns t1
 inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id
 and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal>0
  order by t1.index_column_id
for xml path('')


(case when exists
(select 1 from sys.index_columns t1
 inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id
 and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal=0)
 then 'INCLUDE('+
select ','+t2.name from sys.index_columns t1
 inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id
 and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal=0
 order by t1.index_column_id
for xml path('')

else '' end)
 collate   Chinese_PRC_CI_AI_WS
CREATE '+a.[type_desc]+' INDEX '+quotename(a.name)+' ON '+quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)+'
select ','+t2.name+' '+(case when t1.is_descending_key=1 then 'DESC' else 'ASC' end) from sys.index_columns t1
 inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id
 and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal>0
 order by t1.index_column_id
for xml path('')

(case when exists
(select 1 from sys.index_columns t1
 inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id
 and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal=0)
 then 'INCLUDE('+
select ','+t2.name from sys.index_columns t1
 inner join sys.all_columns t2 on t1.object_id=a.object_id and t1.index_id=a.index_id
 and t1.object_id=t2.object_id and t1.column_id=t2.column_id and t1.key_ordinal=0
 order by t1.index_column_id
for xml path('')

else '' end)
 collate   Chinese_PRC_CI_AI_WS
end)     ad,
(CASE WHEN a.is_primary_key=1 or a.is_unique=1
 begin try
 ALTER TABLE '+quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)+' DROP CONSTRAINT '+quotename(a.name)+'
 end try
begin catch
 end catch
 begin try
 if object_id('''+quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)+''') is not null and
 exists(select 1 from sys.indexes
 where name ='''+a.name+''')
 drop  index '+quotename(a.name)+' on '+quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)+'
 end try
begin catch
 end catch
'END) del

,a.* from sys.indexes a
inner join sys.all_objects c on a.object_id=c.object_id and c.type='u'
inner join sys.schemas d on c.schema_id=d.schema_id and a.type_desc in ('CLUSTERED','NONCLUSTERED')
--WHERE exists(select * from [master].[dbo].[UnionALL]
--where quotename(sch)+'.'+quotename(tbl)=quotename(d.name)+'.'+quotename(c.name)
-- and a.keys like '%'+col+'%')

where exists
(select * from sys.all_columns s1
inner join sys.index_columns s2 on s1.object_id=s2.object_id and s1.column_id=s2.column_id and s1.object_id=a.object_id
and exists(select * from [master].[dbo].[UnionALL]  where db=db_name()
and tbl=c.name and sch=d.name and col=s1.name))