
来源:互联网 发布:stat数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 22:54

本文介绍基于jquery 的 自动提示单选组件QuickSelect  ,笔者对该组件进行修改支持dwr的用法。 

1   QuickSelect  :


1.1 数据源:
data: 简单数据源
 <script>    $('#ExampleOne_LocalData').quickselect({      maxItemsToShow:10,      data:["Aberdeen", "Ada", "Adamsville", ["Addyston", "Addyston", 'closed'], "Adelphi", "Adena", "Adrian", "Akron"]}) // truncated data...    </script>  

 <script type="text/javascript">              $(function(){                $('#zip').quickselect({                  ajax:'http://www.test.com/aaa.action',    /* call to url with json formatted array of data */                  match:'substring',                  autoSelectFirst:false,                  mustMatch:true,                  additionalFields:[$('#city'), $('#state')],                  formatItem:function(data, index, total){return data[0]+", "+data[1]+" "+data[2]}                });              });            </script>


1.2 返回数据结构

下拉提示框 的数据源格式 使用 json 格式

1.2.1 描述与提交的值一致的


1.2.1 描述与提交的值不一致的


1.3  对 quickselect的扩展



<script type="text/javascript">$(function(){ $("#input").quickselect({ maxItemsToShow:10,  finderFunctionStr:'jsfunction',  jsfunction:function(q,callback){  var ognl="daoHelper.queryForList(\"SELECT HOSTNAME label,HOSTNASID VALUE  FROM t_cfg_host1_info where HOSTNAME like '%"+q+"%'\")";  //var ognl="service.query("+q+")";  ctx.eval(ognl,callback);  /*  service.query(q,calback);  */  /*   $.post("demo_ajax_gethint.asp",{suggest:q},callback);  */  }      });      });   </script>

finderFunctionStr:查询数据源的的方法 值可以是 data(简单数据源),ajax( ajax数据源),jsfunction(对外部javascript支持,此接口比较灵活,可以用于ajax,dwr的扩展)
q :输入框值
callback: jsfunction的回调函数

ctx,service 是dwr中定义的服务 。

2 源码解读

2.1  组件构成

$input_element :输入框

$result_list :下拉选择提示

$results_mask:遮罩层 ,当输入变化进行查询的时候,等待时出现的层

2.2 组件查询过程解析

当用户输入,监听输入框的keyup事件 ,并与上次的输入的字符进行对比,如果发生变法,则确认为一个change事件

组件监听change事件,通过 finder找出查询数据源的方法,并调用该方法。

方法返回后,数据结构如1.2 所描述,然后更新$result_list 对象,弹出该对象 


2.2.1 finder 

QuickSelect.finders = {      data : function( q,callback){        callback(this.options.data);      },      ajax  : function( q,callback){        var url = this.options.ajax + "?q=" + encodeURI(q);          for(var i in this.options.ajaxParams){            if(this.options.ajaxParams.hasOwnProperty(i)){                url += "&" + i + "=" + encodeURI(this.options.ajaxParams[i]);              }          }        $.getJSON(url, callback);      },            dwrexpression:function( ognl,callback){          ctx.eval(ognl,callback);          //alert("daoHelper.queryForList(\"SELECT HOSTNAME label, HOSTNASID value  FROM t_cfg_host1_info where HOSTNAME like '%"+ognl+"%'\")");      },      jsfunction:function(q,callback){                     this.options.jsfunction(q,callback);          //ctx.eval(ognl,callback);          //alert("daoHelper.queryForList(\"SELECT HOSTNAME label, HOSTNASID value  FROM t_cfg_host1_info where HOSTNAME like '%"+ognl+"%'\")");      }          };  
  if(options.finderFunctionStr==='dwrexpression'){           options.finderFunction = QuickSelect.finders[options.finderFunctionStr];      }else if(options.finderFunctionStr==='jsfunction'){          options.finderFunction = QuickSelect.finders[options.finderFunctionStr];                 }else{           options.finderFunction = options.finderFunction || QuickSelect.finders[!options.data ? 'ajax': 'data'];          // console.log(options.finderFunction);            if(options.finderFunction==='data' || options.finderFunction==='ajax'  ) options.finderFunction = QuickSelect.finders[options.finderFunction];          // console.log(options.finderFunction);          // matchMethod: (quicksilver | contains | startsWith | <custom>). Defaults to 'quicksilver' if quicksilver.js is loaded / 'contains' otherwise.        }  
如果有ajax 或者data属性,
options.finderFunction = QuickSelect.finders[options.finderFunction]

如果options.finderFunctionStr==='jsfunction' 则 使用 jsfunction
finders是定义数据源查找的js方法 。

2.2.2 matcher



// Credit to Anders Retteras for adding functionality preventing onblur event to fire on text input when clicking on scrollbars in MSIE / Opera.// Minified version created at http://jsutility.pjoneil.net/ by running Obfuscation with all options unchecked, and then Compact.// Packed version created at http://jsutility.pjoneil.net/ by running Compress on the Minified version.//update by zhu_min726@126.com ,add the support of the method for javascript and dwr  function object(obj){  var s = function(){};  s.prototype = obj;  return new s();}var QuickSelect;(function($){  // The job of the QuickSelect object is to encapsulate all the state of a select control and manipulate the DOM and interface events.  QuickSelect = function( $input_element, options){    var self = this;           $input_element = $($input_element);    $input_element.attr('autocomplete', 'off');    self.options = options;    // Save the state of the control      // AllItems: hash of "index" -> [items], where index is the query that retrieves or filters the results.      // clickedLI: just a state variable for IE scrollbars.      self.AllItems = {};      var clickedLI = false,          activeSelection = -1,          hasFocus = false,          last_keyCode,          previous_value,          timeout,          ie_stupidity = false,          $results_list,          $results_mask;      if(/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)){ //test for MSIE x.x;        if(Number(RegExp.$1) <= 7) ie_stupidity=true;      }    // Create the list DOM            $results_list = $('<div class="'+options.resultsClass+'" style="display:block;position:absolute;z-index:9999;"></div>').hide();      // Supposedly if we position an iframe behind the results list, before we position the results list, it will hide select elements in IE.      $results_mask = $('<iframe />');      $results_mask.css({border:'none',position:'absolute'});    if(options.width>0){      $results_list.css("width", options.width);      $results_mask.css("width", options.width);    }    $('body').append($results_list);    $results_list.hide(); // in case for some reason it didn't hide before appending it?      if(ie_stupidity) $('body').append($results_mask);    // Set up all of the methods      self.getLabel = function(item){        return item['label']||item['LABEL']||item.label || (typeof(item)==='string' ? item : item[0]) || ''; // hash:item.label; string:item; array:item[0]      };      var getValues = function(item){        return item['value']||item['VALUE']||item.values || (item.value ? [item.value] : (typeof(item)==='string' ? [item] : item)) || []; // hash:item.values || item.value; string:item; array:item[1..end]      };     var moveSelect = function(step_or_li){    var lis = $('li', $results_list);    if(!lis) return;       if(typeof(step_or_li)==="number") activeSelection = activeSelection + step_or_li;       else activeSelection = lis.index(step_or_li);    if(activeSelection < 0) activeSelection = 0;    else if(activeSelection >= lis.size()) activeSelection = lis.size() - 1;    lis.removeClass(options.selectedClass);    $(lis[activeSelection]).addClass(options.selectedClass);        if(options.autoFill && self.last_keyCode != 8){ // autoFill value, if option is set and the last user key pressed wasn't backspace          // 1. Fill in the value (keep the case the user has typed)      $input_element.val(previous_value + $(lis[activeSelection]).text().substring(previous_value.length));      // 2. SELECT the portion of the value not typed by the user (so the next character will erase if they continue typing)            var sel_start = previous_value.length,                sel_end = $input_element.val().length,                field = $input_element.get(0);          if(field.createTextRange){          var selRange = field.createTextRange();          selRange.collapse(true);          selRange.moveStart("character", sel_start);          selRange.moveEnd("character", sel_end);          selRange.select();          } else if(field.setSelectionRange){          field.setSelectionRange(sel_start, sel_end);          } else if(field.selectionStart){        field.selectionStart = sel_start;        field.selectionEnd = sel_end;        }          field.focus();      }    };      var hideResultsNow = function(){        if(timeout){clearTimeout(timeout);}    $input_element.removeClass(options.loadingClass);    if($results_list.is(":visible")) $results_list.hide();    if($results_mask.is(":visible")) $results_mask.hide();    activeSelection = -1;      };      self.selectItem = function(li, from_hide_now_function){    if(!li){    li = document.createElement("li");    li.item = '';    }        var label = self.getLabel(li.item),        values = getValues(li.item);    $input_element.lastSelected = label;    $input_element.val(label); // Set the visible value    previous_value = label;    $results_list.empty(); // clear the results list        $(options.additionalFields).each(function(i,input){$(input).val(values[i+1]);}); // set the additional fields' values        if(!from_hide_now_function)hideResultsNow(); // hide the results when something is selected    if(options.onItemSelect)setTimeout(function(){ options.onItemSelect(li); }, 1); // run the user callback, if set    return true;      };      var selectCurrent = function(){        var li = $("li."+options.selectedClass, $results_list).get(0);    if(li){    return self.selectItem(li);    } else {          // No current selection - blank the fields if options.exactMatch and current value isn't valid.          if(options.exactMatch){            $input_element.val('');            $(options.additionalFields).each(function(i,input){$(input).val('');});          }          return false;    }      };      var repopulate_items = function(items){        // Clear the results to begin:        $results_list.empty();        // If the field no longer has focus or if there are no matches, forget it. //alert(hasFocus+"--"+items);        //!hasFocus ||    if(  items === null || items.length === 0) return hideResultsNow();   //  alert(hasFocus);      var ul = document.createElement("ul"),          total_count = items.length,        // hover functions            hf = function(){ moveSelect(this); },            bf = function(){},            cf = function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); self.selectItem(this); };    $results_list.append(ul);      // limited results to a max number      if(options.maxVisibleItems > 0 && options.maxVisibleItems < total_count) total_count = options.maxVisibleItems;        // Add each item:        for(var i=0; i<total_count; i++){          var item = items[i],          li = document.createElement("li");          $results_list.append(li);    $(li).text(options.formatItem ? options.formatItem(item, i, total_count) : self.getLabel(item));          // Save the extra values (if any) to the li    li.item = item;          // Set the class name, if specified    if(item.className) li.className = item.className;      ul.appendChild(li);      $(li).hover(hf, bf).click(cf);        }        // Lastly, remove the loading class.        $input_element.removeClass(options.loadingClass);        return true;      };      var itemList;      var repopulate = function(q,callback){      var ognl;      if(options.finderFunctionStr==='dwrexpression'){      ognl=options.dwrognl.replace('{value}',q);        }else{         ognl=q;         }      queryLabel=q;        options.finderFunction.apply(self,[ognl,function(data){        itemList=data;        repopulate_items(options.matchMethod.apply(self,[q,data]));          callback();        }]);      };            var repopulate2 = function(q, callback){      repopulate_items(options.matchMethod.apply(self,[q,itemList]));      callback();      };      var show_results = function(){      // pos: get the position of the input field before showing the results_list (in case the DOM is shifted)      // iWidth: either use the specified width, or autocalculate based on form element      var pos = $input_element.offset(),          iWidth = (options.width > 0 ? options.width : $input_element.width()),            $lis = $('li', $results_list);      // reposition      $results_list.css({      width: parseInt(iWidth,10) + "px",      top: pos.top + $input_element.height() + 5 + "px",      left: pos.left + "px"      });      if(ie_stupidity){$results_mask.css({      width: parseInt(iWidth,10) - 2 + "px",      top: pos.top + $input_element.height() + 6 + "px",      left: pos.left + 1 + "px",      height: $results_list.height() - 2+'px'      }).show();}      $results_list.show();        // Option autoSelectFirst, and Option selectSingleMatch (activate the first item if only item)        if(options.autoSelectFirst || (options.selectSingleMatch && $lis.length == 1)) moveSelect($lis.get(0));      };      var onChange = function(){    // ignore if non-consequence key is pressed (such as shift, ctrl, alt, escape, caps, pg up/down, home, end, arrows)      if(itemList==null){      return ;      }     // alert("change");           if(last_keyCode >= 9 && last_keyCode <= 45){return;}        // compare with previous value / store new previous value    var q = $input_element.val();    if(q == previous_value) return;    previous_value = q;        // if enough characters have been typed, load/populate the list with whatever matches and show the results list.    if(q.length >= options.minChars){    $input_element.addClass(options.loadingClass);          // Populate the list, then show the list.               repopulate2( q,show_results);              } else { // if too short, hide the list.      if(q.length === 0 && (options.onBlank ? options.onBlank() : true)) // onBlank callback        $(options.additionalFields).each(function(i,input){input.value='';});    $input_element.removeClass(options.loadingClass);    $results_list.hide();    $results_mask.hide();    }      };      var queryLabel;      var onQuery = function(){      //查询事件      var q = $input_element.val();         previous_value=q;  $input_element.addClass(options.loadingClass);     if(itemList==null){  repopulate(q,show_results);  //alert("repopulate");  }else{  if(q.indexOf(queryLabel)>-1){  repopulate2(q,show_results);  }else{  repopulate(q,show_results);  }    //alert("repopulate2");  }      };    // Set up the interface events      // Mark that actual item was clicked if clicked item was NOT a DIV, so the focus doesn't leave the items.      $results_list.mousedown(function(e){if(e.srcElement)clickedLI=e.srcElement.tagName!='DIV';});           $input_element.keyup(function(e){               last_keyCode = e.keyCode;//        if(e.keyCode==13){//        //        }                switch(e.keyCode){          case 38: // Up arrow - select prev item in the drop-down            e.preventDefault();            moveSelect(-1);            break;          case 40: // Down arrow - select next item in the drop-down            e.preventDefault();            if(!$results_list.is(":visible")){              show_results();              moveSelect(0);!$results_list.is(":visible")            }else{moveSelect(1);}            break;          case 13: // Enter/Return - select item and stay in field         // alert($results_list.css('display'));        /**var q = $input_element.val();        if(q != previous_value) {      onQuery();            }else if($results_list.is(":visible")){      e.preventDefault();                $input_element.select();                var li = $("li."+options.selectedClass, $results_list).get(0);        self.selectItem(li);                $results_list.hide();      }               */          e.preventDefault();              $input_element.select();              var li = $("li."+options.selectedClass, $results_list).get(0);      self.selectItem(li);              $results_list.hide();            break;          case 9:  // Tab - select the currently selected, let the onblur happen            // selectCurrent();            break;          case 27: // Esc - deselect any active selection, hide the drop-down but stay in the field            // Reset the active selection IF must be exactMatch and is not an exact match.            if(activeSelection > -1 && options.exactMatch && $input_element.val()!=$($('li', $results_list).get(activeSelection)).text()){activeSelection = -1;}        $('li', $results_list).removeClass(options.selectedClass);           hideResultsNow();            e.preventDefault();            break;          default:          var q = $input_element.val();            if(q != previous_value) {    onQuery();        }else if($results_list.is(":visible")){    e.preventDefault();              $input_element.select();              var li = $("li."+options.selectedClass, $results_list).get(0);      self.selectItem(li);              $results_list.hide();    }                      //alert(q);            /**if(timeout){clearTimeout(timeout);}            timeout = setTimeout(onChange, options.delay);*/          /*if(itemList!=null&& $results_list.is(":visible")){                       repopulate2(q,show_results);          }*/            break;        }       }).focus(function(){    // track whether the field has focus, we shouldn't process any results if the field no longer has focus    hasFocus = true;    }).blur(function(e){        if(activeSelection>-1){selectCurrent();}    hasFocus = false;    if(timeout){clearTimeout(timeout);}    timeout = setTimeout(function(){      hideResultsNow();          // Select null element, IF options.exactMatch and there is no selection.          // !! CLEARS THE FIELD IF YOU BLUR AFTER CHOOSING THE ITEM AND RESULTS ARE ALREADY CLOSED!          if(options.exactMatch && $input_element.val() != $input_element.lastSelected){self.selectItem(null,true);}    }, 200);    });   };  QuickSelect.matchers = {    quicksilver : function(q,data){var match_query, match_label, self=this;      match_query = (self.options.matchCase ? q : q.toLowerCase());self.AllItems[match_query] = [];      for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){        match_label = (self.options.matchCase ? self.getLabel(data[i]) : self.getLabel(data[i]).toLowerCase());        // Filter by match/no-match        if(match_label.score(match_query)>0){self.AllItems[match_query].push(data[i]);}}      // Sort by match relevancereturn self.AllItems[match_query].sort(function(a,b){        // Normalize a & b        a = (self.options.matchCase ? self.getLabel(a) : self.getLabel(a).toLowerCase());        b = (self.options.matchCase ? self.getLabel(b) : self.getLabel(b).toLowerCase());        // Score a & b      a = a.score(match_query);        b = b.score(match_query);        // Compare a & b by score        return(a > b ? -1 : (b > a ? 1 : 0));      });    },    contains : function(q,data){var match_query, match_label, self=this;      match_query = (self.options.matchCase ? q : q.toLowerCase());      self.AllItems[match_query] = [];      for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){        match_label = (self.options.matchCase ? self.getLabel(data[i]) : self.getLabel(data[i]).toLowerCase());        if(match_label.indexOf(match_query)>-1){self.AllItems[match_query].push(data[i]);}      }return self.AllItems[match_query].sort(function(a,b){        // Normalize a & b        a = (self.options.matchCase ? self.getLabel(a) : self.getLabel(a).toLowerCase());        b = (self.options.matchCase ? self.getLabel(b) : self.getLabel(b).toLowerCase());        // Get proximities        var a_proximity = a.indexOf(match_query);        var b_proximity = b.indexOf(match_query);        // Compare a & b by match proximity to beginning of label, secondly alphabetically        return(a_proximity > b_proximity ? -1 : (a_proximity < b_proximity ? 1 : (a > b ? -1 : (b > a ? 1 : 0))));      });    },    startsWith : function(q,data){var match_query, match_label, self=this;      match_query = (self.options.matchCase ? q : q.toLowerCase());      self.AllItems[match_query] = [];      for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){        match_label = (self.options.matchCase ? self.getLabel(data[i]) : self.getLabel(data[i]).toLowerCase());        if(match_label.indexOf(match_query)===0){self.AllItems[match_query].push(data[i]);}      }return self.AllItems[match_query].sort(function(a,b){        // Normalize a & b        a = (self.options.matchCase ? self.getLabel(a) : self.getLabel(a).toLowerCase());        b = (self.options.matchCase ? self.getLabel(b) : self.getLabel(b).toLowerCase());        // Compare a & b alphabetically        return(a > b ? -1 : (b > a ? 1 : 0));      });    }  };  QuickSelect.finders = {    data : function( q,callback){      callback(this.options.data);    },    ajax  : function( q,callback){      var url = this.options.ajax + "?q=" + encodeURI(q);    for(var i in this.options.ajaxParams){      if(this.options.ajaxParams.hasOwnProperty(i)){      url += "&" + i + "=" + encodeURI(this.options.ajaxParams[i]);    }    }      $.getJSON(url, callback);    },        dwrexpression:function( ognl,callback){    ctx.eval(ognl,callback);    //alert("daoHelper.queryForList(\"SELECT HOSTNAME label, HOSTNASID value  FROM t_cfg_host1_info where HOSTNAME like '%"+ognl+"%'\")");    },    jsfunction:function(q,callback){         this.options.jsfunction(q,callback);    //ctx.eval(ognl,callback);    //alert("daoHelper.queryForList(\"SELECT HOSTNAME label, HOSTNASID value  FROM t_cfg_host1_info where HOSTNAME like '%"+ognl+"%'\")");    }      };  $.fn.quickselect = function(options, data){    if(options == 'instance' && $(this).data('quickselect')) return $(this).data('quickselect');    // Prepare options and set defaults.  options = options || {};  options.data          = (typeof(options.data) === "object" && options.data.constructor == Array) ? options.data : undefined;  options.ajaxParams    = options.ajaxParams || {};  options.delay         = options.delay || 400;  if(!options.delay) options.delay = (!options.ajax ? 400 : 10);  options.minChars      = options.minChars || 1;  options.cssFlavor     = options.cssFlavor || 'quickselect';  options.inputClass    = options.inputClass || options.cssFlavor+"_input";  options.loadingClass  = options.loadingClass || options.cssFlavor+"_loading";  options.resultsClass  = options.resultsClass || options.cssFlavor+"_results";  options.selectedClass = options.selectedClass || options.cssFlavor+"_selected";// wrap entire thing: .ui-widget// default item:      .ui-state-default// active / hover:    .ui-state-hover    // finderFunction: (data | ajax | <custom>)  if(options.finderFunctionStr==='dwrexpression'){   options.finderFunction = QuickSelect.finders[options.finderFunctionStr];  }else if(options.finderFunctionStr==='jsfunction'){  options.finderFunction = QuickSelect.finders[options.finderFunctionStr];     }else{   options.finderFunction = options.finderFunction || QuickSelect.finders[!options.data ? 'ajax': 'data'];      // console.log(options.finderFunction);        if(options.finderFunction==='data' || options.finderFunction==='ajax'  ) options.finderFunction = QuickSelect.finders[options.finderFunction];      // console.log(options.finderFunction);      // matchMethod: (quicksilver | contains | startsWith | <custom>). Defaults to 'quicksilver' if quicksilver.js is loaded / 'contains' otherwise.  }       options.matchMethod   = options.matchMethod || QuickSelect.matchers[(typeof(''.score) === 'function' && 'l'.score('l') == 1 ? 'quicksilver' : 'contains')];      if(options.matchMethod==='quicksilver' || options.matchMethod==='contains' || options.matchMethod==='startsWith') options.matchMethod = QuickSelect.matchers[options.matchMethod];  if(options.matchCase === undefined) options.matchCase = false;  if(options.exactMatch === undefined) options.exactMatch = false;  if(options.autoSelectFirst === undefined) options.autoSelectFirst = true;  if(options.selectSingleMatch === undefined) options.selectSingleMatch = true;  if(options.additionalFields === undefined) options.additionalFields = $('nothing');  options.maxVisibleItems = options.maxVisibleItems || -1;  if(options.autoFill === undefined || options.matchMethod != 'startsWith'){options.autoFill = false;} // if you're not using the startsWith match, it really doesn't help to autoFill.  options.width         = parseInt(options.width, 10) || 0;        // Make quickselects.  return this.each(function(){  var input = this,          my_options = object(options);      if(input.tagName == 'INPUT'){        // Text input: ready for QuickSelect-ing!      var qs = new QuickSelect( input, my_options);             $(input).data('quickselect', qs);  } else if(input.tagName == 'SELECT'){        // Select input: transform into Text input, then make QuickSelect.      my_options.delay = my_options.delay || 10; // for selects, we know we're not doing ajax, so we might as well speed up        my_options.finderFunction = 'data';        // Record the html stuff from the select        var name = input.name,            id = input.id,            className = input.className,            accesskey = $(input).attr('accesskey'),            tabindex = $(input).attr('tabindex'),            selected_option = $("option:selected", input).get(0);        // Collect the data from the select/options, remove them and create an input box instead.    my_options.data = [];    $('option', input).each(function(i,option){      my_options.data.push({label : $(option).text(), values : [option.value, option.value], className : option.className});    });        // Create the text input and hidden input        var text_input = $("<input type='text' class='"+className+"' id='"+id+"_quickselect' accesskey='"+accesskey+"' tabindex='"+tabindex+"' />");        if(selected_option){text_input.val($(selected_option).text());}        var hidden_input = $("<input type='hidden' id='"+id+"' name='"+input.name+"' />");        if(selected_option){hidden_input.val(selected_option.value);}        // From a select, we need to work off two values, from the label and value of the select options.        // Record the first (label) in the text input, the second (value) in the hidden input.        my_options.additionalFields = hidden_input;                // Replace the select with a quickselect text_input      $(input).after(text_input).after(hidden_input).remove(); // add text input, hidden input, remove select.        // console.log(my_options);      text_input.quickselect(my_options); // make the text input into a QuickSelect.      }    });  };})(jQuery);